Chapter 1711 Overwhelming the sixth order of the gods!

The blood poison boss was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

He didn’t expect it.

The quasi-world god of his own dignified sixth-order deity will one day be driven to such a panic by a third-order hairy boy.

Facing Jiang Chen’s continuous and powerful offensive.

The blood poison boss didn’t have any chance to breathe at all, and could only fight against Jiang Chen one trick after another.


The two blasted more than ten moves in succession.

After the blood poison boss consumed a lot of power, he finally could no longer support the evolved world of the gods.

Only a bang was heard.

The world of the blood poison boss crashed in mid-air!

With the collapse of the blood poison old monster, the world of the gods, Jiang Chen could not only rely on the tree of life, but also absorb the energy of the heavens and the earth to supplement the consumption, and the speed of the world’s power recovery in his body became faster.

“Haha… old thing, even if you are a sixth-order god, I still can’t kill it!”

Jiang Chen arrogantly laughed out loud, and directly brought a terrifying force that swept across the world, and went straight to kill the blood poison boss.

Facing Jiang Chen, who was more powerful than before, the blood poison old monster’s complexion changed drastically.

He had to urge the little strength in his body to resist Jiang Chen’s attack with all his strength.


One goes down and the other goes up.

The blood poison boss could hardly resist Jiang Chen’s undiminished offensive at this moment, and was soon completely suppressed by Jiang Chen, and was at an absolute disadvantage.

“This guy… even defeated the blood poison boss?”

Looking at the battle between the two Jiang Chen, Long Jianxin also failed to recover from the horror for a while.

He originally thought.

Jiang Chen is trapped in the world of the blood poisonous boss, the situation will be very bad.

But I didn’t expect that Jiang Chen not only was not affected by the world of the blood poison old monster, but he broke out after deliberately silent for a period of time, and the blood poison old monster was defeated!

To know.

This blood poison old monster is a quasi-world god powerhouse of the sixth-order deity, and his strength is not inferior to him.

But such a strong man of the sixth rank of the gods was actually suppressed by Jiang Chen!

Because of Pang Qingyuan.

Since Jiang Chen first entered Earth Dragon City, Long Jianxin has been paying close attention to Jiang Chen.

He had witnessed how Jiang Chenshi grew up step by step.

In just ten years or so.

Jiang Chen went from a Maotou boy to the ruins realm to become a powerhouse of the third rank of the gods, and his combat power is almost comparable to the powerhouses of the sixth rank of the gods!

Rao is that Long Jianxin has always been very optimistic about Jiang Chen, but he still didn’t expect Jiang Chen to grow to this point so quickly.

“Hehe… this guy really didn’t disappoint me.”

Gu Long Venerable looked at the situation below, and a faint smile appeared on his face at the same time.

The ancient supreme divine body not only has unparalleled talent in the world, but also has great luck.

Now that Jiang Chen is a member of the ancient dragon tribe, their ancient dragon tribe will naturally be affected by Jiang Chen’s luck.

Blood Moon Venerable wants to destroy the Gulong tribe and Jiang Chen, how easy is it to say?


Gulong Venerable thought they could hardly defend Panlong Fortress this time.

He had already planned to follow the original plan, and retreat from the battle, abandon the Panlong Fortress and even the entire Eastern Region, and wait for Pang Qingyuan to break through the world god Venerable.

Who knew that Jiang Chen’s breakthrough came, and instantly slaughtered more than a dozen Celestial God Realms in the Blood Moon Realm, shocking the audience!

Even the blood poison boss of the sixth-order Tianshen shot himself, but was beaten with no temper by Jiang Chen.

With the existence of Jiang Chen.

It may not be an easy task for the Blood Moon Realm to break through the Panlong Fortress.

“This son… even the sixth-order Tianshen can’t be suppressed anymore.”

Seeing that the blood poison boss has been defeated steadily under Jiang Chen’s offensive, Blood Moon Venerable’s heart was frightened, and his expression became more and more gloomy.

The growth rate of this kid in front of him is really terrifying.

Two years ago.

Although this kid’s combat power is strong, it is only better than Xueyin, about the level of the fourth-order god of heaven.

And the past two years have passed.

Even the blood poison boss, the sixth-order quasi-world god of the heavenly gods, couldn’t help him.

If he can’t be killed today, I’m afraid he won’t really have any chance in the future.

“Gulong, you Gulong tribe are really lucky to be able to give birth to such a peerless genius.”

Blood Moon Venerable stared at the ancient dragon Venerable in front of him, his expression extremely gloomy.

The ancient supreme divine body, this has already become a legendary existence in God’s Domain.

Even in the super realm in the center of God’s Domain, those high-ranking god king forces can hardly give birth to the ancient supreme divine body.

Blood Moon Venerable really can’t understand.

Why did the ancient dragon world give birth to such a heaven-defying existence?

Last time.

He led the Blood Moon Realm to attack the ancient dragon realm in a big way, and he was about to break through the ancient dragon clan’s defense line, but because of Jiang Chen’s sudden rise, he finally came back down.

This time.

He attacked Panlong Fortress with all his strength, but once again because of Jiang Chen’s appearance, the situation was instantly reversed.

Blood Moon Venerable never thought of it anyway.

A mere little boy, turned out to be his biggest obstacle to attacking the blood moon world!

“You are right, my ancient dragons are indeed very lucky.”

Gu Long Venerable nodded, and then stared at Blood Moon Venerable with a smile: “But… you Blood Moon Realm, I’m afraid you are not so lucky.”

“Humph! Gu Long, don’t be happy too early.”

Blood Moon Venerable coldly snorted: “This battle is not over yet, do you really think you are sure to win?”

Gu Long Venerable said indifferently: “Oh? In that case, the deity has to see, what else do you have.”

“You will know soon.”

Bloody Moon Venerable’s eyes flashed with blood, and there was also a strange smile on his face.


Just as the words of Blood Moon Venerable fell, the center of Panlong Fortress suddenly heard a loud bang, which made the whole tremble suddenly.


Everyone was horrified to discover that the defensive formation that originally enveloped Panlong Fortress, at this moment, disappeared without a trace in the sky above Panlong Fortress with a terrifying swiftness.

“Oops! There is an inner ghost in Panlong Fortress, which broke the defense formation of Panlong Fortress!”

Gulong Venerable looked at the changes in Panlong Fortress, his expression also changed drastically.


In the formation of Panlong Fortress, only a few Elders of the ancient dragon clan knew how to crack it in the entire ancient dragon world.

Gulong Venerable really couldn’t understand, who betrayed the Gulong clan and secretly assisted the blood moon world to break the formation of Panlong Fortress.

There is no formation guardian of Panlong Fortress.

It would not be easy for the Ancient Dragon Realm to defend Panlong Fortress.

“Wh…what’s the matter?”

Seeing that the formation of Panlong Fortress was suddenly broken from the inside, Long Jianxin was frightened, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

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