Chapter 1708 Hard to shake the sixth order of the gods!

“Blood Moon, don’t worry about it in vain. With the deity, you can’t hurt Jiang Chen’s hair.”

The bloody moon Venerable’s shocking killing intent erupted from his body, and Gu Long Venerable naturally felt it for the first time.

He smiled faintly, his eyes firmly locked on the Blood Moon Venerable.

Once Blood Moon Venerable has any changes, he will attack Blood Moon Venerable without hesitation.


Gulong Venerable couldn’t help but marvel at the same time when he locked the blood moon Venerable.

Although he had expected that Jiang Chen might give him another unexpected surprise this time, he did not expect Jiang Chen to break through again.

As far as he knows.

For the past two years, Jiang Chen has been staying in the Pill Refining Ascension pill refining technique.

But even so.

Jiang Chen’s Martial Dao Cultivation Base is still breakthrough from the second stage of the gods to the third stage of the gods!

The ancient supreme divine body is indeed a monster that cannot be described by common sense.

With Jiang Chen’s current combat power, an ordinary Tier 4 powerhouse could almost kill with a single move.

As long as the Blood Moon Venerable didn’t have a chance to make a move, the Blood Moon Realm might really not win Jiang Chen as if it had no chance.

“Humph! Gu Long, don’t be happy too early!”

Blood Moon Venerable coldly snorted with a gloomy expression: “Huh! Even if the deity doesn’t make a move, he will still die today!”

After speaking, the cold voice of Blood Moon Venerable spread directly across the Void Thousand Miles.

“Everyone in the blood moon world obeyed the order and killed Jiang Chen at all costs. If anyone can kill Jiang Chen, the deity can promise him any condition!”

With the order of Blood Moon Venerable came down.

The gazes of the many gods in the Blood Moon Realm were all looking towards Jiang Chen.

“Everyone shot together and killed him!”

After a while, someone finally couldn’t help it.

A Tier 3 Elder of the Blood Moon Palace Heavenly God directly commanded a dozen or so Heavenly God Realm powerhouses beside him to kill Jiang Chen.

“An ant-like existence, dare to attack me?”

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, Baili Xukong and the figure of the ten or so Heavenly God Realm powerhouses suddenly solidified.

The next moment…

I saw Jiang Chen’s fingers twitched ten times in the void.


Lines of invisible Sword Qi only penetrated time and space, appeared in front of this group of powerhouses in the Heavenly God Realm, and then penetrated their divine bodies from the center of their eyebrows.

Bang bang bang…

I only heard a burst of explosions, and the heads of a dozen or so gods in the heavens exploded in an instant. The whole person turned into a headless corpse, and even the soul was completely annihilated by a Sword Qi.

One move, slaughter ten strong heavenly gods!

Looking at this scene, there are many Blood Moon Rank Heavenly Gods who are ready to attack Jiang Chen, all with a look of horror, and they don’t dare to approach Jiang Chen for half a step.

The combat power of this kid in front of him is really terrifying.

In front of him below Tier 4, there is nothing wrong with ants!

“Dare you kid!”

Just when everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them, a violent voice suddenly resounded through the world.


I saw a thin old man wearing a purple and gold gown, directly with a monstrous breath, pressing against Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s eyes condensed, and the breath of his whole body burst to the limit instantly, colliding with the breath of the old man.


The terrifying wave of destruction, centered on the confrontation between the two, quickly spread in the sky.

Under the impact of the terrifying air wave, Jiang Chen’s figure trembled slightly, and his whole body was retreated more than ten steps in the void.

He looked up at the thin old man in front of him, with a solemn expression in his eyes.

The sixth order of the gods!

The thin old man in front of him was obviously a quasi-world god powerhouse who mastered the power of the six realms and had an impact on the realm of the realm of God!

“Jiang Chen, be careful, this old guy is a blood poison boss who is one of the two great guardians of the Blood Moon Palace, a super strong Cultivation Base that has reached the sixth rank of the Celestial God.”

At this moment, Long Jianxin’s somewhat anxious voice came over.

With one enemy and two enemies, he could only rely on the defense of the Panlong Fortress in front of him to contain the two rank six powerhouses of the Blood Moon Palace.

Now that the blood poisonous old monster shot Jiang Chen, he couldn’t stop it at all.

Now everything can only depend on Jiang Chen.

If Jiang Chen can block the blood poison boss, they can stabilize the situation and use the Dragon Fortress to block the attack of the blood moon world.

If Jiang Chen loses, they might be really dangerous this time.

“Jiang Chen, before the Lord said that you would become the biggest threat to the Blood Moon Realm, I still don’t believe it, but now I have to believe it.”

“Today, you are destined to die!”

The blood poison boss stared at Jiang Chen indifferently, as if looking at a dead person: “With the third-tier Cultivation Base of the Celestial God, you are proud to be able to force this guardian to solve you by yourself!”

“Haha… solve me?”

“Even if you are the sixth-order deity, what can you do? Today, I, Jiang Chen, want to see the power of the sixth-order deity!”

Jiang Chen laughed, and a golden sword phantom that was brilliant to the extreme was out of thin air behind his back, as if to pierce the universe through the void.

that moment.

On this side of the world, it seemed that there was only the golden sword phantom that was enough to cut through the sun and the moon.

“Divine body vision, cut!”

Jiang Chen controlled the Golden Sword Phantom, and the whole person was united with the Golden Sword Phantom Man’s Sword, turning into a golden sword light that penetrated through the world, and slashed at the blood poison old monster.


When Jiang Chen cut out with this sword.

Where Sword Ray passed, the surrounding sky was exploded, and the endless golden Sword Qi overflowed, and even the sun’s rays were completely concealed by this sword.

Everyone looked up, and saw that the space around the blood poison boss fell into chaos, and only a Sword Ray pierced the sun and the moon and shattered the sky!

“A good divine vision, if your Cultivation Base is one or two Realm higher, the guardian may still be afraid of three points, but now it is a bit close.”

Venerable Blood Poison stared at Jiang Chen’s sword indifferently, his body unmoved.

Until the golden Sword Ray appeared less than a hundred feet away from his body, a bloody mist suddenly surged from his body.

In an instant…

The golden Sword Ray is like a water droplet encountering a flame, instantly evaporating without a trace under the bloody mist.

“This old guy…it’s no wonder that he is called the blood poison boss, and his best is Poison Dao!”

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly.

The sword he issued with the full strength of the divine body vision can almost easily kill the fourth-order strong man of the gods, but it was so easily resolved by the old guy in front of him.

Heavenly God’s sixth-order powerhouse, as expected, is already close to the existence of the world god Venerable, it is really extraordinary.

The blood poison old monster easily shattered Jiang Chen’s piece, staring at Jiang Chen coldly, and his indifferent voice resounded directly through the world.

“The mayfly shakes the tree and doesn’t know what to do.”

“Next, let’s see the world of the gods of this protector.”

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