Chapter 1707 One move to kill the blood!

“You can try!”

Gu Long Venerable was expressionless, his expression almost unchanged.

More than two years ago.

When Jiang Chen first entered the second-order of the gods, his combat power was already comparable to the powerhouses of the fourth-order of the gods.

The entire Blood Moon Realm could pose a threat to Jiang Chen, only two or three people.

not to mention……

With Jiang Chen’s talent, he has entered the Gulong clan in less than ten years, and he has broken through from the ruins of the ruins to the second stage of the gods. How can there be no progress in the past two years?

Gulong Venerable even has a hunch.

This time, Jiang Chen might create an impossible miracle again.

“Jiang Chen!”

Just when Gu Long Venerable was thinking, there was a sudden burst of anger in the air.


I saw a blood-clothed youth with a cold expression in the blood moon realm’s camp, rushing out directly at Jiang Chen.

This blood-clothed youth is exactly Blood Moon Venerable’s chief disciple, Xue Yin!

He stared at Jiang Chen with stern eyes, and his whole body was filled with cold killing intent: “Jiang Chen, there is a way to heaven, you don’t go, but The Underworld has no way, but you break in. Today, I will kill you!”

“The subordinates are only defeated, and dare to speak up here!”

Jiang Chen sneered with disdain: “You couldn’t kill me two years ago, and now you are even less qualified!”

“court death!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words that didn’t put him in his eyes, the killing intent in Xueyin’s eyes was even more serious.

I saw him slammed out the scarlet long sword behind him, turning it into a terrifying scarlet sword light and slashed towards Jiang Chen.

In the bloody sword light, there was even more terrifying light of thunder and destruction.

Since losing to Jiang Chen two years ago, Xue Yin has been cultivating like crazy for almost two years.

Today, his Cultivation Base has moved from the early stage of the third-tier Celestial God to the middle stage of the third-tier Celestial God, and his strength is even stronger than it was two years ago.


The main reason why he was defeated by Jiang Chen two years ago was that he looked down on Jiang Chen too much at the beginning and didn’t try his best.

But he didn’t expect Jiang Chen not only to be extremely powerful in combat, but also very physical, with a terrifying resilience that was several times stronger than that of ordinary people.

That battle.

He was almost defeated by Jiang Chen exhausted, and he was really aggrieved to lose.

Face Jiang Chen again this time.

Naturally, Xue Yin would not have the slightest hesitation, and directly exploded the power of the third-order Celestial God to the extreme, and wanted to defeat Jiang Chen with the momentum of thunder!

Jiang Chen was expressionless, just stretched out his hand to lightly shook the bloody sword light that was hacked on the face.

The next moment.

The bloody sword light suddenly solidified in mid-air, and then it exploded from inch to inch without warning.

“How… how is it possible?”

Seeing this scene, Xue Yin’s pupils suddenly shrank.

Two years ago, he made a full blow, and Jiang Chen still needed to use 100% of his strength to deal with it, but now he has resisted this strike with an understatement!

“Xueyin, have not seen you for two years, do you only have this ability.”

“Two years ago, you could still make me look straight. Now you are not even qualified to be my opponent!”

“Come and not be indecent, you can also pick me up.”

Jiang Chen chuckled faintly, and immediately stepped out.


On the palm of his hand, there was a bright seven-color light.

Jiang Chen was in the seven-color light, and his whole person was like a group of seven-color flames that exuded a hot breath.

The terrifying seven-color energy was also intertwined with Jiang Chen’s palm.


Jiang Chen pressed down with a palm, causing a violent tremor in the void within a hundred miles.


In the void, a giant flame palm exuding seven colors of divine light was suddenly suppressed.

“No! This kid has already made a breakthrough in the third rank of the gods!”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s full blow, Xue Yin’s expression finally changed drastically.

In the battle two years ago, he witnessed Jiang Chen’s condensed kendo world power and thunder world power.


However, Jiang Chen even displayed the power of the Fire Dao world, apparently breaking through the third stage of the Celestial God.

This guy uses the power of the three worlds, and then integrates the palm of the other four Martial Dao origins. How terrifying is the power?

This palm is like the ancient god king who holds the flames.

With one blow, the mountains and rivers faded, the Sun Moon Star collapsed, and the universe chaos was burned into nothingness.

“God world, open it to me!”

Xue Yin strongly suppressed the horror in his heart, and his mouth also issued a shocking roar, and the world of the gods evolved by the power of the three ways was also condensed in his body in an instant.


Jiang Chen is now breaking through the third tier of the Celestial God, and his combat power is more than ten times stronger than that of two years.

With a full blow, how could Xue Yin now be able to resist it?

I saw the world of the bloody gods, which had been burned into ashes after only holding on under the giant palm of the seven-color flame for less than a few breaths.

After the giant palm of the seven-color flame burned the blood moon’s world of the gods, it fell directly and unimpeded against the bloody yin.

Xueyin had no time to react, and the whole person was already in the seven-colored flames.


A screaming scream instantly resounded across the sky.

I saw Xueyin’s body and the soul, all quickly disappeared without a trace in the seven-colored flames!

that moment.

The battlefield that stretched for thousands of miles outside the Panlong Fortress was in a deadly silence.

Whether it is Dragon Jianxin and others in Panlong Fortress, or the blood-moon realm powerhouse who is aggressively attacking Panlong Fortress, it has been difficult for a long time to recover.

one move!

With just one move, he easily killed Blood Moon Venerable’s chief disciple, Xue Yin!

To know.

Xue Yin is a well-known genius in the blood moon world, a terrifying existence with combat power comparable to the fourth-order deity.

This kind of existence, even if the bloody moon venerable and all the gods of the ancient dragon world are strong, the strength is enough to rank in the top ten existence!

But such a strong man was killed by Jiang Chen with a single move!

This… how is this possible?

“Unexpectedly, in just two years, this kid has grown a lot, and he has already broken through the third stage of the gods!”

On the void.

Blood Moon Venerable looked at the situation below, and his complexion instantly became extremely gloomy.

Jiang Chen possesses the legendary supreme divine body, and his growth rate is really terrifying.

To know.

Most of the powers of the gods in the gods realm want to break through to a level in the gods, at least it takes tens of thousands of years to accumulate.

But Jiang Chen made his breakthrough from the second stage of the gods to the third stage of the gods in just two years.

Such an Ascension speed is too terrifying.

Go on like this.

If Jiang Chen was given another ten years, wouldn’t he be able to become a quasi-world god of the sixth-order Celestial God, or even directly break through the world god Venerable?

“This son… Never stay!”

The killing intent in Venerable’s eyes surged.

Today, regardless of the outcome of this battle, Jiang Chen must die!

No matter how much the price paid, he will definitely kill this kid completely!

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