Chapter 1706 The war broke out!

“Gu Long, Venerable, long time no see, don’t come here unharmed.”

When Gu Long Venerable was talking to Dragon Jianxin, the coldly voice of Blood Moon Venerable also instantly echoed over the Panlong Fortress.

“Blood Moon, this time you came very quickly.”

Gu Long Venerable stared at Blood Moon Venerable faintly, his expression extremely calm.

Blood Moon Venerable sneered: “The deity said it last time. It won’t be long before I will make a comeback again.”

“What if you make a comeback?”

Gu Long Venerable smiled faintly: “Last time you didn’t get any advantage in my Gulong world, this time it is the same.”


“In order to break through your ancient dragon world this time, this deity has gathered hundreds of heavenly powers from the gods. But how much power is there at this moment in your ancient dragon world?”

“What about Pang Qingyuan, in such a big battle, why didn’t he, the sixth-order quasi-world god of the heavenly god, show up?”

Bloody Moon Venerable’s eyes couldn’t help but pass a joking look: “If I guess right, Pang Qingyuan might not be able to get out of the ancient dragon world at this moment, right?”

Lu Xingyu of Ziyun Gate comes from under Ziyun Venerable’s school, and his combat power is only stronger than his chief disciple Xue Yin.

The entire ancient dragon world.

I am afraid that only two quasi-world gods of the sixth order of the gods have the ability to suppress them.

Now Pang Qingyuan did not appear here, most of them went to the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm to deal with Lu Xingyu.

In Lu Xingyu’s hands, there was still Ziyun Venerable’s decree of the world god.

Once Lu Xingyu urged the decrees of the world god, even Pang Qingyuan of the quasi world god would have to peel off even if he did not die.

In the Blood Moon Realm and the Ancient Dragon Realm, there were originally two powerhouses of the sixth rank of the gods.

Now Lu Xingyu has solved one, Blood Moon Venerable really wants to know how the ancient dragon world can block his attack.

Gu Long Venerable heard the jokes of Blood Moon Venerable, but did not speak.


In his bright golden eyes, there was an imperceptible smile.

The blood moon Venerable in front of him, it is impossible to know at this moment that the affairs of the northern region of the ancient dragon world have been easily suppressed by Jiang Chen.

But Pang Qingyuan in the mouth of Bloody Moon Venerable, but in the ancient dragon clan Closed Door Training breakthrough realm god.

Since the Blood Moon Venerable mistakenly thought that Pang Qingyuan was sent to the northern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm by him, the Ancient Dragon Venerable would naturally not be broken at this time.

Seeing that Gu Long Venerable was silent, Blood Moon Venerable believed his own guess even more.

He didn’t hesitate anymore at the moment, and his cold stern shouted directly in this piece of heaven and earth.

“Everyone, kill with the deity, break the Panlong fortress, and level the ancient dragon world, just today!”


The bloody moon Venerable screamed down, and directly led hundreds of Heavenly God Realm powerhouses behind him to explode almost at the same time, and slew towards Panlong Fortress.

The golden light exploded in Gulong Venerable’s eyes, and he stepped out directly, blocking the bloody moon Venerable’s front.

The two confronted each other with a thousand feet of space, and the terrifying aura of the world god Venerable also instantly diffused from the two of them.

Just blink of an eye.

There was a vacuum in the area of ​​tens of miles around the two of them.

“Gu Long, don’t you plan to do it yet?”

Blood Moon Venerable smiled coldly: “In this round, the deity will not lose to you again.”

“That’s not necessarily!”

Gu Long Venerable said indifferently: “I still said that. It is too early to say victory or defeat now.”

“Okay! I want to see how you can beat me in this round.”

The Blood Moon Venerable stood with his hand in his hand, just locked on the Gulong Venerable tightly, and had no intention of doing anything.

In the ancient dragon world, the ancient dragon Venerable can use the heart of the world, and the strength can get a large Ascension.

If he fights hard with Gulong Venerable, he can hardly take any advantage.

Now he only needs to stare at the ancient dragon Venerable, with the current strength of the ancient dragon world, it is impossible to stop the attack of the blood moon world.

Breaking through the Panlong Fortress and devouring part of the ancient dragon world.

By the time.

His power will be enhanced, but the power of the ancient dragon Venerable will gradually weaken.

Under the circumstances, he has to clean up the ancient dragon Venerable again, which will undoubtedly become much easier.

And when the ancient dragon Venerable and the Blood Moon Venerable were facing the void, hundreds of Blood Moon Gods also slew outside the Panglong Fortress.

Dragon Jianxin was also the strong man of the Heavenly God Realm who led the Panlong Fortress, resisting with all his might.

It’s just that there are only more than fifty Heavenly God Realm powerhouses gathered in Panlong Fortress, which is almost half less than that of Blood Moon Realm.

Even with the powerful defense of Panlong Fortress, it was very difficult to deal with.

Especially Long Jianxin was directly facing the attack of two powerhouses in the blood moon world of Tier VI.

It only took less than a moment.

Long Jianxin’s complexion has become a little pale, obviously under the attack of two Heavenly God’s sixth-order powerhouses, it is a little overwhelming.

“Hey… Gu Long, the deity said, this time you can’t stop me.”

Seeing the scene below, a confident smile appeared in the eyes of the Blood Moon Venerable: “At most half a day, my Blood Moon Realm will be able to break through this dragon fortress and sweep the eastern region of the Ancient Dragon Realm.”

Gu Long Venerable looked indifferent, but he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

The Blood Moon Venerable came fiercely this time, and it was still prepared. Under the rush of their Ancient Dragon Realm, it was indeed difficult to defend the Panlong Fortress.

In the current state of the ancient dragon world.

If it is forced to keep on, it will definitely pay a heavy price.

It seems that he can only fight and retreat, abandon the Panlong Fortress and even the entire Eastern Region to delay time.

Gulong Venerable took a deep breath. Just as he was about to order a retreat, a black figure burst out of Panlong Fortress.

at the same time.

A hearty laughter resounded vigorously throughout the world.

“Haha… the last time I supported Tianpeng Kingdom, I missed a great battle. How can I miss Jiang Chen in this battle?”

The mighty laughter resounded, resounding like a billowing thunder.

Looking at the black-clothed youth who suddenly burst out, not only the hundreds of gods in the blood moon world were stunned for a moment, but even the blood moon Venerable above, their eyes locked on Jiang Chen in vain.

“This kid… is the culprit who killed several Heavenly God Realms in the Blood Moon Realm last time and made me retreat.”

Bloody Moon Venerable’s eyes could not help but burst into a sudden burst of cold light.

Gu Long stared coldly at Blood Moon Venerable: “Blood Moon, this deity knows what you want to do. But with me, you won’t have this chance.”

“Haha…If he doesn’t appear today, he might still survive for a few days. Since he showed up on his own initiative, he will undoubtedly die today.”

The corner of Blood Moon Venerable’s mouth couldn’t help but lifted up a cold smile: “Even if the deity doesn’t make a move, do you have a chance to leave today?”

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