Chapter 1685 Ancient Remnants!

Pill Hall, mission hall.

An old man with extraordinary bearing in red slowly walked in from outside the door of the mission hall.

The old man in red is no one else, it is Elder Huo Yuanhong, who is also a fifth rank alchemist!

More than a year ago.

Huo Yuanhong came to the mission hall to personally understand the situation of Jiang Chen and Sikongxing’s pill skill duel.

When he learned that Jiang Chen had completely killed Si Kongxing in seconds by virtue of Hunyuan Yiqi Method and Pill Dividing Technique, his heart was shocked to the extreme.

Even though he had known that Jiang Chen was extremely likely to be born with a pill, he still did not expect Jiang Chen to be such a evil spirit.

He even has a feeling.

Jiang Chen may have the ability to solve some ancient pill recipe mysteries for them!

It is precisely because of this.

Since this time, Huo Yuanhong has no idea how many times this is the mission hall.


Since the last duel with Sikongxing.

Jiang Chen was in the Closed Door Training pill refining in the pill refining room of the mission hall. Huo Yuanhong didn’t bother him either. He just visited the mission hall every once in a while and waited for Jiang Chen to leave.

This waited almost two years.

“Fire Elder, you are here.”

The middle-aged God Alchemist who was in charge of the task looked at Huo Yuanhong and couldn’t help but salute respectfully.

Huo Yuanhong nodded, and asked, “Is that kid not out yet?”

“No, it’s still in the pill refining room on the 16th.”

The middle-aged alchemist shook his head with a wry smile.

Huo Yuanhong frowned slightly: “How many mission materials did he receive? Why haven’t they come out for almost two years?”

“The task materials he received are indeed a bit much…”

As the middle-aged alchemist said, he directly reported the materials that Jiang Chen had received to Huo Yuanhong.


Hearing Jiang Chen’s comprehension of the task materials, Huo Yuanhong couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

He finally understood why the kid hadn’t come out of the pill refining chamber after practicing Closed Door Training for almost two years.

One thousand copies of the material of the first rank Fengxing Shendan!

The second rank Zihuo Tianyuan Pill contains three thousand materials!

The third rank Fire Soul Jade Pill contains five thousand materials!

The number of materials for the three Medicine Pills is added up to nine thousand copies, and most of them are second-rank and third-rank materials.

So many Medicine Pills.

Even if he, the Celestial God-level alchemist, came to refine it, it would be difficult to complete the refinement without a period of two or three years.

As the Dandian Elder.

Huo Yuanhong has seen many crazy pill refining geniuses, but he has never seen anyone so crazy.

Receive nearly 10,000 Medicine Pill materials at once!

This f*ck is too ridiculous.

Huo Yuanhong shook his head.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, waiting for half a year to come back, a black-clothed youth who made him a little familiar suddenly walked out of the mission hall.

“Boy, you can finally give it up.”

Looking at the black-clothed youth who came out of it, Huo Yuanhong’s old eyes couldn’t help but reveal a look of joy.

Jiang Chen looked at Huo Yuanhong in the hall, and couldn’t help but stunned slightly: “Old Huo, why are you here?”

“Naturally, I came here specifically for you.”

Huo Yuanhong smiled and said: “During the period of your Closed Door Training pill refining, the old man, I have been here no less than three times.”

“Please wait a moment for Mr. Huo. After I have settled the mission, I will talk to you in detail.”

Jiang Chen said, and then he went directly to the middle-aged divine alchemist and began to make quests.

very quickly.

Five hundred Fengxing Shen Dan, 1,500 Purple Fire Heavenly Yuan Pills, and 2,500 Fire Soul Jade Pills were all taken out by Jiang Chen.

“You…you have all done it?”

Looking at the three piles of Medicine Pill in front of him, the corners of the middle-aged god alchemist’s mouth trembled, and the whole person was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out.

Jiang Chen naturally said: “Of course it’s finished, it took me almost two years.”


The middle-aged God Alchemist’s mouth twitched, and he didn’t know what to say.

“Little guy, you Medicine Pill, aren’t you all refined with pill-sharing magic?”

Huo Yuanhong returned to his senses and couldn’t help but asked with horror on his face.

In less than two years, these Medicine Pills were refined. Even with his fifth rank pill refining technique, it is impossible to do it.


This guy can always use methods such as the Divine Alchemy Technique, only then can he save a lot of time and refine it in such a short time.

But with pill refining, how can it be possible to maintain such a high rate of pill refining?


Jiang Chen faintly smiled and said, “For me, whether it is the Hunyuan Yiqi Method or the Divine Alchemy Technique, there is actually not much difference between the pill formation rate of conventional refining.”


When Huo Yuanhong heard this, they were speechless for a long time.

Hunyuan Yiqi method and pill refining, the rate of pill refining is not much different from that of regular pill refining!

This… This is too heaven-defying.


When he thought that Jiang Chen might be the legendary natural pill, Huo Yuanhong was also relieved very quickly.

The natural pill body, which was originally on Alchemy, has an extraordinary advantage.

This guy’s pill refining can have such a terrifying rate of pill refining, I am afraid that a large part of the reason is because of the natural pill body.

“Huo Lao, I don’t know what is going on when you came to see me?”

After making the mission, Jiang Chen raised his head and looked at Huo Yuanhong, with a curious look on his face.

Huo Yuanhong groaned slightly: “I’m looking for you, but I actually want you to help Insight Pill Hall’s few ancient remnants.”


Huo Yuanhong was also a little worried. Although Jiang Chen was born with a pill body, his knowledge on Alchemy was weak, and the ancient remnants of the Insight Heavenly God level were too difficult.

Now it seems.

Jiang Chen has at least reached the third rank or above, and he is not far from the fourth-rank Celestial alchemist.

With his Alchemy attainments, coupled with the horror talent of the natural pill, he might really be able to compare those volumes of ancient remnants insight into one or two.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: “Ancient remnant prescription?”

“Yes, there are several volumes of incomplete ancient pill recipes in the Dandian. These volumes of pill recipes are invaluable, and they all contribute to the existence of Ascension Martial Dao.”

“If you can insight into these ancient remnants, you will definitely be able to bring the strength of the ancient dragon tribe to a higher level.”

Huo Yuanhong took a deep breath and said, “You are born with pill refining. In some aspects of Alchemy, you are born far better than the ordinary pill refining teacher, so I want you to try Insight ancient refining recipe.”

Can Ascension Martial Dao’s original pill recipe?

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up slightly.

He has just broken through the fourth rank of the gods, and can only be regarded as the lowest rank of the gods.

The Medicine Pill of Ascension Martial Dao’s origin is not inferior in Celestial Pill.


There is no pill recipe in Jiang Chen’s mind that can be the origin of Ascension Martial Dao.

Since the Pill Hall has such ancient remnants, if he can find out insight, this will undoubtedly speed up his grasp of Martial Dao’s origin.

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