Chapter 1686 The Declining Pill Palace

The third floor of the Dandian.

This is the core area of ​​the Pill Hall, and it is also a forbidden area in the Pill Hall. Generally, only Elder of the Pill Hall is qualified to enter it.

The third floor of the Dandian is extremely vast, with a full radius of hundreds of miles, like an independent world.

Here, with the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the smell of Spiritual Qi, it is like a blessed place in the heavens.

Not long.

Huo Yuanhong took Jiang Chen to the Great Hall in the center of the third floor, which was a hundred meters high.

This is the Great Hall, the core of the third floor of the Danyuan Hall, the Danyuan Hall.

“Huo Elder, I’m sorry, the deputy hall master is discussing matters with several Elders in the Danyuan Hall, and other people are forbidden to enter.”

At this moment, the two guards at the Great Hall gate directly stopped Jiang Chen and the others.

Huo Yuanhong frowned slightly, and snorted coldly, “I am Elder in the alchemy hall, when did I become a miscellaneous person in this alchemy hall?”

“Fire Elder is naturally qualified to enter the Great Hall.”

One of the guards smiled slightly, and immediately glanced at Jiang Chen beside Huo Yuanhong: “But…according to the rules, even if the Dandian Elder is not allowed, he cannot bring other disciples into the Danyuan Hall at will.”

“Ben Elder brought him to the Pill Yuan Palace, because of his ulterior motives.”

Huo Yuanhong’s expression was cold: “I will give the Deputy Palace Master a satisfactory explanation on this matter, let me go!”

Hearing what Huo Yuanhong said, the guard’s complexion couldn’t help changing slightly.

He was about to speak, but the other person pulled him without a trace, stopped him, and then made a way for the two of Huo Yuanhong.

“Since Elder is willing to bear it, how dare we both stop you? Fire Elder, please.”

Huo Yuanhong nodded, and then walked directly into the Great Hall with Jiang Chen.

“What are you preventing me from doing? Elder is also not allowed to take people into the Pill Yuan Palace without authorization. We just let them in. If the Deputy Palace Master blames it, you and I will not be able to eat.”

Seeing Jiang Chen entering the Great Hall, the guard who spoke to stop him couldn’t help but said anxiously.

“This fire Elder has always been very hot-tempered. Do you think he really wants to take people in. Can we stop it?”

The other guard shook his head with a wry smile.

If they really want to stop Huo Yuanhong, I am afraid that they will die very ugly if they don’t need the deputy hall master to ask the crime.


Although Huo Yuanhong has a fiery temper, he is very good.

Since Huo Yuanhong said that he had to bear it, he would definitely not involve them. This is also the reason why he was willing to give way to Huo Yuanhong.


Hearing this, the guard who wanted to stop Huo Yuanhong couldn’t help sighing slightly.

“This errand for the guard of the Danyuan Hall is getting worse and worse now.”

He shook his head, and then said with a curious look: “Who is the kid that Elder brought in? How come I have never seen it before?”

To know.

Pill Hall disciples are not qualified to enter and leave the Pill Yuan Hall at will.

Even the most top talented disciple of the Pill Hall needs to be recognized by the many Elders in the Pill Hall in order to be eligible to enter the Pill Yuan Hall, and there are still conditions.

If it is said that it is the supreme genius of the Dandian, this is still reasonable.

But the person Huo Yuanhong brought was obviously not any Dandian genius they knew well.

“Pill Yuan Hall is the core area of ​​Pill Hall. Although Huo Elder has a grumpy temper, he will not take a disciple into the Dan Yuan Hall at will.”

“Some time ago, it was said that there was a mysterious genius in Dandian, and even Sikongxing was defeated.”

“If I’m right, the one brought by Huo Elder is probably the mysterious genius.”

The other guard’s eyes flashed, and then slowly said.

“It turned out to be him!”

Hearing the words of his companion, the guard who spoke first was also taken aback.

No wonder Huo Yuanhong brought an unfamiliar disciple to the Danyuan Palace, who turned out to be the mysterious genius who defeated Sikongxing!

Such a genius.

Even if Huo Yuanhong didn’t bring him this time, I’m afraid he would be able to get the qualifications to enter the Pill Yuan Palace.

“Old Huo, since the deputy hall master of the Pill Hall is discussing with several Pill Hall Elders, isn’t it good for us to break in like this?”

Jiang Chen followed Huo Yuanhong into the door of Danyuan Hall and couldn’t help but whispered.

“It’s okay.”

“Wang Xuanfeng’s old guys summoned everyone, nothing more than the few scrolls of Insight.”

“If some of their old guys could get Insight out, I’m afraid Insight will get out long ago, how could it wait until now.”

Huo Yuanhong smiled slightly and said, “I’m bringing you here this time, but I’m here to help them.”

“Are those ancient remnants difficult? There should be a lot of Celestial God-level alchemists above the fourth rank of the Pill Hall, and it will not be possible that Insight will not come out all the time, right?”

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

The average Celestial-level alchemist has a deep understanding of the pill recipe of Celestial-level Medicine Pill.

not to mention……

There are still many Celestial-level alchemists in the alchemy hall.

Even if they are disabled in ancient times, as long as they have enough time, they should be able to slowly gain insights.

“In today’s alchemy hall, although there are a lot of heavenly god-level alchemists above the fourth rank, there are no god-rank or seventh-rank alchemists at all.”

“And those ancient remnants are at least 7-Rank Divine Pill, how can it be so easy to find out insight?”

Huo Yuanhong shook his head and gave a wry smile.

“This… how is this possible?”

When Jiang Chen heard Huo Yuanhong’s words, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

To know.

The Dandian was established by the realm god power of the ancient dragon tribe.

Jiang Chen originally thought.

Even if there were no tenth-ranked alchemists of the gods in the alchemy hall, at least there should be a top tenth-ranked alchemists of the gods.

But he didn’t expect it.

In the alchemy hall, there is not even a 7th-Rank Celestial Alchemist!

“The current Pill Palace is indeed in decline.”

Huo Yuanhong sighed and said: “Today, the most accomplished alchemy in the alchemy hall is the deputy head of the alchemy hall, Wang Xuanfeng, who is a sixth-rank Celestial Alchemist.”

Jiang Chen looked puzzled and said: “Where is the Lord of the Dandian?”

“Hallmaster, his elder, is indeed a ninth-ranked god-level alchemist with the highest level of heavenly god.”

“It’s just that a long time ago, he left the alchemy hall, seeking an opportunity to make a breakthrough alchemy, and never came back.”

“After the hall master left, several high-grade Celestial God-level alchemists fell on the remains of the ancient sacred dragon in the alchemy hall. This created the decline of the alchemy hall.”

“These few volumes of remnants were actually obtained from the ancient sacred dragon ruins.”

Huo Yuanhong slowly explained.

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment: “There will also be people in the Pill Hall going to the ancient sacred dragon ruins?”

“In the past, every time the ancient sacred dragon relic was opened, there would be two places in the pill hall.”

Huo Yuanhong sighed helplessly: “It’s just that in the past few thousand years, the Dandian is really a little weak in succession, and no one has been sent into the ancient holy dragon relics.”

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