Chapter 1684 God rank fourth rank, Celestial God level alchemist!

Shenlongcheng Dandian.

The grade of every alchemist needs to go through rigorous assessment.

Alchemists of the sixth rank and below, because of the faster Ascension, can apply for assessment at any time without any restrictions.

Alchemists of all ranks above Rank 7 are presided over by Elder of the Alchemy Hall, and they only have one chance to be evaluated every year.

If it fails, you will need to wait until the second year before you can take the assessment again.

As for the divine alchemy masters above the first rank, they need to be evaluated once every three years.

Today is the day when the alchemy hall is assessed by the mortal rank nine-tier alchemist once a year.

Alchemy Hall, Alchemy Division.

The two Elders in charge of the assessment of alchemists were Huo Yuanhong and Fang Ye who were in charge of the assessment of the eighth rank alchemists at the beginning. Both of them were located on the Great Hall of the assessment early.

In front of them, there were more than twenty young people sitting in jeopardy, quietly waiting for the start of the assessment.

“Did the kid not come?”

The red-clothed old man Huo Yuanhong glanced slightly in the Great Hall, somewhat disappointed.

No surprises.

The kid in Huo Yuanhong’s mouth refers to Jiang Chen who shined in the eighth stage alchemy appraisal a month ago.

He always felt.

With Jiang Chen’s ability, it is not difficult to become a ninth rank alchemist.

This time, he didn’t see Jiang Chen during the evaluation of the Fan-Rank Ninth Rank Alchemist, and he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.

“Hehe… old guy, you are a bit behind with this news.”

The black-clothed old man Fang Ye shook his head and laughed, “With that guy’s ability, the assessment of the 9th-rank alchemist of the Fan rank is nothing more than pediatrics for him.”

Huo Yuanhong was taken aback for a moment: “Old ghost Fang, what do you mean by that?”

“Not long ago, there was a sensational news from the mission Great Hall. A mysterious Dandian disciple had a match with Sikongxing and then defeated Sikongxing.”

Fang Ye said slowly.

Huo Yuanhong’s eyes flashed, and his expression was shocked: “You mean, is that the person who defeated Sikongxing, is it Jiang Chen?”

“Sikongxing’s talent and Alchemy’s accomplishments, you and I should be very clear. Among the younger generation of Dandian disciples, only those who can defeat him are the only ones who can defeat him.”

Fang Ye gave a wry smile: “Apart from that kid, I really can’t think of who this mysterious Pill Hall disciple can be?”

“That kid, it’s really not a normal body to hide.”

Hearing Fang Ye’s words, Huo Yuanhong couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

Sikongxing is the first-rank genius pill refining division.

If that kid can defeat Sikongxing, he may at least reach the peak of the first rank of the gods, and maybe even the second rank of breakthrough gods.

Shook his head.

Huo Yuanhong no longer hesitated and directly announced the start of the assessment.

After the assessment is over, he will go to the Great Hall to find out in person, and see how the kid defeated Sikongxing!

Mission Great Hall, pill refining room on the 16th.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on the stone platform in the center of the secret room, methodically refining the fire spirit pill.

“Ding! You have successfully refined the first rank fire spirit god pill, and pill refining has gained 1000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined the first rank fire spirit god pill, and pill refining has gained 1000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined the first rank fire spirit god pill, and pill refining has gained 1000000*100 experience!”


As the god-level Medicine Pill, the Fire Spirit Pill is naturally more time-consuming and labor-intensive than the Fan-level Medicine Pill.

It takes more than an hour for Jiang Chen to refine a furnace of Medicine Pill.

At the end of a day, Jiang Chen could at most refine ten fire spirit pill.

Even with the Purple Extreme Pill technique and one furnace of Three Pills, Jiang Chen could only refine 30 fire spirits in a day.


The cost of refining the fire spirit god pill is more than several times larger than that of refining the emperor yuan pill.

Even though Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base reached the second level of the Celestial God, he understood the origin of life and still had treasures such as the God of Life Tree on his body, which still made up for the huge consumption.


Every day Jiang Chen refines Medicine Pill, he almost spends one or two hours adjusting his breath to restore himself to his peak state.

It took Jiang Chen a whole month to complete the refining of the 800 parts of the Fire Spirit God Pill.


After breaking through the first rank, Jiang Chen’s pill refining technique has undoubtedly slowed down a lot.

The huge experience gained from refining 800 Fire Spirit Pills did not allow Jiang Chen to break through to the second level of the divine product.

With 800 materials, Jiang Chen refined a total of 794 Medicine Pills.

Jiang Chen left four hundred Medicine Pills for the mission, and the remaining 394 were all eaten as beans by Jiang Chen.

Although the Fire Spirit God Pill is only the first rank of God, it can also be regarded as a power that contributes to the cultivation of Fire Dao.

Although he now understands the origin of the fire road, a fire spirit god pill has not increased his experience of the fire road origin much, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

Hundreds of Fire Spirit God Pills were eaten, still letting him ascension of the origin of Fire Dao.


After Jiang Chen made the quest of the Fire Spirit Pill in the quest Great Hall, in order to avoid the trouble of running back and forth, he directly received a large amount of quest materials at once.


One thousand copies of the material of the first rank Fengxing Shendan!

The second rank Zihuo Tianyuan Pill contains three thousand materials!

The third rank Fire Soul Jade Pill contains five thousand materials!

After receiving these materials, Jiang Chen almost returned to the pill refining room on the 16th under the dull gaze of the middle-aged god alchemist.

This time.

Jiang Chen received so many pill refining materials, obviously he wanted to make a big effort and directly break through the fourth rank!

Go back to the pill refining room.

Jiang Chen once again turned on the crazy pill refining mode.

One month later.

After refining 800 first-rank Fengxing Shen Pills, Jiang Chen finally succeeded in the breakthrough second-rank pill refining master.

Over the next five months.

After Jiang Chen refined the Fengxing Shen Dan, he refined more than 2,700 Purple Fire Heavenly Yuan Dan, and he was successfully promoted to the third rank pill refining division.

After breakthrough God level third rank.

Jiang Chen still didn’t stop, and continued to pill refining crazily.

“Ding! You have successfully refined a third rank fire soul jade pill, and you have gained 5000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined a third rank fire soul jade pill, and you have gained 5000000*100 experience with pill refining!”

“Ding! You have successfully refined a third rank fire soul jade pill, and you have gained 5000000*100 experience with pill refining!”


It took a whole year and three months.

When Jiang Chen refined the fourth thousand nine hundred and thirty-fifth Fire Soul Jasper Pill, a system of pleasant reminders finally rang in his mind.

“Ding! You successfully promoted to the fourth rank pill refining division!”

After a year and ten months of crazy pill refining, Jiang Chen was finally promoted to the fourth rank, becoming a real god-level alchemist!

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