Chapter 1661 World God’s Hair!

“Too…too strong!”

Seeing this scene, Tianpeng Shenhuang and the others were all dumbfounded, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Although they also know.

With Jiang Chen’s terrifying talent and background, Breakthrough Heavenly God’s second-order combat power must be very powerful, but he still didn’t expect to be so powerful.

With just two Cultivation Technique visions, they easily defeated the alliance of the five great heavens and gods of the Blood Moon Realm.

Three of the heavenly gods were at the first order, and they were instantly bombarded with nothingness.

Even Tu Yuan and the other two retreated in embarrassment, blood was gushing, bones were broken, and the internal organs were cracked, leaving only half their lives.

“Aren’t you dead…”

Jiang Chen stared at Tu Yuan with indifferent eyes, the power of the two worlds intertwined in mid-air instantly, evolving into a world of heavenly gods with the twinkling of Thunder Sword Ray.

Looking at Jiang Chen, who shot again, Tu Yuan’s pupils suddenly shrank.

With a move of his palm, a scarlet hair exuding terrifying energy emerged directly from his palm.

“Jiang Chen, you wait for me, today’s matter, this son is never finished with you!”

Tu Yuan roared grimly, and immediately spurred the scarlet hair.

In an instant…

Above the blood-colored hair, a burst of bright blood burst out suddenly. The blood glow instantly penetrated Jiang Chen’s heavenly world and the void space, and disappeared in front of Jiang Chen with Tu Yuan.


Although Tu Yuan escaped with the help of blood-colored hair, You Tiankui, who was in the world of Jiang Chen Heavenly God, was not so lucky.

He once again forced out a drop of Blood Essence, wanting to replay the old tricks, and flee away.

But today’s Jiang Chen is no longer what he used to be, how could he give Tu Yuan a chance to use the blood escape secret technique?

He thought.

Numerous phantoms of the divine sword flashed from the thunder, overflowing from the void of the world of the gods.

You Tiankui had been severely injured by Jiang Chen’s double Cultivation Technique vision before, and his strength was not one. How can he resist the power of Jiang Chen’s world?

Just blink of an eye.

Thunder Jianying strangled You Tiankui’s body and the surrounding void into nothingness.

“Unexpectedly, the Sixth Young Master of the Blood Moon Palace still had such a hole card, so he would run away.”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

The scarlet hair that Tu Yuan used just now, he vaguely sensed a trace of the power of the world god from above, it was obviously the means of the world god Venerable, and he could not stop it at all.

“That is the hair of the world god, containing the power of the world god Venerable, it can instantly transmit the person who has the hair of the world god back to the side of the world god Venerable.”

“Unless the world god Venerable makes a move, it is difficult for ordinary people to keep it.”

“But… this guy has been beaten by you for only half his life. I’m afraid it will be difficult to recover without three or five years, but it’s not a concern.”

Jin Qiuyang stepped forward and explained with a smile.

When he was speaking, there was an unconcealable surprise in his eyes.

The relationship between Jinqiuyang and Pang Qingyuan has always been very close.

It can be said.

He can have today’s position in the Gulong tribe, thanks to the cultivation of Pang Qingyuan.

Jinqiuyang has always respected Pang Qingyuan.

It is precisely because of this.

Since Pang Qingyuan brought Jiang Chen to the Gulong clan, Jinqiuyang has been paying close attention.

From the original Tianlong trial, to the tenth arrogant of Tianlong City, to the creation of history, he became the first person in Tianlong City for eternity.

But Pang Qingyuan still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chenneng has grown to this point in less than ten years.

Ignore the Heavenly Dao law and go straight to the second order of the gods!

Three gods of the first order, one god of the second order, plus a genius comparable to the second order of the gods!

In this way, the five blood moon world gods joined forces and were still easily suppressed by Jiang Chen.

Such a fierce record, even if you look at the entire Gulong clan, there are probably only a handful of people who can do it.

“It seems that this guy is highly valued by the realm god Venerable in the Blood Moon Realm, and he even bestowed such treasures as Realm God’s Hair.”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and then slightly pondered: “Now that the blood moon world is defeated again, I wonder if it will send a stronger force to attack Tianpeng Divine Kingdom?”

“Probably not.”

“Although the blood moon realm is stronger than the ancient dragon realm, it is also limited in strength.”

“You have already slayed eight powerhouses of the Heavenly God Realm in the Blood Moon Realm, enough to make the Blood Moon Realm hurt.”

Jin Qiuyang said with a smile.

If you talk about the top combat power of the gods above Tier 3, the ancient dragon world and the blood moon world are actually almost the same.

The reason why the blood moon realm is stronger than the ancient dragon realm is mainly because the number of strong people in the sky god realm is more than that of the ancient dragon realm.

But like the existence of Jiang Chen in the Pengshen Country today, the Blood Moon Realm dispatched the ordinary Heavenly God Realm below the third level of the Heavenly God, but it was just here to deliver food.

As long as the Blood Moon Realm is not stupid, it is impossible to send an ordinary Celestial God Realm to attack the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

And the powerhouse above the third rank of the Heavenly God, even the Blood Moon Realm can’t move lightly.

From this, it can be inferred that the possibility of Blood Moon Realm’s next attack on Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is no longer great.

Jinqiuyang even had a hunch.

Once the news of today’s battle is sent back to the frontal battlefield, it will be enough to shake the powerhouses of the two realms.

I’m afraid it won’t be long before Jiang Chen’s name will be the two big realms of Megatron.

And just when Jiang Chen broke through the second stage of the gods, killed several gods in the blood moon world, and forced Tu Yuan to use the hair of the world gods to flee in embarrassment.

On the edge of the Eastern Region of the Blood Moon Realm, there is an endless plain.

Dozens of powerful figures are standing proudly above the vast void above the plain.

These figures are clearly divided into two camps.

On one of them, headed by a figure in a golden robe shrouded in a cloud of golden glow, filled with a palpitation of the vast and magnificent aura.

Behind this golden-robed figure, there are two people, Pang Qingyuan and Long Jianxin, as well as a group of strong men in the ancient dragon world.

And a hundred miles away across from them.

A blood shadow shrouded in the bloody mist also brought a group of strong men from the Celestial God Realm to stand against the ancient dragon realm.

The swords of the two sides were drawn at each other, so that the whole world was filled with a breath of killing.

“Gulong Venerable, don’t you plan to give up yet.”

“This time, your Ancient Dragon Realm can’t resist the deity’s attack.”

“If you are willing to take the initiative to abandon the ancient dragon world and give that power to the deity, the deity can consider sparing you.”

Suddenly, a faint voice came from Xueying’s mouth, breaking the tranquility in the void.

Gu Long Venerable smiled coldly: “Blood Moon Venerable, don’t talk nonsense. If you want to fight, the deity will accompany you!”

“This is your place. Naturally, the deity won’t do anything with you.”

Blood Moon Venerable said indifferently: “Although you can hold the deity, but I have sent my sixth disciple Tu Yuan to attack the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, do you think that the Kingdom of Tianpeng can reach the attack of my Blood Moon Realm?”

With Blood Moon Venerable’s words came out.

Gulong Venerable, and Pang Qingyuan and others behind him, their faces instantly became extremely gloomy.

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