Chapter 1662 The Unbelievable Blood Moon Venerable

Tu Yuan, the sixth son of the Blood Moon Palace!

For this famous genius in the blood moon world, the senior Gulong clan is naturally no stranger.

This child’s Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the first-tier Celestial God, and its combat power is more than that of the ordinary second-tier Celestial God.

Now that the Blood Moon Realm had sent this one out, Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was afraid it would be difficult to resist the attack of the Blood Moon Realm.

“Long Zun, Tianpeng God’s country is in danger and must be supported immediately.”

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath and hurriedly said to Gu Long Venerable.

Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is not only related to the safety of the entire Eastern Region, but also gathered all the elite disciples of Tianlong City, including Jiang Chen.

Once an accident occurs, the entire Gulong clan will be greatly injured.

Gu Long Venerable nodded: “The deity immediately asked Gu Ming to go to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, I hope it’s still too late.”

This territorial war.

Although the Ancient Dragon Realm can block the Blood Moon Realm frontally, the defensive power of other places is somewhat stretched.

It is precisely because of this.

The Blood Moon Venerable has never attacked from the front, but used the strength of the ancient dragons here and waited for opportunities to attack from other places.

And Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is a major place for the attack of the Blood Moon Realm.

As long as the Heavenly Peng Kingdom is breached, the entire Eastern Region will be exposed under the eyelids of the Blood Moon Realm.


The last time the Blood Moon Realm attacked the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, they had to send reinforcements from the power of Tianlong City.

What surprised them was.

Tianlong City unexpectedly gave birth to Jiang Chen, an evildoer who could defeat the Heavenly God Realm, repelled the attack of the Blood Moon Realm, and guarded the Heavenly Peng God Realm.

And this time.

The Blood Moon Realm sent Six Young Master Tu Yuan to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and he also had to send someone to support him.

after all.

Once Tianpeng Divine Kingdom fell, the blood moon world opened the entrance to the eastern region of the ancient dragon tribe, and it was even more difficult for them to defend.

By the time.

He had only two choices, either to fight the Blood Moon Realm head-on, or give up the Eastern Region.

With the strength of the Ancient Dragon Realm, a decisive battle with the Blood Moon Realm is bound to be more defeated and less victorious.

And if he abandons the land of the Eastern Region, his power will be weakened by a quarter, and I am afraid that he will be able to suppress the blood moon Venerable even more!

It can be said.

Whether they can hold the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is the key to victory or defeat in this territorial battle!

“Gu Ming is out?”

Upon hearing this, Pang Qingyuan couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his old eyes.

Gu Ming!

This is the first Shenlong Guard in the true sense of Shenlong City. The Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the first order of the gods, and its combat power will not be inferior to that of Tu Yuan, the sixth son of the blood moon world.

Years ago.

Gu Ming began the Closed Door Training to prepare to break through the second-order Tianshen, and he is also one of the few ancient dragons who have not participated in the realm wars.

Now that Gu Ming leaves the pass, it is even possible to break through the second stage of the gods.

If he were to go to the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, even Tu Yuan would never think about making any waves in the Kingdom of Tianpeng.


It will take some time for Gu Ming to rush from the Gulong clan to the Tianpeng Kingdom. I hope it will be too late.

Looking at the conversation between the two Gulong Venerable, Blood Moon Venerable couldn’t help but smile coldly: “Gulong Venerable, give up struggling. Do you think it is too late for you to send someone to support the Tianpeng Kingdom?”

“Blood Moon Venerable, don’t be happy too early.”

Gu Long Venerable coldly snorted: “The last time your Blood Moon failed to break the Heavenly Peng Kingdom, this time you may not be able to do so!”

Although Blood Moon Venerable sent a monster like Tu Yuan to the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, the Kingdom of Heavenly Peng had a more terrifying evildoer like Jiang Chen.

The True God Realm rebelled against the Heaven God Realm, such a peerless evildoer, was originally an existence capable of creating miracles.

Gulong Venerable even has a hunch.

Even if he didn’t send people to support it, it might not be an easy task for the Blood Moon Realm to conquer the Heavenly Peng Kingdom.

“Last time, it was indeed the deity who miscalculated, but this time…”

Blood Moon Venerable was only halfway through, but suddenly he sensed something, his complexion changed slightly, and his voice stopped abruptly.


I saw an unusually terrifying spatial fluctuation, suddenly emanating from the void space in front of him.

“Tu Yuan actually urged the power of the realm god’s hair, how could it be possible?”

Bloody Moon Venerable’s blood-shrouded face also couldn’t help showing an unbelievable look.

He originally thought.

This time dispatching six disciples, Tu Yuan, together with Shangyou Tiankui and other strong celestial gods, it should be a sure thing to break through the celestial kingdom of Tianpeng.

He confronted Gulong Venerable here, and had been waiting for the good news from Tu Yuan.

But Bloody Moon Venerable didn’t think of anything.

He didn’t wait for the good news of Tu Yuan, but waited until Tu Yuan was forced to use the hair of the world god to escape.

Able to force Tu Yuan to this step.

Blood Moon Venerable doesn’t have to think about it, the Blood Moon Realm has been defeated again in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and I am afraid that it will be defeated very miserably.

At this moment, Blood Cloud Venerable’s complexion was extremely gloomy. .

To know.

This time, the Heavenly Peng Kingdom has gathered six strong men from the Blood Moon Realm.

A second-tier deity, an extremely talented genius whose combat power is comparable to the second-tier deity, plus four first-tier powerhouses.

Almost all of the Heavenly God Realm of the Ancient Dragon Realm was held here by them.

The reinforcements sent by the ancient dragons last time should have been the last strength of the ancient dragons.

Blood Moon Venerable really couldn’t understand how the Ancient Dragon Realm defeated Tu Yuan and the others.

“What’s happening here?”

Pang Qingyuan and the others couldn’t help but stunned for a moment when looking at the spatial fluctuations emanating from the blood moon Venerable.

“The power of the Realm God’s Hair, someone used the Realm God’s Hair given by the Blood Moon Venerable to escape.”

Gu Long Venerable’s eyes flashed, and he couldn’t help but smile.

As the world god Venerable, the ancient dragon Venerable naturally saw the clues at a glance.


When Pang Qingyuan and others heard Gu Long Venerable’s words, there was an incredible look in their eyes.

The hair of the world god Venerable uses hair as a medium to condense a magical power.

This magical power is usually given by the world god Venerable to save the lives of some genius disciples. When the disciple under the door is in danger, he can be forcibly teleported back to own.

Now someone has used Blood Moon Venerable’s World God’s hair, doesn’t it mean that a certain genius disciple under Blood Moon Venerable is in danger?

Now that the ancient dragon realm and the blood moon realm are in a battle, several disciples of the Celestial God realm under the blood moon Venerable are all gathered here at this moment.

The only one outside is probably Tu Yuan who was sent to the Kingdom of Heavenly Peng God!

This world god’s hair, could it be that Tu Yuan urged it?

Thinking of this, the faces of Pang Qingyuan and others couldn’t help but show a touch of excitement.

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