Chapter 1660 Heavenly God Tier Two, Unstoppable!

Above Heavenly Dao!

Tianpeng Shenhuang and the others heard Jin Qiuyang’s words, and it has been a long time since it was too shocking to recover from the shock.

This is exactly where the talented physique heaven-defying has reached to be able to surpass Heavenly Dao, so that Heavenly Dao’s law is to take the initiative to retreat.

the other side.

The five Blood Moon Realm Heaven God Realm headed by Tu Yuan also showed incredible horror in their eyes.

“This guy hasn’t crossed the Celestial Tribulation at all, how can he directly break through the Celestial Divine Realm?”

A blood moon god, finally couldn’t help but cried out.

Heavenly God Tribulation, this is a threshold to enter the Heavenly God Realm, and it is not easy to cross it.

Thinking of him breaking through the Heavenly God Realm at the beginning, even if he was fully prepared, it still took a lot of effort and was tossed to only half his life before he barely survived the Heavenly God Tribulation.

But Jiang Chen broke through the Heavenly God Realm, Jie Lei only rolled a few times in the void, and then disappeared by himself.

This… This is too ridiculous.

“Legend…In the age of ancient mythology, there were peerless divine bodies that could ignore Heavenly Dao’s law and surpass Heavenly Dao. I didn’t expect it to be true.”

You Tiankui’s face was horrified, and there was also a low whisper in his mouth.

Since the battle outside the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor’s Capital that day, You Tiankui already knew that Jiang Chen’s talent was very enchanting.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen was able to be so evil that it was on par with the peerless divine body of the ancient mythical era!

Ignoring the Heavenly Dao law, surpassing Heavenly Dao, even the Heavenly Tribulation in front of him has to retreat!

“Sixth son, retreat, this son is definitely not something we can handle.”

You Tiankui took a deep breath, suppressing the shock in his heart, and quickly said to Tu Yuan on the side.


Tu Yuan’s eyes were gloomy, he uttered a cold word in his mouth, and turned around to leave.

The guy named Jiang Chen in front of him was so enchanting that he ignored the Heavenly Dao law and instantly stepped into the second order of the gods!

Before Jiang Chen had broken through, his combat power was no longer inferior to him.

Now that this guy has broken through the second-order Tianshen, he has completely surpassed him in all aspects, and his combat power must reach a very terrifying point.

Jiang Chen, who was the second-order of the gods, was completely unstoppable.

Where did Tu Yuan dare to stay the slightest?

If he continues to stay here, I am afraid he is really in danger of falling.

“Hehe…Want to go?”

“My site in the Ancient Dragon Realm is not where you can come and go where you want to go.”

“Since it’s here, let me have it and stay.”

Jiang Chen looked at Tu Yuan and his party who wanted to evacuate, and his cold laughter instantly resounded through the world.


Saw the soles of the feet stepped on the void, and the figure instantly penetrated the void of Baili, appearing behind Tu Yuan and the others.

at the same time.

He fully urged the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, condensing the Cultivation Technique vision Qianlong Town Sky Picture, and suppressed the five Tu Yuan people.

“Shoot together!”

Looking at the suppressed picture scroll of nothingness, Tu Yuan let out a roar, his blood raging sword aura raged across the sky, and he blasted towards the scroll above his head with all his strength.

You Tiankui and the others also did not dare to be negligent.

Their auras all broke out to the extreme, and they cooperated with Tu Yuan to attack Tiantu in Qianlong Town!


The five heavens and gods were shot at the same time, and how terrifying their might was that it could hardly be described in words.

The space of hundreds of miles in a radius was continuously collapsed under the joint attack of the five people, as if the end had come.


Although the attacks of the five heavenly gods were terrifying, Jiang Chen, who could break through the second-order of the heavenly gods, once again displayed the vision of the god king Cultivation Technique, and his power was more than a hundred times stronger.

Even if it is an ordinary third-tier powerhouse, it is impossible to stop it. How can the five people in front of him be able to resist.

I saw the attacks of the five people destroying the heavens and the earth, all of them were instantly reduced to ashes under the suppression of the Tiantu of Qianlong Town.

The five people of Tu Yuan trembled, and they all flew out in mid-air embarrassedly.

Especially the three Blood Moon Heavenly Gods who are only at the first level of the Heavenly Gods, with a mouthful of Heavenly God’s blood in their mouths, they couldn’t help but squirt out wildly.

They looked up at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was an inconceivable horror in their eyes!

With just an understatement, they defeated the combination of their five heavenly gods!

Jiang Chen, who is the second-order of the God of God, is already terrifying!

Jiang Chen looked indifferent, looking down at the five Tu Yuan people.

He did not give the Tu Yuan five any chance to breathe, and the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture urged again, a picture of nothingness depicting the dragon Xiao Nine Heavens pattern, directly condensed from the top of his head.

“Long Xiao Nine Heavens, give me town!”

Following Jiang Chen’s soft drink, the ancient dragon in the emptiness scroll above his head, as if it had come back to life, sent out a sky-shaking dragon chant.

The sound of the dragon’s chants spread all over the world in an instant.

I saw that dragon roar Nine Heavens picture, also with a more terrifying power than the Qianlongzhen sky picture, and headed towards Tu Yuan and others to suppress it.

Long Xiao Nine Heavens picture!

This is the second stage vision of Taixu Sacred Dragon.

Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, as a god king-level Cultivation Technique, has the Fourth Stage vision in total, and the First Stage vision is more terrifying than the First Stage.

This Second Stage vision, Long Xiao Nine Heavens, was condensed by Jiang Chen after he broke through the heavens.

“This child has a peerless divine body and has an extremely talented evildoer. Now not only has breakthrough the second level of the gods, but also cultivated the legendary god king Cultivation Technique, prepare to work hard. Otherwise, we will all fall here today!”

Tu Yuan looked terrified.

His eyes were ferocious, and with a roar in his mouth, the world of heavenly gods had once again evolved from his body.

The four of You Tiankui also suppressed the panic in their hearts, evolved into a world of heavenly gods, gathered all their strengths, and wanted to resist Jiang Chen’s Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision.


The Second Stage Cultivation Technique vision of Jiang Chen Taixu Sacred Dragon Diagram is several times more powerful than the First Stage vision. How can the Tu Yuan five be able to stop it?

Bang bang bang…

Long Xiao, Nine Heavens, carrying the divine might of suppressing the heavens and the earth, crashed down, and the world of the five gods of Tu Yuan burst into the void almost instantly.

In particular, the three people in Cultivation Base at the first level of the gods had no resistance at all in the face of the power of the Dragon Roar Nine Heavens map.

After their celestial world shattered, before they even had time to utter a scream, they were already destroyed under the picture of Long Xiao Nine Heavens!

As for Tu Yuan and You Tiankui, their faces suddenly paled.

I saw their bodies trembled, and the whole person was like a kite with a broken wire, falling thousands of feet away in the void.

Even the space along the way was smashed into two huge pitch-black cracks by the two divine bodies.

In an instant…

Drops of the blood of the gods, which contain powerful power, are also like raindrops, falling down from mid-air…

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