Chapter 1654 The shocking Gulong people!

“Could it be that we are too late and the Emperor Tianpeng has fallen?”

Yan Chang looked at the peaceful Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor’s capital, his complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly.

“Just go and see.”

Jin Qiuyang took a deep breath and said, “The situation seems a bit unexpected, everyone should be careful.”

After Jin Qiuyang finished speaking, he immediately led the team Chaotianpeng Shen Guohuang to lean over with a cautious look.

very quickly.

Jinqiuyang and his party came to a distance of less than a hundred miles from the emperor.

“Enemy attack! Enemy attack!”

At this moment, on the wall of the Imperial City of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, some guards also noticed the approach of Jinqiu and others, and quickly raised a loud alarm.

Immediately afterwards.

Hundreds of murderous golden armored guards emerged directly from the city wall.

They are all armed with weapons in their hands and are ready to fight.

The first leader stared at Jinqiuyang and his group with a murderous face, and shouted sharply: “Who are you, what are you doing here?”

“It seems that Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor Capital doesn’t look like it was breached by the Blood Moon Realm.”

Jin Qiuyang looked at the guards of the Heavenly Peng Kingdom on the city wall, and while he was slightly relieved, he became even more puzzled.

Since Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor has not been breached by the Blood Moon Realm.

But why did the blood-moon army that besieged Tianpeng Divine Kingdom’s capital, but disappeared inexplicably?

According to the news they received, the blood moon realm army had the absolute upper hand, how could it suddenly give up when the Heavenly Peng Kingdom was about to be destroyed?

This situation is too weird.

“This general, I am Elder Jinqiuyang of the ancient dragon tribe. I am ordered to lead a team to support the Kingdom of Tianpeng, and I also ask the Emperor Tianpeng to show up.”

Jin Qiuyang suppressed the doubts in his heart and said to the golden armor leader on the wall.

Even if the guards on these city walls didn’t stop them, he didn’t dare to lead the team into the imperial capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom easily.

after all.

The situation in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom’s Imperial Capital is really weird.

In case the Emperor Pengshen Kingdom has been breached by the Blood Moon Realm, these guards are all disguised by the Blood Moon Realm, so if they rush into the city, wouldn’t they throw themselves into the trap?

“Jin Elder wait a minute, I will send someone to report to the Emperor.”

The Jin Jia leader learned that these people were reinforcements from the ancient dragon clan, so he didn’t dare to neglect at the moment, so he quickly sent someone to report it.

It didn’t take long.

The two Daoist shadows stepped out directly side by side from the Emperor Tianpeng.

Jin Qiuyang looked at the two people who had stepped into the air, and he was also taken aback.

Jin Qiuyang is no stranger to these two people.

One of them, a burly middle-aged man wearing a purple and gold dragon robe, is naturally the Tianpeng Divine Emperor who has had several connections with him.

And beside the Emperor Tianpeng, it was Jiang Chen!

“Haha… Jin Elder led the team to support the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, it is really an honor for my Kingdom of Tianpeng.”

Just when Jin Qiuyang was surprised, the hearty laughter of the Tianpeng God Emperor also rang directly in his ears.

“The Emperor Tianpeng is polite.”

Jinqiuyang smiled slightly, and immediately asked with a puzzled look: “I was on my way here and heard that the blood moon world army was besieging the Tianpeng Kingdom Emperor’s capital, but now there is no one from the blood moon world here. what’s going on?”

Tianpeng Divine Emperor smiled and said: “The Blood Moon Realm army has indeed besieged Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor for a long time, but it has now been resolved.”


Jinqiuyang was slightly taken aback.

The blood moon world is coming so fiercely that Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is simply hard to resist, so the Gulong tribe sent them to support it.

Now that they haven’t arrived yet, the Blood Moon Realm army has been settled.

If Tianpeng Divine Kingdom really had the ability to defeat the army of the Blood Moon Realm, how could it be forced to the point of being trapped in the imperial capital?

“It’s thanks to the Jiang Chen brother you sent first.”

The Emperor Tianpeng smiled and said: “Brother Jiang Chen successively killed the three strong men of the Blood Moon Realm to help us defeat the blood moon army. Except for a strong man of Tier 2 Heavens who escaped, the blood moon army has already completely annihilated.”


Following the words of the Emperor Tianpeng, the surroundings fell into deathly silence.

Whether it is Jinqiuyang and Yan Shang, the two Celestial God Realm Elder, or Liu Tianxing and other Tianlongcheng disciples, it has been a long time to recover from the shock.

No one can think of it.

During the time they were on their way, Jiang Chen, who came to Tianpeng Divine Nation first, managed to resolve the danger of Tianpeng Divine Nation with his own power!

Consecutively slash the three heavenly gods of the Moon Realm!

What a fierce record this is?

Even if it is an ordinary Heavenly God Realm powerhouse, I am afraid it is difficult to do it.

Although they all know that Jiang Chen’s talent is very heaven-defying, he is almost the first person of the Gulong clan in millions of years.

But they still didn’t expect that Jiang Chen could actually be such a terrifying evildoer.

With the Cultivation Base of the True God Realm, break the barrier of Realm and kill the three strong masters of the God Realm!

Such a peerless evildoer is simply a legendary existence.

“This guy… compared to the ancient sacred dragon ruins at the beginning, it really is much more terrifying.”

Liu Tianxing recovered, and couldn’t help but let out a low whisper in his mouth.

He met Jiang Chen at the ancient sacred dragon ruins and has been following Jiang Chen. It can be said that he has witnessed how Jiang Chen grows up step by step.

When Jiang Chen came out of Shenglong Tiangong, he suppressed the many half-step gods in the four realms by one person, which was already very shocking.

Now that they have come out of the ancient sacred dragon relics, in just over a year, Jiang Chen has been able to kill the real Heavenly God Realm powerhouse!

Such a growth rate is really terrifying!

“This kid… has grown up to this point?”

Yan Chang looked at Jiang Chen standing side by side with Tianpeng Divine Sovereign with horror, and a complex expression flashed across his eyes.

I remember a few years ago.

Jiang Chen is just a little boy who participated in the Tianlong Trial and entered the Tianlong City, but now he has been able to defeat the Heavenly God Realm, and his combat power is probably more than that of her!

the more important thing is.

The True God Realm rebelled against the Heaven God Realm, this is already a legendary genius who can break the barrier of Realm.

Such a talent is absolutely qualified to attack the existence of the world god Venerable in the future!

Once this news is passed back to the ancient dragon tribe, I am afraid that the realm god Venerable of the ancient dragon tribe will attach great importance to it and accept him as a direct disciple.

“Jin Elder, the Heavenly Peng Kingdom is the springboard for the blood moon world to invade the ancient dragon world. Although the blood moon world army is temporarily defeated, I am afraid that it will come back soon. I hope you can help me to guard the Tianpeng Kingdom.”

When everyone was shocked, the voice of Tianpeng Divine Emperor rang in their ears again.

Jinqiuyang took a deep breath and said with a smile: “The Emperor of God, don’t worry, since I have come to support the Kingdom of Tianpeng, I will never let the army of the blood moon world step into the Kingdom of Tianpeng again. !”

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