Chapter 1655 Ancient Thunder Tree, the origin of Thunder Road is complete!

Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Palace, Houshan Forbidden Land.

Jiang Chen sat cross-legged on a boulder alone.

In front of him, there is a towering ancient tree that is as high as one hundred meters.

The ancient branches are luxuriant, and the whole body has a faint silver thunder circulation, which vaguely exudes an extremely terrifying thunder power.

If it is an ordinary True God Realm Practitioner, I am afraid that as soon as it touches the silver thunder on the ancient tree, it will be instantly blasted into powder by the power of that terrifying thunder.

This silver towering ancient tree is an ancient thunder tree, and it is also the treasure of the Kingdom of Heavenly Peng.

It is said.

The first Tianpeng Divine Emperor of Tianpeng Kingdom, once rescued a great Dapeng Divine Bird in an ancient relic.

In order to thank the Dapeng Divine Bird for his life-saving grace, he gave this ancient thunder tree to the first Tianpeng Divine Emperor of the Tianpeng Kingdom.


This one relied on the ancient thunder tree to establish Tianpeng Divine Kingdom here.

Although the ancient thunder tree cannot be compared with the three god-tier trees that were born when the chaos first opened, it is also a rare god-tier tree in the world, born with the supreme thunder power.

For Lei Daoxiu practitioners, it is a dream treasure.

Tianpeng Divine Kingdom also has the ancient thunder tree, so that many thunder road powerhouses were born, and they became the god-level power in the ancient dragon world.

With the arrival of Jinqiuyang.

Naturally, there is no need for Jiang Chen to clean up the endgame of Tianpeng Kingdom.


Jiang Chen borrowed the ancient thunder tree from the Emperor Tianpeng, intending to use the power of the ancient thunder tree to Ascension own the origin of thunder.

“The ancient thunder tree is the treasure of Insight’s power of Thunder Dao. I hope that this time I can use this ancient thunder tree to make my origin of Thunder Dao complete!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered slightly.

He has mastered more than 80% of the origin of Thunder Dao.

If you rely solely on your own Insight cultivation, I am afraid it will take at least several years to complete.

And the ancient thunder tree in front of him is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to quickly complete his Thunder Dao origin.

Thought of this.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated, and began to fully understand the thunder power of the ancient thunder tree.

“Ding! You feel the ancient thunder tree, the origin of thunder road gains 500000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You feel the ancient thunder tree, the origin of thunder road gains 500000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You feel the ancient thunder tree, the origin of thunder road gains 500000*100 experience!”


Jiang Chen was also very happy to feel the experience of the origins of Thunder Road provided by the ancient thunder tree.

This ancient thunder tree is worthy of being the treasure that contributes to the source of Lei Dao Insight.

The Lei Dao origin experience provided by him alone is ten times faster than his power in the Insight Realm of Sky Dragon City.

In this way.

It won’t take him much time, he should be able to complete the origin of Lei Dao!

Jiang Chen kept insight into the ancient thunder tree like this.

One month later.

Jiang Chen has almost mastered 90% of the origin of Thunder Dao.

Three months later.

A pleasant system prompt finally sounded in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! Your Lei Dao origin successfully reached Consummation Realm!”

Hearing the system prompt, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but opened his eyes suddenly, his face also showed a very satisfied smile.

“Yes, I didn’t expect that it only took three months to complete the origin of Lei Dao.”

Following the consummation of the kendo origin, Jiang Chen finally has another Martial Dao origin, which he successfully mastered.

In other words.

As long as he is willing now, he can instantly condense the power of the two worlds in his body and become the powerhouse of the second-order deity!

“It’s time to go out. I have been cultivating here for three months, and I don’t know how the situation of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom is going.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself, then stood up and walked out in large strides.

At the same time, the entrance to the back mountain forbidden area.

The two golden armor guards are already waiting outside the forbidden area.

Their gazes were all staring at the direction inside the forbidden area, and an anxious look faintly appeared in their eyes.

“The news just came that the Blood Moon Realm has sent many strong reinforcements. His Majesty the Emperor and the others are about to be unable to resist it. Why can’t Your Excellency Jiang Chen come out?”

One of the golden armored guards frowned and said: “Or, let’s go in and see?”

“just forget it.”

“It is a capital crime to enter the forbidden area in the back mountain without permission.”

“Not to mention… His Majesty the Emperor God has repeatedly told us not to disturb Your Excellency Jiang Chen’s cultivation.”

Another golden armored guard shook his head and said.


The golden armored guard who was the first to speak was about to speak, but suddenly there was a burst of wind breaking through the forbidden ground.


I saw a black figure that they were very familiar with, and it also flashed out of the forbidden area quickly.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen.”

The two golden armor guards looked at Jiang Chen coming out of the forbidden area, and their faces were full of surprises.

Three months ago.

With his own power, Jiang Chen slashed the blood moon realm and the sky, and resolved the crisis of the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, which has long been deeply imprinted in their hearts.

These guards of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom have undoubtedly regarded Jiang Chen as the savior of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

Now that Jiang Chen left the customs, he was naturally overjoyed.

“I have heard what you just said.”

Jiang Chen said indifferently, “Tell me about the current situation.”


The two golden armored guards responded and quickly introduced Jiang Chen.

Since the battle before March, after the entire army of the Blood Moon Realm led by You Tiankui was annihilated, Tianpeng Divine Kingdom finally gained a short period of peace.


This peace did not last long.

Half a month ago, the army of the Blood Moon Realm attacked Tianpeng Divine Kingdom again.

Tianpeng Shenhuang and Jinqiuyang and other four heavenly gods led the crowd to resist the army of the blood moon world.


This time, Blood Moon Realm seemed determined to break through the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, and sent reinforcements one after another.

Even though Tianpeng Divine Kingdom now has four strong men in the Heavenly God Realm, they still can’t stop the attack of the Blood Moon Realm.

It is precisely because of this.

These two golden armor guards waiting outside the forbidden area are so eager to hope that Jiang Chen will leave.

Hearing these two golden armors, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but twist his brows together tightly.

If the Tianpeng Divine Emperor’s four great heavenly gods could not be resisted, wouldn’t the blood moon realm send out at least five heavenly gods?

To know.

Heavenly God Realm powerhouses, in small realms like Ancient Dragon Realm and Blood Moon Realm, are already considered to be rare powerhouses.

In the entire Ancient Dragon Realm, there are probably no more than a hundred strong Heavenly God Realm.

Now the ancient dragon tribe gathers many powerful players in the ancient dragon realm to confront the blood moon realm on the frontal battlefield, but the blood moon realm still has enough power to send so many heavenly god realms to attack the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

Looking at the power of the Blood Moon Realm, it really was much stronger than the Ancient Dragon Realm.

Since the frontline battlefield situation is unfavorable, Jiang Chen did not stay too much in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor.

His figure flickered, directly turned into a streamer, and walked towards the east of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

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