Chapter 1653 Kill All!

“Space prison!”

“Time freezes!”

While Jiang Chen’s figure exploded, two successive forces volleyed at the blood moon world god who was fleeing in a hurry.

The strength of this deity is the weakest among the four great deities of the blood moon realm, only the early stage of the deity.

Compared with the two previously killed by Jiang Chen, they were both weaker.

Jiang Chen’s continuous fusion of the power of time and space erupted from the seven sources, how can he easily resist it?

Even if the blood moon heaven god burst out with all his strength, it was still difficult to break free from the shackles of the power of time and space around him in a short period of time.


Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, his fingers volleyed a little, a seven-color Sword Ray that pierced through the heavens and the earth, instantly pierced through everything, and slashed straight down at the blood-moon god.

Looking at the seven-color Sword Ray that rapidly expands in the pupils of his eyes.

The blood moon god, suddenly only felt a shadow of Death enveloped his heart.

At this moment.

He couldn’t avoid it at all, so he had to fully evolve into the world of the gods and resist Jiang Chen’s peerless sword that smashed the world.


Sword Ray slashed down on the wall of the world of the gods, and there was a burst of crisp sound directly.


Sword Ray is like cutting tofu, with a sword splitting the world of the gods covering a hundred miles of void, and then slashing towards the gods of the blood moon world below.

“Do not……”

The blood moon heaven god suddenly looked horrified and desperate.


Just before he had time to spit out a word of no word, Seven-color Sword Ray had already penetrated his body with a chuckle, splitting its sword in half.

Immediately afterwards.

A panicking illusory blood shadow burst out suddenly from the body of the blood moon world god.

at the same time.

A horrified scream also resounded in midair in an instant.

“You…General You, help…help me!”


In another void a hundred miles away, You Tiankui, who was unwilling to fight, was chased and beaten by the Emperor Tianpeng at this moment, so how could he care for the help of the Heavenly God of the Blood Moon Realm?

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, his palm volleyed, and the emptiness was instantly covered by a seven-colored thunder light.


A scream of screams resounded across the world in an instant.

In just the blink of an eye, I saw that illusory blood shadow turned into ashes under the seven-color thunder light.

With just a few understatements, Jiang Chen once again killed a Celestial God Realm!

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, killing such an ordinary powerhouse in the early stage of the first stage of the gods is almost the same as slaughtering chickens and dogs!

Solved this heavenly god realm.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate either, he blasted out towards the place where You Tiankui and Tianpeng Divine Emperor were fighting.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was coming by the blast, You Tiankui, who was retreating with all his strength while dealing with the Emperor Tianpeng, couldn’t help but suddenly shrink.

Not only could this kid slash the gods against the gods, killing the gods of the first rank was almost as simple as cutting melons and vegetables.

Such a combat power.

Compared to their second-tier powerhouses, I am afraid they are not inferior!

A Tianpeng Divine Emperor of Tier 2 was already extremely difficult for him to explode with all his strength.

If coupled with this enchanting power comparable to the second-order deity, I am afraid that he will really fall here today.

You Tiankui’s eyes flickered slightly, and he directly forced a drop of the Heavenly God Blood Essence from his body.

Although losing a drop of the Heavenly God Blood Essence, it will definitely hurt his vitality, and it is difficult for him to return to his peak state for a year or a half.


In the situation in front of him, You Tiankui did not hesitate at all.

He directly used the Heavenly God Blood Essence as a guide, urging the secret method, turning into a bloody cocoon and fleeing away, leaving only a cold voice slowly resounding in the void.

“Jiang Chen, you kill me in the blood moon realm, heaven and god realm, and bad things happen to me. I will never let you go easily.”

“Wait for me. Sooner or later, I You Tiankui will collect everything from you ten times!”

Looking at the place where You Tiankui disappeared out of thin air, the Emperor Tianpeng couldn’t help but said helplessly: “It’s a pity that I’m not good at space, so I let this guy escape.”

He is almost the same as You Tiankui in strength.

You Tiankui really wanted to escape from him, the Emperor Tianpeng really had no way to deal with him.

not to mention……

You Tiankui also performed this space escape technique that uses Blood Essence as a reference.

If he had mastered the world power of the way of space, he might be able to stop one or two. Faced with this kind of escape technique, he was really helpless.

“If you escape, you can run away. With him alone, you can’t even think about making any more waves.”

Jiang Chen shook his head.

The powerhouse of the second order of the gods is much stronger than the first order of the gods.

His current strength, at best, can barely contend with the powerhouses of Tier 2 Heavenly God.

This guy directly used the secret technique to escape from the sky, and it was impossible for him to stay.

With You Tiankui’s escape.

The old man with white eyebrows below is also leading the team to chase and kill the many blood moon realm troops that are fleeing in all directions.

Not long.

The blood-moon army composed of tens of thousands of true gods has been wiped out by the old man with white eyebrows and others.

“Little brother Jiang Chen, thank you for your help this time.”

The Emperor Tianpeng looked at the scene in front of him, and he was suddenly in a good mood, and he couldn’t help but said to Jiang Chen with gratitude.

This time.

The Blood Moon Realm suddenly attacked Tianpeng Divine Kingdom in a big way, so that they could hardly fight back.

Even the Tianpeng Divine Emperor, can only be trapped in the imperial capital.

If it weren’t for Jiang Chen to arrive in time, I am afraid that Tianpeng Divine Kingdom would be broken by the Blood Moon Realm, and it would only happen sooner or later.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “You don’t have to be polite, the Emperor of God, now the Blood Moon Realm is aggressively attacking the Ancient Dragon Realm. As a disciple of the Ancient Dragon Clan, I am naturally responsible.”

“Haha…it is really an honor for the ancient dragons to have such a genius as your Excellency. I also ask my little brother to follow me into the imperial capital, so that I can do my best as a landlord.”

Tianpeng Shenhuang smiled authentically.

“God Emperor, please!”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then the two of them walked side by side towards the capital of the Emperor Tianpeng.

And just half a day after Jiang Chen killed two blood moon gods in succession and helped Tianpeng god emperor destroy the blood moon army.

Jinqiuyang and Yanshang, two Celestial God Realm Elder, also rushed to the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Imperial Capital with hundreds of Gulong disciples.

When they saw a quiet Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Capital, they couldn’t help but stay for a while.

“Divine Emperor Tianpeng is already besieged by the army of the Blood Moon Realm?”

Jin Qiuyang and the others couldn’t help showing a look of doubt in their eyes.

After entering the kingdom of Tianpeng.

They learned from some fleeing Practitioners that Tianpeng Divine Kingdom had been defeated, and even the emperor was besieged by the army of the blood moon world and was already in danger.


They almost rushed towards Tianpeng Divine Kingdom Emperor with all their strength.

But when they arrived, they found that there was no Practitioner in the blood moon world!

This…what the hell is this?

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