Chapter 1652 Defeating the Army of the Moon Realm!

“How… how is it possible?”

You Tiankui’s complexion was dull, and there was also a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

Not long ago.

Jiang Chen’s sudden sword broke through the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse.

You Tiankui originally thought.

Jiang Chen’s sword must have relied on the power of a strong man from the ancient dragon clan.


At this moment.

You Tiankui finally discovered in horror that Jiang Chen’s previous sword didn’t use any external power at all.

Seven Paths fellow practitioners!

This kid turned out to be a terrifying fellow practitioner of the Seven Paths!

The power of the seven daos is fused and superimposed, even if it is a powerhouse of the first order of the gods, it is basically difficult to resist.

In just four moves, a strong man of the first order of the gods was killed.

This kid in front of him is really a strong heavenly arrogant who can kill the gods with the real gods!

You Tiankui never thought of it anyway.

The little ancient dragon world, unexpectedly will give birth to such a heaven-defying enchanting genius!

“The genius disciple of the Gulong tribe in front of me is really not ordinary horror.”

The Emperor Tianpeng returned to his senses, and there was an unconcealable exclamation in his eyes.

The Emperor Tianpeng had also seen many enchanting geniuses of the ancient dragon tribe, but never before had any genius shocked him so much.

Breaking the barriers of Realm and killing the gods with the real gods is as simple as eating and drinking water!

The existence of heaven-defying is simply unheard of!

The combat power of this son is probably not much inferior to their second-tier powerhouses.

“It seems I am really old.”

In the space prison, the old man with white eyebrows stared at this scene blankly, and couldn’t help but let out a wry smile in his heart.

When Jiang Chen fought against this blood moon world god.

He is also fully attacking the space prison, wanting to help Jiang Chen.


Before he could break free from the shackles of the space prison, Jiang Chen used a thunderous offensive to completely annihilate the blood moon god!

While the old man with white eyebrows was shocked, the tight heartstrings also loosened slightly.

Now Jiang Chen arrived in time and killed a blood moon world god, the crisis of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was finally lifted.

Killed the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse in the Blood Moon Realm.

Jiang Chen ignored everyone’s horror, and his cold eyes shot directly at the other Blood Moon Heaven God below.

Feeling Jiang Chen’s gaze, the Blood Moon Heaven God suddenly felt inexplicably cold in his heart.

Where did he dare to stay for half a minute, his body shape turned into a bloody light, and he fled to You Tiankui’s side in a panic.

Jiang Chen slowly stepped out of the sky and came to the side of Tianpeng Divine Emperor, and confronted the two of You Tiankui.

You Tiankui stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and slowly said: “As far as I know, there is absolutely no genius like Your Excellency in the Ancient Dragon Realm. Who is your Excellency?”

“That’s your ignorance.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “You are the commander in charge of attacking Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, right? Jiang Mou just happens to have a gift for you!”


With a wave of his palm, Jiang Chen directly simulated an image based on the origin of space.

This image is surprisingly the scene of Jiang Chen killing the black-clothed old man outside Feiyun Pass.

“You… are you the mysterious strong man who attacked Feiyun Pass and beheaded the Nine Young Masters of my Blood Moon Palace?”

Both You Tiankui looked at this image simulated by Jiang Chen, their pupils suddenly shrank, and their expressions also instantly became frightened.

The young man in black, named Jiang Chen, turned out to be the mysterious powerhouse who attacked Feiyun Pass.

They didn’t even think about it.

The black-clothed old man who went to Feiyun Pass fell into the hands of the young man in front of him!

While You Tiankui was so frightened and angry, his expression was extremely gloomy.

This time.

Their four great Celestial Realms attacked and led their teams to attack Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and they were unable to fight back against Tianpeng Divine Kingdom all the way.

They had already besieged the imperial capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, and the destruction of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was imminent.

Unexpectedly, at a critical time, the ancient dragon tribe sent such a heaven-defying evildoer to use the Cultivation Base of the half-step Heaven God Realm to kill the two great Heaven God Realm powerhouses in the Blood Moon Realm!

The situation that was originally good for them was completely reversed by Jiang Chen in a flash!

Now let’s not talk about the destruction of the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, they want to retreat completely, I am afraid it is not an easy task.

Another Heavenly God Realm in the Blood Moon Realm was actually killed by Jiang Chen!

The Emperor Tianpeng stared blankly at the simulated image of Jiang Chen, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

The four heavenly gods of the Blood Moon were coming so fiercely that Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was unstoppable, and the emperor who was trapped in Tianpeng Divine Kingdom lingered.

Now Jiang Chen has successively killed the two great gods of the Blood Moon Realm.

Now that the two of You Tiankui alone can pose a threat to them again?

“Ha ha……”

“You Tiankui, I didn’t expect you to have today.”

“Now your two great heavenly gods in the blood moon world have all fallen. Today’s Heavenly Peng Kingdom is your burial place!”

The Emperor Tianpeng laughed wildly, and directly carried the monstrous power, and slew towards You Tiankui.

Since the blood moon world entered the Tianpeng Divine Kingdom, the Tianpeng Divine Emperor has been overwhelmed by the thunderous offensive of the blood moon world.

Now that he was finally able to defend against the siege, expelling these blood-moon people from the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng, how could God Emperor Tianpeng be polite, and directly and mercilessly killed You Tiankui.

“Everyone, the people who destroyed the blood moon world and regained the Heavenly Peng Kingdom today, kill with me!”

the other side.

The old man with white eyebrows who had already broken through the space prison also directly called on the soldiers of the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng to kill towards the army of the Blood Moon tribe.

Without the Heavenly God Realm, how could the Blood Moon Realm army be able to withstand the rush of the old man with white eyebrows?

Just blink of an eye.

Hundreds of Blood Moon Realm Practitioners fell into the hands of the old man with white eyebrows.

The blood moon realm Practitioners suddenly looked desperate and horrified, and hurriedly retreated and fled towards the distance.

Seeing this scene, You Tiankui’s expression instantly became extremely ugly.

He understands.

This time, the plan to attack Tianpeng Divine Kingdom was a complete failure.

“let’s go!”

You Tiankui gritted his teeth, and immediately turned and swept towards the distant horizon with the strong man of the Heavenly God Realm next to him.

Today’s battle, the blood moon is over.

If they continue to stay here, I am afraid they will really fall into this Heavenly Peng Kingdom.


During this period of time, the Emperor Tianpeng watched his own country be occupied by the blood moon world, and his heart was already suffocated with anger.

At this moment, how could he allow You Tiankui to escape so easily and directly pursue You Tiankui with all his strength.

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate either.

The soles of his feet are a little bit in the void, and his body shape is like a void shifting, and he has killed another Heavenly God Realm!

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