Chapter 1651 Killing the Heavens Divine Realm Again!


The world of heavenly gods was suddenly defeated by this peerless sword, and the blood-moon realm of heavenly god realm powerhouse thundered sweetly, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

He stared at the direction of the peerless sword light.


I saw a black-clothed young man standing proudly, slowly marching towards the emperor of Tianpeng Kingdom.

The black-clothed youth, it was Jiang Chen who rushed straight to Tianpeng Divine Kingdom after killing a blood moon heavenly god realm in Feiyunguan Town.

“Boy, you… who are you?”

The blood moon heaven god looked at the black-clothed youth in front of him, and a sharp shout of anger came from his mouth.

He is a strong man in the dignified heaven and god realm.

Now that this hairy boy in front of him smashed the world of the gods with a sword, how could he not be angry in his heart?

Jiang Chen’s complexion was calm: “Gulong disciple Jiang Chen, is ordered to come to support the Heavenly Kingdom of Tianpeng and smooth out the blood-moon army that is attacking the Kingdom of Tianpeng!”


The Emperor Tianpeng, who was fighting You Tiankui, looked at this sudden scene, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

The reinforcements of the ancient dragons have really arrived!

Now one of the Heavenly Gods in the Blood Moon Realm is restrained by the reinforcements of the ancient dragon clan, and now another disciple of the ancient clan named Jiang Chen has rushed to the imperial capital of Tianpeng Divine Kingdom.

Although this Gulong disciple has not yet broken through the Heavenly God Realm, he can break through the Heavenly God Realm evolved by the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse with a single sword!

Such a combat power, I am afraid that it will not be inferior to the Heavenly God Realm in the slightest.

“Haha…You Tiankui, it seems that your plan to destroy another Heavenly God Realm will probably not be realized.”

The Emperor Tianpeng couldn’t help laughing out loud.

With this genius disciple of the ancient dragon tribe, they are equivalent to having three heavenly gods, so why are they afraid of the attack of the blood moon realm army in front of them?


“It’s a mere kid who hasn’t made a breakthrough in the realm of the gods. Just now it was only with the help of others to break through the world of the gods.”

You Tiankui sneered and said: “Do you really expect him to defeat a strong power in the Heavenly God Realm and make a comeback for you?”

Although the boy in front of him was extremely extraordinary, he was at most half the strength of the peak of the Heavenly God Realm.

The sword that just came to break through the world of the gods must also be a hole card left to him by a certain ancient dragon clan powerhouse.

You Tiankui is not the truth.

With his own power, this kid can smash the world of the gods of the gods with a single sword!

If this is the case, doesn’t this kid have the terrifying ability to kill the gods?

Such a strongest arrogant, even those super great realms that have the power of the king of gods, are rare in existence.

The Ancient Dragon Realm was just a small realm that was inferior to the Blood Moon Realm.

How could such a place be born the strongest Tianjiao who rebelled against the heavens and gods with the true gods?

Tianpeng Divine Emperor smiled faintly: “I don’t know if it can come back, but I know that your attack this time, I’m afraid you are doomed to return without success.”

No matter how Jiang Chen broke through the world of the Heavenly God of the Blood Moon Realm powerhouse just now, since the Gulong Clan asked Jiang Chen to come to help at this time, it must have something to rely on!

As long as he can save the old man with white eyebrows and safely return to the defensive range, they will be invincible.

“Will you return without success? You will know soon.”

You Tiankui snorted coldly and stopped talking.

The eyes of the two men fell on the place where the three Jiang Chen were located in a tacit understanding.


“An ant who has not even made a breakthrough in the realm of the gods, dare to speak up in front of me!”

“Since you have to send it to your door to find death, then I will kill you first!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the bloody moon heaven god looked cold, and the power of the monstrous blood-colored world instantly condensed into a sea of ​​blood, rushing toward Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and the power of the seven realms instantly turned into a sea of ​​monsters of seven colors with the origin of the fire realm as the core, and collided with the ocean of blood.

Chi Chi Chi Chi…

With the power to destroy everything, the seven-colored sea of ​​flames burned the blood red that filled the sky dry and quiet in the blink of an eye.

“Thunder come!”

One move defeated Wang Yang’s blood sea, Jiang Chen’s seven powers instantly changed, once again centered on the origin of thunderfall, turning into seven-color divine thunder in the sky, and slammed down toward the heavenly god of the blood moon world.

Looking at the thousands of terrifying seven-color divine thunders above his head, the expression of the blood-moon heavenly god changed drastically.

He quickly urged the power of the world of blood in his body to the limit, and a huge blood cloud with a thickness of 100 meters was condensed above his head, blocking the seven-color divine thunder that fell.


Thousands of seven-color divine thunders struck the blood cloud, causing the blood cloud to become full of holes in an instant.

To the end.

The one hundred meters thick blood cloud was split by the seven-color divine thunder.

And that blood cloud world god, was also affected by the power of the residual thunder, and flew upside down in the void in a awkward distance.

“Damn it! How could this kid’s combat power have such a terrifying combat power?”

The blood cloud world heavenly god suppressed the surging aura in the body, and in the eyes of Jiang Chen, an unprecedented panic appeared.

“The wind is coming!”

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he didn’t give the Blood Moon Heaven God the slightest chance to breathe. A colorful storm that tore through the void swept out again!


Before this blood moon world god could stabilize his figure, he was completely submerged by the colorful storm.

The next moment…

A muffled hum came from the colorful storm, and a bloody shadow that was so embarrassed that it flew upside down like a kite with a broken line.

“The sword is coming!”

Jiang Chen looked at the blood shadow that was flying upside down, and a seven-color sword light pierced through the world again, and fell on the blood shadow in the blink of an eye.


The blood shadow did not have any chance to resist at all, it had been blasted into nothingness by the seven-color sword light.


The blood of the gods with terrifying energy spilt down like raindrops, falling on the blood moon realm army below.

Some of the weaker True God Realm Practitioners couldn’t bear the power of the blood of the gods, and they burst directly.

In an instant…

The army of tens of thousands of true gods in the blood moon realm is crying and howling, like a purgatory on earth.

Countless Blood Moon Realm Practitioners looked at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the void.

Four tricks!

Only four moves!

An adult in their blood moon world who reached the Celestial God Realm in the Cultivation Base was actually killed by this kid in front of him!

This… how is this possible.


Not only these Blood Moon Realm Practitioners were stunned.

Even the few Heavenly God Realm powerhouses present were dumbfounded, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

Although with their eyesight, they can naturally feel Jiang Chen’s extraordinary.

But they still didn’t expect it.

With just four understatements, Jiang Chen killed a strong man in the god realm!

Such a heaven-defying power is really terrifying!

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