Chapter 1586

After a period of space turbulence, Jiang Chen’s body sank suddenly, and then he appeared in an ancient mountain forest.

All around.

A energies of heaven and earth that were more concentrated and pure than the realm of the gods also quickly wrapped towards him.

“Tsk tsk… it is worthy of being an ancient relic. The energy intensity of this world is probably at least 30% higher than that of God’s Domain.”

Jiang Chen exclaimed in his heart, then let go of Divine Sense and began to look around.

Just now.

In the dense forest not far away, a huge black shadow directly brought a burst of monstrous evil spirits, covering the sky and the sun and bursting towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen fixed his eyes and saw that it was a creature with a body that was somewhat similar to that of a tiger.


This black tiger is extremely large, almost as high as a hundred feet tall, the ground shook during the collision, and the gust of wind roared.

“This ancient relic of the sacred dragon is indeed in crisis, and as soon as I entered, I encountered a fierce beast comparable to a superior true god.”

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

He raised his hand to face the black tiger volley a little, a Sword Ray burst out of the sky, and instantly penetrated the black tiger’s body.


I saw that the black tiger that burst out suddenly stood still, and the huge body was directly split in half by Jiang Chen’s sword, and then fell to the ground with a bang.

Although the strength of this black tiger is comparable to an ordinary superior true god.

But the existence of this level obviously can no longer pose any threat to Jiang Chen.

“It’s really strange. This black tiger already has the strength comparable to the superior true gods. Not only has it not been able to transform, it seems that even the spiritual wisdom has not been born.”

One sword killed the black tiger, and Jiang Chen couldn’t help passing a strange look in his eyes.

Back when I was in Shenwu Continent.

Many of the Demonic Beasts of the Divine Sea Realm have already been born with spiritual wisdom and speak out.

Most Demonic Beasts in the Divine Soul Realm can already possess the power of transformation.

Now Demonic Beasts in this ancient ruin, although the strength is stronger than Demonic Beasts of Shenwu Continent, it is unknown, but even the lowest level of wisdom is not activated.

This is too unbelievable.

Since he didn’t understand, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it, and walked directly towards the black tiger’s body.

How do you say this black tiger is also a fierce beast comparable to the superior true gods. The Monster core is very valuable, so naturally it has to be collected.


Just when Jiang Chen was about to collect the spoils, he instinctively sensed a dangerous approach.

He turned around abruptly, and saw a bright red Sword Ray piercing through the thousand-foot-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand void, and instantly appeared in a place less than three feet away from him.

Jiang Chen’s eyes were cold, and then he flicked his fingers, and a sword finger directly hit the red Sword Ray, crushing it completely!

“Who? Get out of me!”

One finger smashed the red Sword Ray, and Jiang Chen’s cold voice echoed in the silent forest in an instant.

Following Jiang Chen’s words fell.

A woman in a red dress holding a long sword also slowly emerged in Jiang Chen’s sight.

“People from other realms?”

Seeing this woman in the red dress who suddenly appeared, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but condensed slightly.

Before entering the ancient sacred dragon relic, Jiang Chen knew that this ancient sacred dragon relic was not a realm that could be opened in the ancient dragon world.

But Jiang Chen didn’t expect it.

He had just entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins, and unexpectedly encountered geniuses from other realms.

“Your Excellency is good, the little girl admires it.”

The woman in the red dress arched the cupped hands to Jiang Chen, and said apologetically: “I’m sorry, I just sensed that there are beasts here, so I just shot it before I can see it clearly. I don’t know your existence, and I hope to forgive me. ”

“It’s okay, since it’s a misunderstanding, you can leave.”

Jiang Chen said lightly.

Since this woman could sense the existence of the beast, it was impossible not to notice him.

Just now secretly made a sudden move, it was clearly unkind.

The ancient sacred dragon ruins are full of dangers, even the other people of the ancient dragon clan, Jiang Chen will not easily believe it, let alone this woman from other realms in front of him?


Jiang Chen first arrived, and didn’t know the identity of the woman in red.

Although the strength of this woman in red is not strong, she is at the level of Long Ji. But as a last resort, Jiang Chen didn’t want to provoke enemies at will in this ruin.

Since the woman took the initiative to apologize, Jiang Chen didn’t bother to pester her too much.

“This friend, the ancient sacred dragon relics are full of crises. Although you and I are not from the same realm, you can also work together. I wonder if you are interested in exploring together?”

When the woman in the red dress was speaking, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

She was hiding in the dark just now, seeing that the black-clothed youth in front of her was only in the late stage Cultivation Base of the true god, and she made a decisive move.

Unexpectedly, the Cultivation Base of this black-clothed youth is not high, but the combat power is not inferior to her.

With her alone, she might not be her opponent.

Fortunately, she had good luck entering the Sacred Dragon Ruins this time, and she was not far away from the same brother, who was already on the way to meet her.

It is precisely because of this.

She will apologize and hold this guy steady.

As soon as the brother arrives, they won’t be able to get rid of this kid.

“Not interested in.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he immediately took Black Tiger’s Monster core, turned around and strode away.

The origin of this woman in red is unknown, and Jiang Chen has no habit of bringing a stranger with him.

not to mention……

Jiang Chen didn’t have a good impression of this woman who sneaked up from behind inexplicably.

“This friend, why reject people thousands of miles away.”

“I just found a remnant of the ancient world god-level Sect. There are some powerful undead creatures in it. I can’t deal with it alone. I don’t know if you are interested in taking it and exploring together.”

“At that time, we will get five to five points for all the treasures we get.”

At this moment, the woman in red suddenly shouted.

Remnants of the World God Sect?

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

If this is the case, you can take a look at the woman in red.

He turned to look at the woman in red, and said lightly: “Since there are remnants of the Realm God Sect, let’s lead the way.”

Although he also knew that the woman in red might be unkind, but he didn’t care too much.

With his strength, even if he encounters some evildoers who master Martial Dao, even if he is invincible, he will be able to retreat!


Seeing Jiang Chen agree, the woman in red couldn’t help but sneer in her eyes.

The brother still has a while to come. She just used this kid to make coolie and search for treasures in the Sect remnants for her.

Once the brother arrives, she can join hands with the brother to kill the kid.

At that time, will all the treasures they get are in their pockets?

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