Chapter 1585 Seven god-tier dragon guards!

While waiting, Jiang Chen couldn’t help looking at Pang Qingyuan who was aside.

At this moment.

Jiang Chen was not good at coming forward to communicate with Pang Qingyuan, so he had to speak to Pang Qingyuan: “Pang senior, we meet again.”

“Hehe… I didn’t expect that we would see each other again soon.”

Pang Qingyuan’s faint chuckle soon sounded in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“Senior, you and Jianxin Venerable are grateful for Jiang Chen’s help.”

“I’ve heard Kenshin Venerable mention about you.”

“Don’t worry, when I enter the ancient sacred dragon relics, I will definitely look for treasures that restore the origin of the world and help you return to the top.”

Jiang Chen solemnly accepted Ruodao.

Jiang Chen has always been grateful for Pang Qingyuan and Long Jianxin.

Without Pang Qingyuan.

It is impossible for him to enter the Earth Dragon City as recommended by Elder of the Heavenly God Realm, and it is even more impossible for him to get the God King Cultivation Technique Taixu Sacred Dragon Map and many benefits.

Without these.

Even if Jiang Chen had the system, he might not be able to enter the Sky Dragon City as the number one in the Sky Dragon Ranking for more than a year.

In the past few years in Tianlongcheng.

Without the secret help of Dragon Jianxin and Pang Qingyuan, it would not have been possible for him to grow so smoothly to where he is now, and thus obtain a place to enter the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

“You are welcome. Although Jianxin and I have been paying more attention to you, you can get to this point in just a few years. Everything depends on yourself.”

“I’m also very fortunate to be able to bring a genius like you back to the ancient dragon clan, maybe the ancient dragon clan will have time to rely on you in the future.”

“As for my business, everything can be done. The ancient sacred dragon relics are full of dangers. Even if the world god Venerable enters it, there is a risk of falling. If it is really impossible, you don’t have to force it.”

“There is still some time before the ancient sacred dragon ruins open. I will tell you some information about the ancient sacred dragon ruins. I hope it can be helpful to you…”


Pang Qingyuan informed Jiang Chen of his knowledge of the ancient sacred dragon relics.

Including several forbidden places in the ancient sacred dragon relics that cannot be easily walked into, as well as the incomplete information on the origin of the Taixu sacred dragon map, Pang Qingyuan introduced clearly.

And when Jiang Chen learned that the origin of the fragments of the Taixu Sacred Dragon Picture, it was very likely that it was the place of inheritance of an ancient powerhouse of the Divine King Realm, and he was increasingly looking forward to the remains of the ancient Sacred Dragon in his heart.

Although he has successfully completed the Taixu Sacred Dragon Map with the power of the system, he does not need to find a complete Taixu Sacred Dragon Map.

But the inheritance of the god king is rare in the world.

Who in this world can resist the temptation of the God King’s inheritance?

“Jiang Chen, after you enter the ancient sacred dragon ruins, in addition to being careful of the dangers in the ruins, you have to be careful of yourself.”

“The one behind this person has a great grudge against me. I am afraid I don’t want me to restore my original strength and return to the peak.”

“And your body has been labeled with me, I am worried that he will be against you.”

After Pang Qingyuan introduced the information of the ancient sacred dragon ruins, he said suddenly.

Jiang Chen shook his heart and asked, “Who?”

“Zhuang Shengyang, the young man with red hair and red clothes opposite, the second true God Realm Shenlongwei in Shenlong City.”

“This guy’s Cultivation Base has already reached the pinnacle of the superior true gods, and the Insight of the origin of the fire road has also reached the extremely high Realm, not far from the heavenly gods.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but looked at the Seven Daoist Shadows on the opposite side.


There are seven people in front of them, and these should be the seven people who are going to enter the ancient sacred dragon ruins in Shenlong City.

All of them exudes an extremely powerful aura.

Especially Zhuang Shengyang, who was in Pang Qingyuan’s mouth, and another man in purple clothes standing with a sword, made Jiang Chen instinctively feel a hint of danger.

“Is this the strength of Shenlong City’s top True God Realm, it is really strong.”

Jiang Chen’s heart shook slightly.

Jiang Chen also had a certain understanding of the Dragon Guard of the Ancient Dragon tribe.

A disciple of Sky Dragon City, the time spent cultivating as a disciple in Sky Dragon City is only 5,000 years at most.

Within these five thousand years.

The disciples of Tianlongcheng can apply for the Dragon Guard test at any time, and only the disciples who pass the Dragon Guard test can become a permanent member of the ancient dragon clan.

If they fail the Dragon Guard test for five thousand years, they will only be eliminated by the Gulong clan in the end.

The Longwei assessment is divided into the Tianlongwei assessment and the Shenlongwei assessment.

After passing the examination of Tianlongwei, you can become Tianlongwei and stay in Tianlongcheng permanently.

After passing the Shenlongwei assessment, you can become the Shenlongwei and get the qualification to be promoted to the Shenlongcheng!


If you are talented enough to be evil enough to be able to directly become a powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm within five thousand years, there is no need to participate in the Dragon Guardian assessment.

Powerful in the Heavenly God Realm can be directly promoted to Shenlong City without any examination!


It’s not easy for the true gods to break through the heavens.

Even in the millions of years of the ancient dragon clan’s history, it is one of the few that can break through the heavens and gods within five thousand years.


Even these handful of people did not break through the Heavenly God Realm in Heavenly Dragon City.

Now that they have reached a certain level in the Cultivation Base, they will all choose to participate in the Shenlongwei assessment in advance to be promoted to Shenlong City.

after all.

Shenlong City is the core of the ancient dragon clan. It has the best cultivation resources and environment in the entire ancient dragon world. It is far easier to break through the heavenly god realm here than in the Tianlong city.

And these seven dragon guards in front of them are undoubtedly the top seven guards of the true gods of the ancient dragon clan.

The strength of each of them has reached the pinnacle of the superior true gods, and many of them have even mastered some of the original Martial Dao, and have already half-footed into the heavenly gods.

Even Jiang Chen has always been very confident in his own combat power, facing the seven guys in front of him, but he has to treat it with caution.


Just as Jiang Chen looked at the seven god-tier dragon guards opposite, there was a sudden violent fluctuation in the blue palace in front of him.


I saw the ancient bronze gate of the cyan palace slowly opening amidst a roar.

Jiang Chen looked towards the bronze gate, but found that it was covered by a cloud of chaotic light, and it was vast. Only a wild and reckless aura of ancient times slowly diffused out of the Great Hall.

“The entrance to the ancient sacred dragon ruins has been opened, go in quickly.”

Seeing the cyan palace opened, Long Jianxin couldn’t help but shout directly at the ten Jiang Chen.

call out! call out! call out!

As Long Jianxin’s voice fell, the seven god-tier Dragon Guards instantly turned into an afterimage and sank into the blue palace.

When Long Haocang and Liu Tianxing saw this, they also followed the seven and swept towards the blue palace.

“Remains of the ancient sacred dragon, I’m Jiang Chen here!”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and then flashed out quickly, stepping into the door of the blue palace…

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