Chapter 1587 World God Sect Site

Under the leadership of the woman in red, Jiang Chen and the two slowly moved forward in the mountains and forests.

en route.

Jiang Chen also knew that the woman in red was named Ning Yan, who came from a place called Biyunjie.

There were many fierce beasts along the way, and they were easily solved by the two.

Not long.

They came to a big mountain filled with blood and fog.

On the mountain, there is a vaguely ruined building exuding ancient atmosphere, and its scale looks very grand.

at the same time.

Jiang Chen also felt that even if many years have passed, there still seems to be a series of extremely powerful pressure and artistic conceptions on this mountain, which are obviously left by the battle between the two peak powerhouses here.

With a slight glance on the mountain in front of him, Jiang Chen had already determined that this woman named Ning Yan did not lie to him.

This mountain was once a mighty world god Sect force, but for some reason, it has now turned into a ruin.


Through the blood mist floating in the air and the heart-palpiting yin and evil aura, Jiang Chen could already guess that there must have been an extremely tragic battle to destroy the door here.

“Let’s go in and take a look.”

Jiang Chen said, and then cautiously leaned towards the mountain.


Just as the two of them had just entered the edge of the mountain, there was a low roar from the mountain, which made people feel inexplicably cold.


In the bloody misty mountains, Qiba Daoist Shadow also besieged Jiang Chen and the others in an instant.

The seven or eight Daoist shadows were all shriveled, only skinny and hollow eyes, a faint blood flowing in his body and eye pupils, looking very strange.

“Jiang Chen, this is the undead creature born in the mountain.”

Ning Yan looked at the seven or eight Daoist shadows, and said in a deep voice, “These undead creatures are extremely powerful, and some of them are not weaker than the superior true gods, and they are invulnerable to swords and guns and are extremely difficult to deal with.”

Jiang Chen nodded.

At the Sect site, a fierce battle took place at the beginning, resulting in a haze of blood and evil, which described a dangerous place.

These figures in front of them should have been some of the corpses who died here.

Because they have been nourished by the blood mist and the yin and evil air here all the year round, they have undergone corpse transformation and become the undead creatures in front of them.

“Let’s do it, a quick fight and a quick decision.”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and he directly killed the two undead creatures with the strongest aura.

Upon seeing this, Ning Yan also waved the long sword in her hand, dozens of red Sword Rays, and instantly slashed out against the undead creature closest to her!

Ding Ding Ding…

Dozens of Sword Rays landed on the body of the undead creature, sparks flew in all directions, and a burst of crisp metal crashing sound also resounded in mid-air instantly.

After sustaining dozens of swords by Ning Yan, the undead creature finally exploded and turned into a pile of bones scattered on the ground.

Jiang Chen twirled the image of the imaginary dragon, and immediately turned over his palm, an endless and unurging seal of the god of open sky, directly suppressing the two undead creatures in front of him.

The strength of these two undead creatures is almost the same as the previous black tiger.

Under Jiang Chen’s seal of opening the sky, these two undead creatures had no resistance at all, and were directly suppressed into nothingness.

The two quickly solved seven or eight undead creatures, and then tried to hide their breath as much as possible, carefully walking inward.

Because time is too long, most of the buildings here have been weathered.

Jiang Chen inspected several broken buildings and killed many undead creatures, but found nothing.

“Jiang Chen, look at it, there seems to be a medicine garden in front of you.”

At this moment, Ning Yan on the side pointed to somewhere in front and exclaimed with surprise on her face.

Jiang Chen followed Ning Yan’s fingers and found a huge garden thousands of feet away.

This garden is obviously the place where the ancient Sect planted magic medicine.

Although the medicine garden has been abandoned for a long time, part of it has been well preserved, and there should be many treasures.

Jiang Chen’s eyes flickered: “Go, go in and take a look!”

The two came to the entrance of the medicine garden, passed through the gate of the medicine garden, and before they had time to look at the situation of the medicine garden, a few undead creatures exuding a gloomy atmosphere had already surrounded them.

Perhaps it was nourished by some magical medicine in the medicine garden. The dozen or so undead creatures in front of them were obviously much stronger than the undead creatures outside.

Especially the leading undead creature that exudes a strong blood and evil spirit, the strength may have reached the peak of the superior true god.

Through the dozens of undead creatures, Jiang Chen and the other two looked at the huge medicine garden behind them.

This medicine garden was destroyed seven or eighty-eight in the original war, but there are still a few scattered places that have survived.

In the center of the pharmacy, there is a faint white light shrouded in the Xu Xu space.

What surprised Jiang Chen most was.

The soil in this space was turned out to be a layer of white and flawless sand.

The sandy soil is like grains of white jade, exuding the incomparable white light of Sacred, which is especially dazzling in this medicine garden shrouded by the gloomy Blood Qi.

On the white soil, there is also a mysterious plant that looks almost transparent.

Two strange fruits the size of an egg, like two crystals, exude an extremely dazzling light.

Looking at the two mysterious crystal fruits, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a fiery look in his eyes.

Although he didn’t know this crystal fruit, he could see that it was anything but ordinary!

“Blood soul flower, god-powered grass, purple electric god bamboo… my God, that turned out to be the unsullied fruit cultivated from unsullied sacred soil!”

Aside, Ning Yan looked at the medicine garden in front of her, and couldn’t help but scream in surprise.

Jiang Chen asked curiously, “What is Wushou fruit?”

“In God’s Domain, there are a lot of soils with strange soil quality, and this Wushou Divine soil is one of them.”

“It is said that any plant planted on Wushou Divine Soil will eventually evolve into Wushou Divine Tree and bear non-scaling fruits.”

“Foul Fruit is a rare divine fruit in the world. It can not only greatly increase the Cultivation Base, but also has the effect of purifying the spirit and Ascension qualifications. It is said that different people taking Wu Di Guo can produce some different magical effects. ”

Ning Yan stared at Wusuo Guo tightly, her expression also extremely excited.

She didn’t expect it.

As soon as I entered the ancient sacred dragon ruins this time, I unexpectedly encountered a peerless divine fruit like Wu Gu Guo.

This is simply a great opportunity.

Hearing Ning Yan’s introduction, Jiang Chen couldn’t help narrowing his eyes.

Since this Wusuoguo was so mysterious, he had to get it in his hands whatever he said.


And when Jiang Chen and the other two were looking at Wu Gu Guo, a dozen undead creatures beside them directly snarled and slaughtered them.

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