Chapter 1584 Ancient Sacred Dragon Remains Opened

“Will the ancient sacred dragon relics be opened?”

There was a flash of light in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and the cultivation ended immediately, and he quickly emerged from the Tower of Time.

And the moment Jiang Chen just stepped out of the Tower of Time, Shui Linglong’s voice also rang directly in his mind.

“Jiang Chen, come to the central square of Tianlong City, I will send you to the ancient sacred dragon ruins.”

Jiang Chen didn’t hesitate, his figure instantly turned into a black shadow, and he rushed towards the central square of Tianlong City.

About a few minutes later.

When Jiang Chen arrived at the central square, he found that Shui Linglong had already taken two young men with extraordinary spirits standing proudly in the middle of the square.

These two young men, one of them had blond hair and gold robes, all exuding a domineering and powerful aura.

The other person was dressed in a white robe and his face was like a crown jade. Although he looked extremely gentle, his deep eyes gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Although Jiang Chen and these two had never met, it was not difficult to guess the identity of the two at this moment.

The first true dragon, Tianjiao, Long Haocang.

The second true dragon Tianjiao Liu Tianxing.

The other two winners of the Holy Dragon Jade Medal in Sky Dragon City.

“Everyone is here, let’s go.”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s arrival, Shui Linglong said with a smile, and then he was about to take the three of Jiang Chen away.

But at this moment, a roaring anger suddenly came from a distance.

“Jiang Chen, stop for me!”

Jiang Chen frowned and couldn’t help but look up in the direction from which the sound came. He saw the third true dragon, Tianjiao Longji, rushing towards the central square with a monstrous aura of destruction.

“Jiang Chen, I said that I will get the Sacred Dragon Jade Medal from you.”

Long Ji’s eyes flashed with a cold light of destruction: “If you want the ancient sacred dragon ruins in front, you must first ask me if I agree!”

Shui Linglong looked at Long Ji, who was slaying aggressively, and couldn’t help but said indifferently: “Long Ji, you are not Jiang Chen’s opponent, I don’t think you should ask for trouble.”

“Linglong Elder, I lost in his hands more than two years ago, doesn’t mean that I will also lose now.”

Long Ji said in a deep voice: “This is the battle for the Saint Dragon jade card of the True God Realm. Anyone above the Heaven God Realm must not interfere. I hope that Elder will not break the rules.”

“Long Ji, Ben Elder will naturally not break the rules of the Shenlong jade card competition.”

Shui Linglong heard Long Ji’s words, her face suddenly cold: “If you want to challenge Jiang Chen again, I won’t stop you. But you’d better open your eyes and look at Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base first. Dead end!”

Long Ji was startled slightly, and then couldn’t help but look at Jiang Chen.

When he felt the breath of Jiang Chen, an incredible horror finally appeared in his eyes.

“Medium true god late stage, how is it possible?”

Long Ji’s eyes were dull, and the whole person was like a ghost, some of them couldn’t believe his own eyes.

When he fought with Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen was no more than the early stage Cultivation Base.

Now that only two years have passed, Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base has broken through two small Realms one after another, reaching the middle true god late stage in one fell swoop.

This… this is too outrageous.

To know.

At the beginning, it took him two to three hundred years from the early stage cultivation of the medium true god to the late stage of the medium true god.

“Long Ji, if you want the holy dragon jade card, then do it.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands in his hands, looking down at Long Ji faintly, without paying any attention to Long Ji.

Two years ago.

When he was still in the early stage of the middle true god, he was able to suppress Long Ji, let alone now?

“Unexpectedly, in just over two years, your Cultivation Base will be able to break through two small Realms.”

“Jiang Chen, this time I was convinced that I lost, you won.”

Long Ji returned to his senses and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, and his whole person instantly became a lot slumped.

Over the past two years.

In order to be able to defeat Jiang Chen and regain the holy dragon jade card, Long Ji specially cultivated and cultivated a secret method of ascension combat power for a short time.

He originally thought that by virtue of the increase of this secret technique, it should be enough to defeat Jiang Chen.


He never expected that Jiang Chen would actually put two small Realms in Cultivation Base Ascension in such a short time.

Although the secret technique of his cultivation can achieve a certain level of Ascension combat power, how can it be comparable to Jiang Chen from the two small Realms of Cultivation Base Ascension?

Long Ji is very clear at this moment.

If he insists on fighting Jiang Chen, his fate will probably only be worse than two years ago.

After three thousand years of hard work, I finally waited for the ancient sacred dragon ruins to open up to the true gods again.

Long Ji thought this was the opportunity for him to step into the Heavenly God Realm, but he didn’t expect that he would kill such a demon as Jiang Chen, and rob him of the opportunity to enter the ancient sacred dragon ruins.

Birth is not at the right time.

It is really a great sadness to appear in the same era as Jiang Chen’s heaven-defying evildoer.

“let’s go.”

Shui Linglong glanced at Long Ji, who was deeply affected, with some sympathy. Then, with a wave of her palm, she directly took the three Jiang Chen into the sky.

Under the leadership of Shui Linglong, the three of them rushed up into the sky and swept towards the endless starry sky above Tianlong City.

I don’t know how long it took.

A huge city crawling in the depths of the starry sky like a giant beast finally emerged in Jiang Chen’s eyes.

Looking at the city in front of me.

Jiang Chen knew almost without thinking that this should be the most core Shenlong City among the three ancient dragon cities.

Shui Linglong did not take Jiang Chen and the others into Shenlong City, but flew directly towards a blue palace floating above Shenlong City.

The cyan palace is independent of the Shenlong City, surrounded by a thick cyan electric light with a thick thumb.

At this moment.

In the void in front of the cyan palace, there were still a dozen Daoist standing still.

In these ten Daoist shadows, there are two figures that Jiang Chen is very familiar with. They are Jianxin Venerable Dragon Jianxin and Pang Qingyuan, whom he has not seen in a few years.

“Jianxin Venerable, Qingming Venerable, the three of Sky Dragon City, I have brought them.”

Shui Linglong brought Jiang Chen and the three to Long Jianxin’s front, and then turned his head to look at the three Jiang Chen and said: “You guys don’t come to see the two Venerables soon.”

“I am no longer a Qingming Venerable, but I can’t afford such a big gift.”

Pang Qingyuan waved his hand and smiled faintly: “You can just treat me as a bad old man watching the excitement.”

“Haha…Shui Linglong, the ancient sacred dragon relic is about to open, why do you make these three little guys so nervous?”

Long Jianxin chuckled, then looked at the three Jiang Chen and said: “The opening of the ancient sacred dragon ruins is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. Now that you have the qualifications to enter it, you must seize this opportunity.”


The three Jiang Chen replied respectfully, and then stood aside and waited quietly.

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