Chapter 1572 The Third True Dragon Tianjiao, Long Ji

Tens of miles away from Xuan Yuzong, Han Jue fled in the void with all his strength.

“Damn it, I didn’t expect that kid had a trump card left by the great power of the ancient dragon world, but he could kill the gods with a single sword.”

Han Jue was terrified in his heart.

In the Black Dragon Empire that day, he fought Jiang Chen. Although he escaped by chance, he was hit hard, almost dead.


He notified Xuan Yuzong to come to rescue him, and came to Xuan Yuzong smoothly.

Originally Han absolutely thought.

Xuanyu Sect is a top power with a radius of one million li, and now the Qijue ancestor with a breakthrough in the Heavenly God Realm sits in town. He should be safe to stay in Xuanyu Sect for the time being.


He never thought of it.

Jiang Chen would actually kill the Xuanyu Sect on his own, and with his own power, he would suppress the Xuanyu Sect.

Even the Qijue ancestor who broke through the Heavenly God Realm was killed by a single sword!

“Han Jue, I said long ago, if you want to take your head back to Sky Dragon City, you can’t escape.”

Just when Han Jue was panicking in his heart, a faint voice came from behind him in vain.

Han Jue’s face changed drastically.

He suddenly looked back and saw that Jiang Chen had appeared less than ten miles away from him.

“damn it!”

Han Jue cursed secretly in his heart, gritted his teeth, and was about to use his escape technique to escape again.

“Want to repeat the same trick? It’s a pity that you won’t have that chance.”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly and stretched out his hand to grasp the void. The Third Stage Space Law and the Third Stage Time Law directly solidified the space around Han Jue.

“Do not!”

Han Jue looked desperate and horrified, struggling frantically.

It was just that he was only half-life left by Jiang Chen’s sword not long ago, and finally he used escape technique to escape by force.

Now that the internal injury is less than one-tenth, how can he break through the constraints of Jiang Chen’s law of space and time?

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he shook his palm abruptly.

Han Jue’s body space was distorted for a while, and his body burst into bursts in that distorted space.

Immediately afterwards.

An illusory figure also flew out of Han Jue’s bursting body in a hurry.

The soles of Jiang Chen’s feet were in the void, and he appeared on the head of the illusory figure in the blink of an eye, reaching out and confining it in his hands.

“The mission is complete, it’s time to go back and return to life.”

Jiang Chen looked at Han Jue’s desperate soul, couldn’t help but smile, his figure disappeared into the sky in a flash.

The Black Dragon Empire, the imperial palace.

Long Xing looked anxious, pacing back and forth in a magnificent Great Hall.

“Xing’er, you are now the new Black Dragon Emperor designated by Master Jiang Chen. You must remain calm and don’t be irritable when things happen.”

At this moment, Long Yuan who was standing aside suddenly said.

Long Xing paused, with a worried expression on his face: “Father, Lord Jiang Chen went to Xuanyu Sect alone, I’m a little worried…”

“Master Jiang Chen, as the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan, since he dared to go to Xuanyu Sect alone, he has his own plan. You can’t interfere with these things.”

Long Yuan shook his head and said, “Now that the Black Dragon Empire is a waste of time, you should handle the affairs of the Black Dragon Empire properly.”

“I see.”

Long Xing took a deep breath, and had to stop thinking about Jiang Chen for the time being.

But at this moment, a golden armored guard hurriedly walked in from outside the Great Hall and said to Long Xinggong, “Your Majesty, there is news from the Supreme Envoy.”

Long Xing’s eyes lit up: “Say.”

“According to the news from the spies, the Lord Admiral suppressed Xuanyu Sect with his own power. It is said that even the Seven Jues ancestors of Xuan Yuzong who broke through the Heavenly God Realm appeared, and were eventually killed by the Lord Admiral with a sword!”

The golden armor guards spoke surprisingly authentic.


Hearing the golden armor guard, both Long Xing were dumbfounded, and couldn’t help taking a breath.

Although they also knew that Jiang Chen was very powerful, they didn’t expect Jiang Chen to be so powerful as heaven-defying!

Suppress the top true god power Xuanyu sect with one’s own power, and even the strong of the heavenly gods can kill with a single sword!

Shouldn’t this f*ck be so exaggerated!

Long Xing was shocked, but he couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

Xuan Yuzong is adjacent to the Black Dragon Empire, and the strength of the Black Dragon Empire is now greatly damaged, and it is impossible to compete with Xuan Yuzong.

Jiang Chen suppressed Xuan Yuzong, which is also considered a big worry for the Black Dragon Empire.

“Master Jiang Chen, your great favor, Long Xing is unforgettable. Don’t worry, when you come to the Black Dragon Empire next time, I will show you a different Black Dragon Empire.”

Long Xing looked up at the western sky with a firm look in his eyes.

Sky Dragon City, the lobby of the Foreign Affairs Hall.

More than a dozen Tianlongcheng disciples are taking over tasks in an orderly manner.


A ruthless man in a black armor, with an overbearing aura of destruction, slowly walked in from the outside.

With the appearance of this cold man.

All the Tianlongcheng disciples waiting in line in the hall suddenly changed their faces.

They all retreated tacitly and made way for the cold man.

The ruthless man was not polite, and walked directly towards the center of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, a black-clothed deacon looked at the cold man, and could not help but politely said: “Your Excellency Long Ji, you also want to take the task?”

This cold man is the third Dragon Ji, who is ranked third among the top ten true dragons in Tianlong City.

Long Ji is an infinite genius with the blood of the ancient dragon clan.

It is said that his character is cold and domineering, and very cruel, Yazi will report. If anyone dares to say that he is not, it is a big grudge.

There was once a superior genius who was targeted by Long Ji for decades because he said a few bad things behind his back, and finally left Tianlong City sadly.

It is precisely because of this.

Most of the disciples in Tianlong City, when they encounter Long Ji, they are like a ghost and avoid it, fearing that they will provoke this evil star.

“Another ten years have passed, and I have come to complete a trial task.”

Long Ji said indifferently, and immediately picked up the task manual in front of the black deacon and began to read it.

After a while.

Long Ji’s gaze was directly fixed on a piece of mission information, and he said indifferently: “That’s it.”

Black-clothed deacon glanced at Long Ji’s chosen mission, his eyes condensed slightly.

Because the task Long Ji chose was the one taken by the tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen a few days ago.

Deacon in black took a deep breath and explained with a smile: “Your Excellency Long Ji, this mission has already been…”

“I saw.”


Before the black deacon finished speaking, Long Ji interrupted him directly, coldly said: “Dragon City does not seem to have regulations. I can’t accept tasks that others have accepted, right?”

Deacon in black was slightly startled: “This…”

Long Ji’s eyes were cold, and his expression impatiently said: “Stop talking nonsense, record and register, I’m going to this task!”

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