Chapter 1573 You are blocking my way

Hearing Long Ji’s extremely domineering words, Deacon in black couldn’t help but change slightly.

In Tianlongcheng.

Although there is no clear stipulation that two Tianlongcheng disciples cannot accept the same task, this has become a default rule for everyone.

after all.

Most of the disciples in Sky Dragon City will only complete a trial task that must be completed every ten years.

The task of trial is still very important to the disciples of Sky Dragon City. Because he failed three consecutive trial missions, he might lose his qualifications to continue practicing in Sky Dragon City.

When two people accept a task at the same time, it will greatly increase the chance of failure of the task.

It is precisely because of this.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no two disciples in Tianlong City to take the same task.

But now, Long Ji has taken a fancy to this task that has already been accepted.

Black Deacon sighed helplessly in his heart, and had to bite the bullet and register for Long Ji’s record.

This evil star is definitely not something he can afford to provoke a little deacon.


Just when the black-clothed deacon was about to register, he found a black-clothed young man slowly walking in from the outside of the hall.

Looking at the black-clothed youth who walked into the hall, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared in the black-clothed Deacon’s eyes.

The tenth true dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen, how did he return to Tianlongcheng?

Could it be that… this one has already completed the task and failed?

Jiang Chen walked into the hall, ignoring the somewhat different atmosphere in the hall, and strode towards the task transfer point.

Looking at Jiang Chen who was coming straight, Long Ji’s complexion couldn’t help but cold, just listen to him coldly shout to Jiang Chen: “Get me a little farther, haven’t you seen me still taking the task?”

Jiang Chen, who was about to make friends with each other, was also taken aback by Long Ji’s sudden sharp drink.

“You said that if you let me go, I have to go?”

Jiang Chen suddenly snorted with an unhappy expression: “This Foreign Affairs Hall is not yours. Who stipulated that I can’t hand in tasks when you take the task?”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, more than a dozen Tianlongcheng disciples in the hall suddenly turned their eyes round.

I’m afraid this guy is crazy, even the evil star Long Ji dare to provoke him!

On the other side of Jiang Chen, Long Ji exuded a sharp chill: “What did you say, there is a kind of say it again?”

“Long Ji, this is the tenth true dragon arrogant Jiang Chen, and he is also the one who takes this task one step ahead of you.”

At this moment, black-clothed deacon smiled and said, “You might as well let Your Excellency Jiang Chen make the quest first. If Your Excellency Jiang Chen has completed the quest, there is no need for you to accept this quest.”

It turns out that he is the newly promoted tenth true dragon arrogant Jiang Chen in Tianlong City, no wonder he dare not give Long Ji Face so much.

When everyone heard the words of deacon in black, they couldn’t help showing a strange look.

The third true dragon Tianjiao of Tianlong City, against the tenth true dragon Tianjiao, this time I am afraid that there will be a good show to watch.

Long Ji’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Tenth True Dragon Tianjiao Jiang Chen, it turns out it’s you!”

The third true dragon Tianjiao Longji.

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at Long Ji. Jiang Chen himself had heard of this great name.


Jiang Chen just glanced at Long Ji and ignored it.

He directly took out a jade bottle and placed it in front of the black deacon, and said with a smile: “Deacon, I’m here to make a mission.”

Deacon in black was taken aback for a moment.

Under normal circumstances, receiving this kind of kill mission will bring the target’s corpse back to Sky Dragon City as a voucher for the mission.

But Jiang Chen gave him such a jade bottle, what is the situation?

With some doubts, deacon in black picked up the jade bottle and felt a little.

very quickly.

The black deacon had already noticed that the jade bottle was sealed with the soul of a superior true god. Moreover, the breath of this soul clearly exudes the unique breath of the Practitioner of the Blood Moon Realm!

Deacon in black was shocked.

Jiang Chen really completed the task, and also captured the spirit of the true god of the blood moon world alive.

To know.

The goals of the first-class missions of Sky Dragon City are all at least to reach the existence of the first-class true gods.

For the true dragon Tianjiao of the ancient dragon tribe, although it is not difficult to kill an ordinary and superior true god, it is not an easy task to capture the spirit of a superior true god like Jiang Chen alive.

“Your Excellency Jiang Chen, congratulations on completing the task. This is a reward for the task. Please check.”

Deacon in black took a deep breath, and immediately handed over 100,000 Heavenly Dragon Points and a drop of Gulong Blood Essence to Jiang Chen.

“Thank you. As far as I know, the Practitioner of the Blood Moon Realm seems to be planning some conspiracy for the Blood Moon Realm. You can interrogate it carefully.”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he ignored Long Ji, who was pale on the side, and walked away.

“Wait a moment.”

At this moment, a coldly voice came from behind Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen paused, looked back at Long Ji, and asked faintly: “Are you calling me?”

“Jiang Chen, I am very interested in this drop of Gulong Blood Essence, I wonder if I can exchange it for me?”

Although Long Ji was asking Jiang Chen, there was a trace of unquestionable aura in that faint voice.

The reason why he saw this task just now was because of the drop of Gulong Blood Essence rewarded by the task.

But he didn’t expect that before he had time to accept the task, Jiang Chen had already taken the lead and completed the task.

“Sorry, I’m not interested!”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Seeing that Jiang Chen dared not to face himself like this, Long Ji’s face suddenly sank.

His figure flashed, and he stood directly in front of Jiang Chen, and a sharp cold light flashed across his eyes: “Jiang Chen, I will ask you one last time, do you want to exchange this ancient dragon Blood Essence?”

Jiang Chen expressionlessly: “A good dog doesn’t stand in the way, you are blocking my way.”

“Jiang Chen, you are looking for death!”

Long Ji’s complexion turned red, and a sudden murderous intent burst out all over his body.

As a genius of the ancient dragon tribe, he has been cultivating in Tianlong City for thousands of years and has always been aloof and overlooked all beings.

Now Jiang Chen compares him to a dog. How can Long Ji not be angry?

Long Ji stared at Jiang Chen with awe-inspiring killing intent, and a fierce aura suddenly spread from his body, causing the surrounding air to be slightly distorted.


A phantom of a dark mountain peak with a destructive aura was faintly revealed behind Long Ji.

In the hall.

More than a dozen Tianlongcheng disciples looked at this scene, and they all hurriedly fled around in panic.

Although Sky Dragon City Restrictions fights life and death in private, the status of the True Dragon Tianjiao is equal to Elder, and in many cases it is already above the rules.

The dispute between the two true dragons and Tianjiao is not something they can participate in.

Once these two guys start their hands, I’m afraid the aftermath of their vigor will cause them to fall into a situation where they cannot be recovered.

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