Chapter 1571 I have a sword that can kill the gods!

“Hunyuan ancient sword, condensate!”

Jiang Chen’s complexion changed, and his figure exploded. At the same time, the seven Martial Dao laws instantly condensed the mixed primitive sword, raising his hand to cut out a seven-color Sword Ray.


The seven-colored Sword Ray runs through the world and collides with the blood-colored Sword Qi.

I saw Jiang Chen’s always invincible seven-color Sword Ray, just when he touched the blood-colored Sword Qi, he was strangled and shattered by the blood-colored Sword Qi.

Jiang Chen’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he hurriedly swung the Hun Yuan Gu Sword and swung out two swords in a row.

boom! boom!

Two different Sword Qi collided one after another in the void, and the horrible aftermath of Sword Qi cut into countless spatial cracks in the space of thousands of square meters.

And under the resistance of Jiang Chen’s three consecutive Sword Rays, the bloody Sword Qi finally slowly dissipated in the void.

“Is this the power of the Heavenly God Realm, it is really strong.”

Jiang Chen stared at Qijue Ancestor who was a thousand meters away, and he took a breath in his heart.

The bloody Sword Qi just now was just a sword that Qijue ancestor wielded casually. However, when he condensed the Primordial Ancient Sword, he swung three swords in a row before barely resisting it.

“The Cultivation Base of the inferior true gods understands the six Third Stage Martial Dao laws. Such a talent is rare in the world.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen was able to block his own sword, Qi Jue Ancestor’s bloody eyes also couldn’t help showing a look of wonder.

He looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, and said lightly: “Looking at your good talent, give you a chance to survive. As long as you are willing to surrender to me, I can spare you not to die!”

Jiang Chen dismissed a smile: “It’s just a Heavenly God Realm that uses external forces to force a breakthrough. If you want me to surrender, do you deserve it too?”

“What a pity such a genius!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen rejected him, Qi Jue Ancestor shook his head, flipped his hand, and slapped Jiang Chen mercilessly.


Countless powers of heaven and earth condensed in the void and turned into an invisible giant palm that opened the sky and suppressed Jiang Chen.

The giant palm has not yet arrived.

The void with a radius of one thousand meters is sunken out of thin air, printing a pitch-black palm print formed by a crack in the space.

“Drive me!”

Jiang Chen was furious, the divine body vision golden sword phantom, the Cultivation Technique vision Qianlongzhen sky map, the colorful true god Minor World and other powers were all unfolded.

Bang! Bang! Bang!


Even if Jiang Chen used all his methods, in front of the power of Qijue ancestor Realm, it collapsed like a piece of paper.

And Jiang Chen’s whole person was shot and flew thousands of meters away by the palm of Qijue Ancestor.

Blood spurted out of Jiang Chen’s mouth, his body was scarred, and his whole body seemed to fall apart, shaking in midair.

“Heavenly God Realm, it really is not something I can handle now.”

Jiang Chen suppressed the chaotic breath in his body, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

After all, he underestimated the Heavenly God Realm.

Even if the Qijue Patriarch is not a normal breakthrough in the Heavenly God Realm, it is completely above the true God Realm.

“Boy, you can be proud of being able to stop me from the Cultivation Base of the true god.”

Qijue ancestor stood with his hand in his hand, looking down on Jiang Chen like a god or devil, “But…this battle should end here.”

Coldly’s voice fell, Qi Jue Ancestor just stepped out, and the power of a hundred miles of heaven and earth condensed under his feet, and once again suppressed Jiang Chen.

“Ancestor Qijue, you are right, this battle really should be over.”

Facing the foot of Qijue Ancestor that stepped on the world, Jiang Chen slowly took a deep breath.


He suddenly reached out and pulled out a piece of dark hair from the top of his head.

Cang Dang!

Space is turbulent, time flows.

Under the urging of Jiang Chen, the black hair instantly turned into a transparent long sword as thin as autumn water.

And at the moment when the transparent long sword condenses.

The entire Baili Void was frozen in an instant, and even the figure of Qijue Ancestor was fixed in the air, as if even time had stopped at this moment.

“Qijue Patriarch, even if you break through the Celestial Realm? I have a sword, even if it is the current Celestial God, I can cut it with a single sword!”

Jiang Chen’s long hair was flying, and his proud laugh resounded through the world.

He urged the transparent long sword and cut it out at the light and fluttering sword of the Qijue Ancestor.

There is no trace of the long sword, no trace of time.

The transparent long sword, as thin as autumn water, penetrated the solidified space and time, and passed through the body of the Qijue ancestor, as if it did not cause any injuries to the Qijue ancestor.

But on the old face of the ancestor Qijue, there was an unprecedented panic.

“Do not!”

The Qijue ancestor let out a stern roar, his blood and light skyrocketed, and the world power of the Heavenly God Realm was also frantically surging.

It’s just that no matter how Qijue Ancestor struggled, it was impossible to resist the power of Jiang Chen’s sword.

The time around him seemed to accelerate hundreds of times and thousands of times in an instant. His face, which was already slightly old, was quickly filled with wrinkles, and his hair began to turn white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

To the end.

I saw the entire body of the Qijue Ancestor, slowly decaying directly in the void, turning into a pile of smoke and dust, dissipating between the heavens and the earth, without a trace.

this moment.

Between heaven and earth, they fell into a dead silence for an instant.

All the members of the Xuanyu Sect, including Yu Qingpeng, turned pale in an instant.

Their eyes were dull, and they almost couldn’t believe their own eyes.

Qijue ancestor, was defeated by Jiang Chen in this way?

Destroy the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm with one sword!

This… how is this possible.

“Ok… a terrifying sword.”

Seeing the sword he had sacrificed, he killed a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm in the blink of an eye, and Jiang Chen couldn’t help but breathe in secretly.

The power carried by a single hair can easily kill the powerhouse of the Heavenly God Realm!

Such a shocking method, I am afraid that only the Realm God Realm Venerable can do it.

Could it be that the realm god Venerable of the ancient dragon tribe who gave him this sword was not successful?

“It’s over! Xuanyu Sect is completely over!”

“Everyone, run away.”

Many Xuanyu sect disciples looked desperate and horrified.

Even Yu Qingpeng, the Elder of the Xuanyu Sect, didn’t dare to stay in the slightest, and fled away in panic like a bereaved dog.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Yu Qingpeng’s existence in collusion with the Blood Moon Realm would only be a disaster in this world, and Jiang Chen naturally didn’t want Yu Qingpeng to leave alive.


Just when he was about to make a move to leave Yu Qingpeng.

In the depths of Xuan Yuzong, an aura that made Jiang Chen very familiar also instantly turned into a bloody glow, fleeing in another direction.

This bloody shadow that flees in panic is astonishingly Han Jue, who was severely injured by Jiang Chen not long ago.

“No matter, with my current state, it is not easy to kill Yu Qingpeng. I’ll talk about taking down Han Jue.”

Jiang Chen shook his head and ignored Yu Qingpeng and others. Then his figure flashed, and he quickly chased towards the bloody light.

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