Chapter 1570 The old monster of Xuanyu Sect


Jiang Chen’s colorful Minor World collided with the attacks of more than ten true gods of Xuan Yuzong.

In an instant…

The sun and the moon are reversed, and the space is shattered.

The sky above the entire Xuanyu Sect, as if even the sky had been shattered, countless space storms rushed out from it.

Even the many disciples of the Xuanyu sect who were separated by a kilometer above the ground were affected.

Some weaker ones, even under the pressure of that terrifying aura, directly bleed to death from Qiqiao.

And in the void.

More than a dozen true gods of the Profound Feather Sect also trembled all over. Under the suppression of Jiang Chen’s colorful Minor World, they all struggled with pale expressions.


They didn’t stay under the colorful Minor World for long, and there was a burst of clicks in the sky.

A weaker Profound Feather Sect true god finally was the first to be able to hold it back. His true god Minor World and the power of his body protection were all turned into powder under the pressure of Jiang Chenchen’s colorful Minor World.

To the end.

Even his body has cracks visible to the naked eye under the pressure of Colorful Minor World.

The crack spread rapidly.

In just the blink of an eye, the entire body of the true god of the Profound Feather Sect burst open with a bang, turning into a bloody mist in mid-air.

“Boom! Bang! Bang!”

With the fall of the first Xuanyu Sect’s true body, there will soon be a second.

The continuous explosion sounded through the world, and the blood of the gods was spilled from the void like raindrops.

Just a few breaths.

More than a dozen true gods of the Profound Yuzong have already fallen, and only Yu Qingpeng and the remaining three high-class true gods are struggling to support them.

The clothes of the four of them have been stained red with blood, and they are mobilized to the peak with blood and blood, and their eyes are bloodshot, and they roar frantically, trying to break through the colorful Minor World above their heads.


Jiang Chen’s true god, Minor World, is like Mount Tai, standing still.

Under the pressure of the terrifying force of Colorful Minor World, the whole body of the four people inflated like a balloon about to soar.

this moment.

Yu Qingpeng finally couldn’t help but cried out with a look of horror.

“Ancestor save me!”

As Yu Qingpeng’s horrified scream fell, the entire Xuanyu Sect trembled in vain.


An unimaginable monstrous might, soaring into the sky, eclipsed the world in a radius of hundreds of miles.

Even if it is a superior true god, facing this mighty divine might, there is a feeling of wanting to worship.

Feeling the terrifying aura suddenly erupting from Xuan Yuzong, Jiang Chen’s pupils suddenly shrank.

“This is… the breath of a strong man in the Heavenly God Realm?”


Just when Jiang Chen’s mind was shaking, a ghostly bloody Sword Ray burst out from the depths of Xuanyu Sect.

The bloody Sword Ray tore through the sky, as if carrying the terrifying power of a world. In the blink of an eye, it crossed the space of ten thousand meters and fell on Jiang Chen’s true god Minor World.


The bloody Sword Ray was unstoppable, and Jiang Chen, the true god Minor World, who had suppressed everything, collapsed like a piece of paper.

And Jiang Chen’s figure was also shaken by the aftermath of that blood-colored Sword Ray, flying upside down for a distance of thousands of meters.

Jiang Chen’s pale complexion stabilized his figure in the void, his eyes fixed on the depths of Xuan Yuzong.

Just an understatement of the sword, across the vast void, broke his true god Minor World.

Celestial Realm!

This can only be done by the realm powerhouse!

“Unexpectedly, the little Xuanyu Sect actually hides an old monster from the Heavenly God Realm.”

Jiang Chen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and looked into the depths of Xuan Yuzong leisurely, and coldly said, “Since you have already taken action, don’t you come out and see?”


Following Jiang Chen’s words, a thousand-zhang bloody sword light that pierced the sky suddenly rose into the sky from the depths of Xuanyu Sect.


A thin, thin old man covered in black robe also slowly walked out of the bloody sword light.

at the same time.

A voice containing the majesty of the heavens also echoed above Xuanyu Sect.

“The true dragon Tianjiao of the Gulong clan is truly a well-deserved reputation, and he can force my Xuanyu Sect to such a degree with his own power!”


The many desperate disciples of the Xuanyu Sect looked at the divine and thin old man, and their eyes couldn’t help showing excitement.

“It’s the Qijue ancestor of my Xuanyu Sect, he…he is still alive?”

Qijue ancestor Yu Qijue is a figure of the ancestor level of Xuanyu sect. He was already a prestigious and prestigious true god tens of thousands of years ago.

It’s just that Qijue ancestor exhausted his whole life, and finally failed to take the last step to break through the heavens and gods.

Thousands of years ago, the Qijue ancestors saw that the deadline was approaching, so they began to close the dead and seek breakthrough.

Over the past thousand years, Xuan Yuzong has never heard from the Qijue ancestors.

They thought that the ancestor Qijue had already sat in the Closed Door Training, but they did not expect that the ancestor Qijue would appear in vain during the life and death crisis of Xuanyu Sect.

Today’s Qijue ancestor is obviously a strong man in the heavenly realm!

With the existence of this Qijue ancestor, their Xuanyu Sect was finally saved.

“Sect Leader, did the ancestor succeed?”

In mid-air, an upper-class true god who was saved by the ancestor Qijue, looked at the ancestor Qijue above, with a look of ecstasy.

“Yes, the ancestors have already made a breakthrough in the Heavenly God Realm.”

Yu Qingpeng took a deep breath and suppressed his excitement.

For several years, they did not hesitate to collude secretly with the Blood Moon Realm, and this gave the ancestors the opportunity to break through the Celestial God Realm, and now they finally succeeded.

“It seems that your Xuanyu Sect is indeed in collusion with the Blood Moon Realm in secret.”

“You are not cultivating the blood path, but the power of the world evolved with the origin of the blood path. If I guess right, you should have gained some power from the blood moon realm, so that you can break through the heavens and gods.”

“Although you broke through the Celestial Divine Realm in this way, it is far from the real Celestial Divine Realm.”

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept slightly over the ancestor Qijue, faintly authentic.

“Little guy, your eyesight is pretty good.”

“Although my Heavenly Divine Realm is three points weaker than a normal Heavenly Divine Realm, I am also a strong celestial realm after all. It is more than enough to kill you a true God Realm ant!”

Qijue ancestor smiled sensibly, and a murderous intent filled his body.

The boy in front of him, as the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan, knew the secret of the collusion between the Xuanyu Sect and the Blood Moon Realm, and he definitely had no possibility of leaving.


Once this kid is told this to the Ancient Dragon Clan, it will definitely bring disaster to their Xuanyu Sect!

The ancestor Qijue did not hesitate at all, lifted his palm slightly, and a bloody Sword Qi burst out of his fingertips.

This bloody Sword Qi, which was about three feet long, contained incomparably terrifying power, split Qianzhang Void in two, and struck Jiang Chen with a sword.

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