Chapter 1563 Invincible Might!

Following Jiang Chen’s law of life, he waved out.

Long Xing’s body seemed to have been purified and baptized.

I saw his veins exposed, as if the blood vessels that were about to burst, gradually calmed down.

the other side.

Long Xuanyin, who was trying his best to mobilize Fa Jue, realized in an instant horror that he could no longer control Long Xing’s life!

He suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Chen, his eyes also showed an unbelievable look: “You…you actually broke the life-devouring blood seed on Long Xing’s body?”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “It’s nothing more than a small plan, how difficult is it to break?”

This so-called blood-splitting seed is actually a seed planted in the body of others by the law of blood.

Once the phagocytic seed is activated, the person who is planted with the blood seed will absorb the essence, qi and blood by the phagocytic seed.

This blood-splitting species is not only a means to control people, but also a Cultivation Base that uses the human body as the Human Cauldron and the living human essence, qi and blood, to condense the blood essence.


Although this blood-devouring species is domineering, its biggest nemesis is the law of life.

The blood-splitting species on Long Xing’s body is not high.

With Jiang Chen’s second stage law of life, it is naturally more than enough to decipher it.

Seeing that the life-devouring blood seed on his body was easily cracked by Jiang Chen, Long Xing’s face couldn’t help showing a look of ecstasy.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and quickly thanked Jiang Chen: “Long Xing paid homage to the Admiral of the Gulong clan, and thank you for his rescue.”

Master Gulong!

Following Long Xing’s words, the expressions of everyone in the Great Hall changed drastically.

In their eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was also an inconceivable shock.

The ancient dragon tribe, the only realm god power in the ancient dragon world, is the heaven of the entire ancient dragon world!

They never thought that the entire black-clothed youth in front of them was an envoy from the ancient dragon clan!


Jiang Chen glanced at Long Xing in surprise, “Do you know who I am?”

Long Xing respectfully said: “The admiral is very popular, powerful, and knows the details of my Black Dragon Empire, it must be the admiral from the ancient dragon clan.”

“You are very good.”

Jiang Chen complimented Long Xing, and immediately said with a smile: “I came to the Black Dragon Empire this time only for a mission, but I didn’t expect such changes to happen to the Black Dragon Empire.”

Long Xing hurriedly said: “Please also the envoy to be the master of the Black Dragon Empire, and give the Black Dragon Empire a peace.”

“The envoy, please call the shots, and return the Black Dragon Empire to peace!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen really seemed to be the messenger of the ancient dragon clan, everyone including Long Yuan looked excited, and bowed to Jiang Chen respectfully and bowed in front of Jiang Chen.

With the arrival of the ancient dragon admiral, their Black Dragon Empire is saved.

“Get up all.”

With a wave of Jiang Chen’s palm, a divine power directly lifted everyone up.

He smiled faintly: “I have some connections with your Black Dragon Empire. Since we met, I wouldn’t just sit idly by. What’s more… My mission to the Black Dragon Empire on this trip is also inseparable from this matter. .”

“The mission of the envoy should be the blood moon demon who made chaos in the Black Dragon Empire a year ago.”

After Long Xing finished speaking, he immediately stared at Long Xuanyin coldly, and his coldly voice rang directly in Jiang Chen’s ears.

“My Lord, after the black dragon empire changed drastically a year ago, Long Xuanyin controlled the black dragon empire, and there was a mysterious strong man behind him who helped him.”

“And the blood-devouring seed in our body was planted by the mysterious strong person.”

“If I guess right, this mysterious powerhouse should be the blood moon demon at the time. The black dragon empire’s change a year ago was basically planned by Long Xuanyin and the blood moon demon in collusion.”

Jiang Chen raised his sword eyebrows.

It seemed that the Black Dragon Empire had already discovered the clues, but due to the powerful strength of the blood moon world demon, he did not dare to resist easily.

“Long Xuanyin, what else do you have to say?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Long Xuanyin faintly: “Give you a chance to tell me the whereabouts of the blood moon world demon, I can consider sparing you.”

“Hmph! I am the prince of the Black Dragon Empire, how can I be with the demon of the Blood Moon Realm?”

Long Xuanyin gave a cold snort, and immediately stared at Jiang Chen with a gloomy expression: “You said that you are the Admiral of the Ancient Dragon Clan, but what evidence is there?”

Jiang Chen said indifferently: “I don’t need to prove anything to you. Let me say this one last time, let the mysterious strong behind you come out to see me!”

“It seems that you are indeed an envoy of the ancient dragon clan!”

“Where did the hairy boy dare to emerge from the ancient dragon clan’s envoy to come to the Black Dragon Empire to go wild, today I will take care of the ancient dragon clan and get rid of you, a fake!”

“Blood Shadow Guard, kill him without showing up yet!”

Long Xuanyin screamed, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Regardless of whether this guy is the messenger of the ancient dragon clan, today he won’t let this kid live here immediately!


As Long Xuanyin’s voice fell, a mysterious blood shadow exuding a monster aura condensed out of thin air directly in front of him.

“Boy, dare to ruin my master’s major event, and die!”

The mysterious blood shadow gave Jiang Chen a coldly look, and his blood was soaring, and then directly turned into thousands of blood swords containing the cold blood and evil spirit in mid-air, and shot out against Jiang Chen overwhelmingly.

“Admiral Sir, be careful, this Blood Shadow Guard is the confidant of the Blood Moon Realm demon, with a strength comparable to a superior true god.”

Long Yuan’s complexion changed, and he could not help but hurriedly called out to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent.

The strength of this blood shadow guard is almost the same as the opponent of the Tianlong Palace 30 breaths.

At the beginning, all his Martial Dao laws were from the Second Stage sky, and such an existence could kill him instantly.

Now that all of his six laws have broken through the Third Stage, and his strength has soared more than ten times, how can he put this Blood Shadow Guard in his eyes?

He slowly raised his palm, and then flicked his finger, a seven-color flame radiating magical light, instantly flew out from his fingertips.

Chi Chi…

With the power to burn the void, the seven-color flames rapidly magnified in mid-air.

Those blood swords that came across the sky were only in contact with the seven-colored flames, and they were instantly burned by the seven-colored flames.

The Seven-Colored Flame destroyed the Mantian Blood Sword without any reduction in speed, and directly enveloped the Blood Shadow Guard with an unstoppable force of destruction.

The Blood Shadow Guard even made a scream before being burned into nothingness by the seven-color flame…

this moment.

Great Hall fell into a deadly silence.

Everyone stared at Jiang Chen with dull eyes, and it was difficult to recover from the shock for a long time.

One move to obliterate an existence comparable to the superior true god!

Is this the invincible power of the ancient dragons?

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