Chapter 1562 From now on, here I have the final say!

“Ah…you dare to abolish me, I want to kill you!”

Long Xuanyin’s mouth suddenly let out a sorrowful scream, and the look at Jiang Chen also showed an extremely hideous look.

Long Xuanyin was originally a mediocre talent, and was not outstanding among the princes of the Black Dragon Empire.

He can become a prince because he has a strong mother.

Since the accidental fall of his mother ten years ago, Long Xuanyin’s position in the Black Dragon Empire has plummeted, and even many princes have looked forward to his position as a prince.

Especially in the last two years, the Black Dragon Emperor has also been extremely dissatisfied with him, vaguely intending to abolish his prince.

Just when Long Xuanyin was extremely desperate, a mysterious strong man named Han Jue suddenly approached him.

As long as he is willing to obey, the mysterious powerhouse will help him Ascension strength and make him the next Black Dragon King.

Long Xuanyin naturally agreed without hesitation.

With the help of Han Jue, Long Xuanyin cultivated a blood path Cultivation Technique, and quickly made himself a true god realm powerhouse.

Not only that.

He also planned a conspiracy with Han Jue to introduce the Black Dragon Emperor and the other two high-ranking true gods of the Black Dragon Empire into a trap that Han Jue had already planted, causing the Black Dragon Emperor to die and injure both of them.


With the help of Han Jue, Long Xuanyin took control of the Black Dragon Empire.

Nowadays, Long Xuanyin is in power in the Black Dragon Empire, and no one in the entire Black Dragon Empire dared to oppose him.

But this guy in front of him dared to come to the Black Dragon Imperial Palace blatantly and dismissed him in public!

Long Xuanyin looked savage, staring at Jiang Chen with cold eyes like those of four people, and there was also a terrifying roar in his mouth.

“Long Yuan, what are you doing in a daze, and don’t take him down for this palace!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen dared to destroy Long Xuanyin in front of him, the golden armor leader Long Yuan’s complexion couldn’t help but sink slightly.

Although Long Xuanyin did a lot of evil and deserved death, but this kid was so open in the Black Dragon Empire Palace, where did he put the majesty of the Black Dragon Empire?

“Take him!”

Long Yuan commanded many golden armored guards to kill Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, but with a wave of his hand, more than a dozen golden armored guards fell directly to the ground with a soft thud.

Although these more than ten golden armor guards are not weak, they only return to the Cultivation Base of the Ruins Realm. How can they pose the slightest threat to Jiang Chen?

Solved more than a dozen golden armor guards lightly.

Jiang Chen raised his palm and pointed at the last Long Yuan.


Long Yuan’s figure trembled and barely blocked Jiang Chen’s strike, and his whole body burst out of a distance of more than ten steps.

He raised his head to look at Jiang Chen on the opposite side, and there was an unprecedented shock in his eyes.

This kid really is a true god!

And at least it is a strong person who can rival the first-class True God Realm!

Even with his mid-level true god’s strength, he couldn’t even stop the opponent’s move.

“Who is your excellency?”

Long Yuan stared at Jiang Chen tightly, his expression extremely solemn.

a year ago.

The Black Dragon Emperor led the two high-ranking true gods of the Black Dragon Empire and fought the chaotic monster. As a result, two were killed and one injured.

In today’s Black Dragon Empire, I am afraid that no one can help this young man in black.

“I’m here to help you solve the trouble in the Black Dragon Empire.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Long Yuan faintly: “Ask you a question, did your Long Family come here from a lower realm called Shenwu Continent hundreds of years ago?”

Long Yuan was shocked and looked at Jiang Chen incredulously: “You…how do you know?”

It turned out to be the Long Family who disappeared from the Shenwu Continent!

Seeing Long Yuan’s appearance, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of astonishment in his eyes.

“Long Yuan, what are you doing, don’t you want to kill this kid for me, do you still want your son to live?”

At this moment, I saw Long Xuanyin crawling up from the ground in embarrassment, Zhuangruo snarled frantically at that Long Yuan.

Long Yuan’s figure was shocked, and his complexion instantly became extremely difficult to look at.

“Father, don’t obey Long Xuanyin’s orders because of me.”

“Long Xuanyin is cruel and licentious. If he continues to control the Black Dragon Empire, the Black Dragon Empire will be destroyed sooner or later.”

“Also ask my father to join hands with this adult to eradicate Long Xuanyin and return the Black Dragon Empire to peace!”

At this moment, a young man in a brocade robe stood out from the crowd and said loudly.

Long Xuanyin saw that the young man in Jinpao dared to stand up against him, and couldn’t help staring at the young man in Jinpao with stern eyes: “Long Xing, you are looking for death!”

“As long as you can get rid of you, what’s the point of death?”

The young man named Long Xing smiled indifferently: “My dragon family has gone through hardships, and finally took root here and founded the Black Dragon Empire. How can it be so ruined in your hands?”

Long Xuanyin is now covering the sky in the Black Dragon Empire. Although Long Xing is not afraid of death, he does not want his parents and family members to be implicated.

Long Xing dared to stand up because he had vaguely guessed the identity of the black-clothed youth in front of him.

To know.

About the fact that their Black Dragon Empire came from the lower realm, no one else would know about it except the ancient dragons who arranged for them to come here.

A year ago, when the black dragon empire was in trouble, the black dragon emperor sent a rescue message to the ancient dragon tribe.

This black-clothed youth is not only powerful, but can also tell the origins of their Black Dragon Empire. In all likelihood, they are people sent by the ancient dragon clan!

With the Gulong clan taking action, Long Xuanyin’s power in the Black Dragon Empire is simply not worth mentioning.

“Good! Good! Good!”

Long Xuanyin smiled furiously: “Long Xing, since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Long Xuanyin’s voice fell, a strange gesture changed between his hands, and a mysterious blood glow flowed between his palms.

As Long Xuanyin’s gestures changed, Long Xing’s body trembled, and green veins were exposed all over his body, and blood stains on his skin were faintly seeping out.

It was as if the blood in his body had been pulled by Long Xuanyin and was about to be drawn out of his body.

“No…no! Your Royal Highness, please spare my life!”

Seeing this scene before him, Long Yuan suddenly saw his canthus split, and quickly knelt on the ground and pleaded with Long Xuanyin.

Long Xuanyin’s eyes were incomparable: “Long Yuan, if you want your son to live, then take this kid for me immediately. Otherwise, I will not only suck your son into a corpse, but also punish your tribe!”

“Okay, all have become a useless person, and I dare to speak up here.”

“From now on, I have the final say here.”

“If you want to do anything wrong here, you have to ask me if I agree.”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, raising his hand was a law of life, and waved towards Long Xing.

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