Chapter 1564

“you you……”

Seeing Jiang Chen’s understatement, he completely wiped out the Blood Shadow Guard, and Long Xuanyin’s face finally showed an unprecedented panic.

Jiang Chen ignored Long Xuanyin’s horrified expression, and directly enveloped Long Xuanyin with a time rule.

In an instant…

Long Xuanyin only felt his own life, which was passing by at an extremely terrifying speed in an instant.

“Do not!”

Long Xuanyin was horrified at once, struggling to escape from the scope of the law of time.

It’s just that he had already been abolished by Jiang Chen’s Cultivation Base, how could he escape from Jiang Chen’s Third Stage time rule?

“Don’t fight fearlessly, you can’t escape my time rule.”

“With your current state, it is estimated that you will be able to maintain ten breath time under my time law.”

Jiang Chen looked at Long Xuanyin faintly: “Within ten breaths, if you don’t ask the person behind you to rescue you, then you will definitely die!”

Feeling the rapid passing of his life, Long Xuanyin finally panicked.

He quickly took out a piece of blood jade from his chest and crushed it, and couldn’t help crying for help in his mouth.

“Han… Lord Han Jue, save… save me!”


As Long Xuanyin’s voice fell, a blood Killing Intent breath containing monstrous might, also instantly diffused from the depths of the palace.

Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and appeared above the palace in a flash.

His eyes were locked tightly on a part of the palace.

The next moment.

I saw a mysterious blood burst into the sky, and then in front of Jiang Chen, it turned into a blood-wrapped figure.

“Boy, who are you to dare to ruin my good deeds?”

The blood shadow condensed in mid-air, and the cold voice with the bloody evil spirit also exploded in the void.

Jiang Chen stood proudly in the void with his hands behind him, as if he hadn’t been affected by the sound of the bloody evil in the slightest.

He stared calmly at the blood shadow in front of him, and said lightly: “Are you the man of the blood moon world who made trouble in the Black Dragon Empire? Jiang Chen, the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan, has been waiting here for a long time.”

Gulong disciple!

And it’s the true dragon arrogant in a million!

Blood Shadow’s pupils shrank, and immediately looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer: “The ancient dragons really value me, Han Jue, and they sent a true dragon Tianjiao to deal with me.”

“No more nonsense.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Today I want to take your head back to the ancient dragon clan to return to life, do you end it yourself or do you want me to do it myself?”

“Haha…boy, don’t be too crazy.”

“Don’t think that you are the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan, Han Jue, I will be afraid of you.”

“Well, since you sent it to your door to die, then I don’t mind letting the Gulong tribe lose one true dragon tianjiao from now on!”

Han Juesen’s laughter resounded across the sky, and the powerful aura of the late stage of the first-class true god suddenly filled his body.

Although the True Dragon Tianjiao is the top peerless genius of the ancient dragon tribe, the True Dragon Tianjiao in front of him is only the Cultivation Base of the late stage of the true god.

Even if True Dragon Tianjiao’s combat power is extraordinary, it is impossible to fight across two realms.

With his late stage Cultivation Base, how can this kid get him?

With the movement of Han Jue’s palms, the power of vitality and blood flowed, and his palms faintly turned into a monster blood red color.

In the space around the square, the terrifying energy of heaven and earth gathered in Han Jue’s palms, and finally turned into a huge bloody palm.


Han Jue waved a palm, the huge bloody palm with a breath of blood Killing intent, directly shattering the space of Baizhang, and appeared above Jiang Chen’s head in the blink of an eye.

“Thunder come!”

Jiang Chen looked at the bloody giant palm suppressed from the top of his head, and stretched out his hand to face the void.

In an instant…

A terrifying force of thunder descended from Nine Heavens like a galaxy, smashing the blood-colored palm to pieces.

“Tsk tsk…”

“The Cultivation Base of the inferior true gods understands the Third Stage law of lightning and lightning. Your Excellency deserves to be the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan, and it is really extraordinary.”

“But… no matter how evil you are, you are destined to fall into the hands of my Han Jue today!”

Han Juesen smiled, and immediately turned into a bloody glow, rushing directly at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen ran the Taixu Sacred Dragon Map with all his strength and fought with Han Jue.

Bang bang bang…

A series of destruction storms containing terrifying energy also swept over the Black Dragon Imperial Palace.

At the same time as Jiang Chen and Han Jue fought.

Long Xing and others also walked out of the Zichen Hall, their eyes locked tightly on the battle in the void.

“Father, do you say that the lord can defeat the demon in the blood moon world?”

Long Xing looked at the battlefield that was shrouded in dazzling light and couldn’t see the situation at all, and his expression was extremely solemn.

This battle is related to the life and death of their Black Dragon Empire.

If the superiors prevail, the crisis of the Black Dragon Empire can be resolved.

If the blood moon realm demon wins, their Black Dragon Empire will really be over.

“I do not know either.”

Long Yuan shook his head and took a deep breath: “However, the Lord Admiral is the true dragon arrogant of the ancient dragon clan. He can kill ordinary upper-class true gods in a second. It shouldn’t be defeated so easily.”

As long as Jiang Chen is not defeated by the blood moon world demon, that will be enough.

Boom boom boom…

As the two talked, the violent explosions in the sky continued to resound.


Han Jue and Jiang Chen’s handprints blasted together like a world-breaking handprint, and immediately the whole person was under the impact of the devastating storm.

He forced down the qi and blood that was tumbling in his heart, and finally in his eyes looking at Jiang Chen, there was an unconcealable horror.

Although this kid is only inferior to the late stage Cultivation Base of the true god, it is not Cultivation Technique, Divine Body Vision, Martial Skill, and it is more than one level higher than him.

Even if he is the Cultivation Base of the late stage of the true god, he has played more than ten tricks against Jiang Chen, but he has not been able to get any advantage from the other party!

Is this the strength of the ancient dragon true dragon Tianjiao? It is too terrifying!

“It seems that it is not easy to defeat this guy in front of me without fusing the Martial Dao law.”

Jiang Chen stabilized his figure and couldn’t help muttering to himself.

In the fight with Han Jue just now, apart from not integrating Martial Dao’s law, Jiang Chen has almost displayed all his other powers, but he is only on par with Han Jue.

His current combat power is comparable to the late stage true gods in normal fights.

If you use the seven Martial Dao laws to condense your troops, or gather your whole body’s strength to evolve the true god Minor World, it should be no problem to deal with the power of the top true god peak.

As for those who have already discovered a trace of the original Martial Dao and are only one step away from the Heavenly God Realm, it is unknown whether they can be dealt with.

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