Chapter 1527 Backward Ranking

“Youngest, be careful!”

The face of the boss of the Yao family’s three brothers suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but screamed to the third.


Even without the boss reminding him, at the moment when Jiang Chen disappeared out of thin air, Yao’s youngest had an inexplicable chill in his heart.

He urged the divine power in his body with all his strength, and his figure was about to explode away.

But at this moment, the old three of the Yao family were shocked to discover that the surrounding space seemed to be imprisoned by a mysterious force.

Even if he exploded with all his strength, he couldn’t get rid of the shackles of the mysterious power, and it was impossible to move a bit!

Yao’s third child was shocked.

Before he could come back to his senses, a huge palm print condensed by golden divine power directly emerged from the Baizhang Void, and then rapidly enlarged in the eyes of Yao’s youngest third.

“Do not!”

Yao’s youngest third looked desperate and horrified, and quickly urged his entire body to form a crimson defensive light curtain all over his body.


The golden palm print fell on the defensive light curtain around Yao’s third year, and the defensive light curtain instantly shattered.

Yao’s youngest figure trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

“call out!”

And just when Yao’s youngest third was in a crisis of life and death, a burst of bright red light burst out of the silver bracelet on his wrist, resisting all the energy of that golden palm print.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw that Hongmang directly wrapped the body of Yao’s third child, and then quickly escaped into the void, disappearing ghostly in front of Jiang Chen.


Because Yao’s youngest third was in danger because of the defeat, the red line on the bracelet was triggered and directly sent Yao’s youngest away.

One move solved Yao’s youngest, Jiang Chen only felt a faint fluctuation on his own bracelet.

He raised his hand and found that a place directly above the bracelet, there was a number 3, which slowly condensed out.

Defeating an eighth-tier genius in the Fantasy Dragon Palace, Jiang Chen instantly scored 3 points!

“The third child!”

Seeing that the third child was solved by Jiang Chen, both the boss of the Yao family and the second child of the Yao family showed an unbelievable look.

Every ten years in the Earth Dragon City, no less than 50,000 trialists gather here, and they may be able to break through the True God Realm. There are only 10,000 people who participate in the Heavenly Dragon Trial.

Although the Tianlong Trial did not clearly stipulate, people below the realm of True God cannot participate.

However, the rules of the Tianlong trial require at least defeating the genius of the Seven Levels of the Magic Dragon Palace in order to get one point.

And almost all who can pass through the seven levels of the Illusion Dragon Palace are those who reach the realm of true gods.

It is precisely because of this.

Participating in the Tianlong Trial below the True God Realm is nothing but cannon fodder in the cannon fodder, and it has no meaning at all.

Among the ten thousand testers who participated in the Tianlong Trial, more than 90% of them had only passed the seventh level of the Magic Dragon Palace.

Only a few hundred people passed the eighth level of the Magic Dragon Palace.

Their three brothers, one of these hundreds of people, are already one of the best geniuses in Earth Dragon City.

But the guy in front of him, even when the two of them had no time to react, defeated the third child with one move!

“You…who are you?”

Boss Yao looked up at Jiang Chen, who stood proudly in the void, with a look of horror.

True dragon-level genius!

This guy in front of him is definitely a true dragon-level genius who has broken through the nine levels of the Magic Dragon Palace!

But before the start of the Heavenly Dragon Trial, they had already had a detailed understanding of more than a dozen true dragon-level geniuses in Earth Dragon City, and there was no such a person in front of them at all.

Where did this guy… come from?

“I’m someone you can’t afford to provoke!”

Jiang Chen’s faint voice fell, and when he raised his head, two swords pointed at the two Yao brothers.

“Bump! Touch!”

The sword fingers penetrated time and space, and in the blink of an eye, the divine shields around the two of them were smashed into pieces.

The life-saving red line on the two bracelets was also triggered instantly, and the two Yao brothers disappeared in front of Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

The number on Jiang Chen’s bracelet jumped twice in a row, and directly changed to 11.

“Huh… these two guys actually added 4 points each.”

Looking at the numbers on the bracelet, Jiang Chen couldn’t help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.

Could it be because these two guys have defeated a genius in the Seven Levels of the Magic Dragon Palace, and have already scored 1 point, and they have also looted this 1 point?

Jiang Chen’s eyes narrowed slightly.

If this is the case, there are still many hidden rules in this Tianlong trial.


Just as Jiang Chen was pondering in his heart, above the spatial realm, a golden list like a waterfall of Nine Heavens golden stream slowly emerged.

The golden list seems to be far away, but it seems to be close in front of you, looking very mysterious.

This golden list is exactly the Heavenly Dragon List in the central area of ​​Earth Dragon City.

The data on the Tianlong list is refreshed every other hour. Every time the data is refreshed, it will obviously take ten minutes in the spatial domain.

The purpose, naturally, is to allow the testers in the spatial domain to have a general understanding of their rankings at all times.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw three conspicuous names from the top of the golden list.

First place: Yan Yu, 109 points!

Second place: Bailijian, 106 points!

Third place: Yu Qiushui, 101 points!


Jiang Chen looked at the top three scores in the Tianlong ranking, and was also taken aback.

He glanced at ten lines, quickly swept down, and finally found the name of own in more than a hundred lines.

The 177th place: Jiang Chen, 11 points!

“Are these guys participating in the Tianlong Trial so cruel? The top three are actually over a hundred points!”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

He walked on this grassland for a long time, but no one was found.

Now that he defeated the three geniuses in the Eight Levels of the Magic Dragon Palace, he thought that the Tianlong ranking was refreshed for the first time, and he could rank well. Who knew that the ranking was so lagging behind.

“It seems that my luck is not so good. I entered the spatial realm and was randomly sent to an area with few trials.”

Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly.

Thinking of the true dragon-level genius of the nine levels of the hall of fantasy dragon palace, the first time the ranking was refreshed, he didn’t even make the passing line.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and his expression instantly became more solemn.

It seems that you have to find a place with a lot of trialers to quickly score points, otherwise his dignified true dragon-level genius failed to pass the Tianlong trial in the end, wouldn’t he be laughed out of his teeth?

Jiang Chen moved directly into the air.

Just when he was about to look for the tester to score points, a message came from the identity token.

“Jiang Chen, we are in the northwest of Realm, under a sword-shaped mountain. Hundreds of geniuses have gathered here. Are you coming?”

This news was sent by Yi Qingyin.

“Northwest, sword-shaped mountain?”

Jiang Chen raised his head slightly, and as expected, he found a sword-shaped mountain faintly leading to the sky in the northwest direction.

Jiang Chen no longer hesitated now, turning into a stream of light and heading northwest.

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