Chapter 1526 Pang Qingyuan’s Shock

“This Tianlong Trial, start!”

The magnificent and vigorous voice rang out from the spatial realm, slowly echoing in the sky above Earth Dragon City.

Immediately afterwards.

Only heard a loud bang in the void.

A magnificent golden scroll, like a universe picture scroll containing the starry sky, slowly unfolded over a huge square in the central area of ​​Earth Dragon City, exposing rows of blank spaces on the scroll.

Around the square, countless figures have already surrounded the golden scroll.

Including Meng Pingxue Qianrou, and Xueqiuhe who came from ordinary areas, all gathered under the golden scroll.

Although there is still no name on the Tianlong list, everyone is already waiting for it, waiting for the desired name to appear on the list.

Some genius steward servants in the core area naturally hope that their masters can be in the top 108 of the Heavenly Dragon Ranking, and they will have the opportunity to enter the Heavenly Dragon City cultivation.

Some people who came to Earth Dragon City to win geniuses also hope that the geniuses they draw can get a higher ranking, so that they can have a higher status when they return to the family.

Above the Earth Dragon City, deep in the endless starry sky, an ancient city, like an ancient dragon, hovered in the void.

As the center and highest point of the ancient dragon clan, Shenlong City has existed in the endless void for millions of years, standing tall and motionless.

The entire city is faintly filled with magnificent and dazzling light, containing the power of ancient times.

In a quaint and quiet courtyard.

An old man in plain clothes is holding a jade pot, carefully taking care of the flowers and plants in the courtyard.

This old man is no one else, it is Pang Qingyuan who brought Jiang Chen to the Gulong clan!

“Pang Lao, you are so elegant.”

At this moment, a suave middle-aged man in Tsing Yi suddenly came from a distance and landed in this courtyard.

If Jiang Chen appeared here at this moment, he would be surprised.

Because this middle-aged Tsing Yi is exactly the middle-aged Tsing Yi he met in the Hall of Fantasy Dragon.

“Dragon Jianxin, you, the quasi-world god who is in charge of the ancient dragon clan, how come you have time to come to me, the old man?”

Pang Qingyuan raised his head and glanced at the person, and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

Long Jianxin sat down at the stone table in the courtyard and said with a smile: “It’s rare to take a leisurely time today. Come and say joy to Pang Lao and ask for a cup of tea by the way.”

“Hehe, how can I be pleased with this old fellow?”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head, and immediately moved his palm, and flames flowed in the void, wrapped in a dark teapot, emerging.

Immediately afterwards.

Pang Qingyuan took out two crystal clear cups and poured the tea from the teapot into the cups.

In an instant…

A refreshing fragrance also diffused in the courtyard.

Holding the wine glass, Long Jianxin took a small sip, and he couldn’t help but praised: “Pang Lao’s tea is really memorable.”

“Okay, don’t say these are useless.”

Pang Qingyuan waved his hand and said, “You drink the tea now, let’s talk about that kid’s situation.”

“That kid is indeed very enchanting. He entered Earth Dragon City, but he was a late stage Void God Tianjiao who had passed through the seventh floor of the Magic Dragon Palace.”

“A few days ago, that kid came to Magic Dragon Palace again, and my Divine Sense clone was pressed against Realm and fought him.”

“Originally, with his talent, he could directly enter the Sky Dragon City, but thinking of that one, I finally decided to let him participate in the Sky Dragon Trial.”

Long Jian’s eyes were strange, and he looked down, as if penetrating the entire city of Tianlongcheng through the ground and magic circle of Shenlong City, staring at the situation in the space domain mirror below.

“This little guy is a little surprised to me, he can grow to this point in such a short time.”

Upon hearing this, Pang Qingyuan couldn’t help but a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although Jiang Chen appeared in the trial place of the Lower Realm for the first time, Pang Qingyuan had already felt Jiang Chen’s extraordinary.

But he still didn’t expect it.

Jiang Chen could become the top existence in Earth Dragon City in just one year.

“That kid, it’s a monster that can’t be described by common sense. You don’t even know that he has successfully cultivated the sacred dragon picture of the illusion.”

Long Jianxin smiled bitterly.

“What? He cultivated the Fragmented Sacred Dragon Diagram, and he succeeded?”

Pang Qingyuan heard Long Jianxin’s words, and finally there was a touch of excitement that could not be concealed on the old face of Gu Jing Wubo.


It is because of the incompleteness of this scroll of Taixu Sacred Dragon, that he has changed from a quasi-world god-level powerhouse to what he is now.

Now Jiang Chen, who he brought back to Earth Dragon City, has successfully cultivated the incomplete image of the Taixu Sacred Dragon!

Is this really a destiny in the dark?

“It seems that the realm master’s calculation was correct. I will find someone in the lower realm who can help me through this calamity,”

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath.

Perhaps Jiang Chen is really the one who can help him return to the top.

Above the Earth Dragon City, within the space domain.

Jiang Chen walked slowly on the boundless plain.

This emptiness and solitude realm evolved from a realm divine tool seemed to be much larger than Jiang Chen wanted.

Jiang Chen traveled hundreds of miles a year ago, but he didn’t find a trial participant in the Tianlong trial around him.

After a while.

Jiang Chen finally felt the fluctuations of the three breaths from a bush thousands of feet away on the left, and suddenly he paused slightly.

at this time.

I saw the bushes, three curly-haired youths who looked exactly the same, also jumped out directly.

“Hehe…Finally, another guy is in ambush. Dage, brother, you have already scored one point, it’s my turn now.”

The youngest with curly hair smiled.

“Of course, do it quickly, we will give you a sweep.”

The other two curly-haired youths flashed, and directly surrounded Jiang Chen in the center.

These three are all geniuses in the high-level area of ​​Earth Dragon City, and they are also the three famous Yao brothers in the high-level area.

The three of them had already discussed and planned countless times before the Tianlong Trial started.

With the strength of their three brothers, working together, as long as they don’t encounter true dragon-level geniuses who have broken through the nine levels of the Magic Dragon Palace, they are almost invincible.

The three brothers work together to defeat one genius after another, and the points are allocated in turn.

In this way, their chances of passing the Tianlong trial will undoubtedly be greatly increased!

“Boy, do you obediently admit defeat, or do you want me to beat you to admit defeat?”

The curly-haired young man who was first issued resisted a black broadsword and yelled at Jiang Chen madly.

“You said it’s not good for you to ambush who is not good, why is it so unlucky that you have found me. Since you have sent it to your door to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Jiang Chen shook his head, and disappeared in vain in a flash.

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