Chapter 1528 Immeasurable Sword Dao!

Earth Dragon City, the central area.

At the moment when everyone refreshed the Tianlong List for the first time, they all hurriedly started searching for the name they wanted to see in the list.

Naturally, Xue Qianrou and others are no exception.

“Forty-eight, did you see Qian Rou, Gu Ling ranked forty-eight!”

Xue Qiuhe took the lead in finding Gu Ling’s ranking, and an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

Although after more than a year of hard work, he still passed the ninth level of the Magic Dragon Palace and became one of the few true dragon-level geniuses in Earth Dragon City.

But when he didn’t see the Tianlong Gang, Xue Qiuhe was still very worried.

Now that Gu Ling could rank sixty-eighth for the first time, Xue Qiuhe’s tight heart was finally relaxed slightly.

Although it is far from the final ranking for the first time on the Tianlong Ranking, it also has a certain reference value.

Generally, at least sixty to seventy percent of those who ranked in the top 108 for the first time successfully emerged from the Tianlong Trial.

Gu Ling can now be ranked forty-eight, as long as there is no accident, occupying a promotion place, almost a sure thing.

At that time, she will also be able to get rid of the shackles of the family and have the qualifications to go to Tianlong City to practice!

Go to Sky Dragon City!

Earth Dragon City has more than tens of thousands of trials every ten years, but there are only a handful of people who can finally enter Sky Dragon City.

Even most of the geniuses of the Seven Levels and even the Eighth Levels of the Illusory Dragon Palace are not qualified to enter the Sky Dragon City.

But she can have this opportunity, how can Xue Qiuhe not be excited?

“Sister Qiuhe, congratulations.”

Xue Qianrou congratulated Xue Qiuhe, but still stared at the Tianlong List, looking for Jiang Chen’s name.

“Don’t look for it, Your Excellency Jiang Chen is ranked one hundred and seventy-seven.”

At this moment, Meng Ping said suddenly.

Xue Qianrou was stunned for a moment. She looked at the 177th line of the Tianlong List, with an incredulous expression on her face: “How could the ranking of the son be so low?”

“I don’t know, maybe something is in trouble. Now the trial has just begun, don’t worry.”

Meng Ping frowned slightly.

He actually couldn’t understand, with the strength of Jiang Chen’s true dragon-level genius, how could his ranking be so low for the first time?

“Qianrou, don’t worry too much. Jiang Chen is recommended by Elder of the Ancient Dragon clan. Even if he fails to get promoted this time, he will definitely have his place in the next Tianlong Trial.”

Xue Qiuhe couldn’t help but comforted him quietly beside Xue Qianrou.

Xue Qianrou smiled: “Sister Qiuhe, I’m fine.”

As Xue Qiuhe said, even if Jiang Chen failed the Tianlong trial this time, they still had a chance ten years later.

not to mention……

This ranking is far from the final result of this Tianlong ranking

Xue Qianrou firmly believed in her heart that Jiang Chen would definitely catch up soon.

Dragon City.

Pang Qingyuan and Long Jianxin sat opposite each other in the courtyard, and in front of the two of them, there was a huge mirror screen of hundreds of feet.

Through the mirror screen, the two can have a panoramic view of all the conditions in the space mirror.

“This kid seems to be a bit unlucky. He entered the spatial realm and appeared in the central plain with the fewest people.”

“And… he doesn’t seem to know anything about the spatial realm. Isn’t anyone telling the testers that they will gather around the spatial realm?”

Long Jianxin looked at Jiang Chen, who was slowly walking around the central plain, and couldn’t help being speechless for a while.

In the space domain of the Tianlong trial, there is a vast plain in the center, surrounded by mountains, valleys, and seas of various terrains.

Each of these terrains contains different Martial Dao powers, which can be used by the tester Insight.

In the past trials of the Tianlong, there was also the Martial Dao power of the Trial’s Insight space, which greatly increased his strength and counterattacked in one fell swoop!


Most of those who participated in the Tianlong Trial would lean around after entering the spatial realm.

And everyone chooses terrain with the same attributes as their own Martial Dao law.

In such a terrain, not only can you trigger your own perception of Martial Dao’s law, but you can also get a certain degree of increase by using Martial Dao’s law!

It is precisely because of this.

The probability of Jiang Chen encountering a tester in the Central Plains was even lower.

“He has been in Earth Dragon City for too short a time. I’m afraid that he has never understood this in addition to cultivation or cultivation this year.”

Pang Qingyuan smiled faintly: “But it doesn’t hurt, he will find out soon.”

Jiang Chen’s talent is no exaggeration to be called the first person in Earth Dragon City in a million years. How can such a person be blocked by external factors?

In the spatial mirror domain.

Jiang Chen stepped on the void, like a stream of light, swiftly flying towards the sword-shaped mountain in the northwest direction.

Along the way, Jiang Chen also vaguely encountered several trialers.

He didn’t bother to talk nonsense, and directly raised his head to easily kill these testers in seconds.

For two full hours, Jiang Chen had only gained 30 points in total.

And his ranking on the Heavenly Dragon List did not rise but fell, and he went straight to the 184th place.


After two hours of rushing, the sword-shaped mountain that Yi Qingyin said finally appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

The mountain is extremely steep.

From a distance, it is like an ancient divine sword standing between the sky and the earth, rushing straight into the sky.

What shocked Jiang Chen even more.

The whole mountain is one, like a natural phenomenon, exuding an inexplicable charm of kendo.

Even if Jiang Chen’s law of kendo has reached the Second Stage, facing the charm of kendo emanating from this sword-shaped mountain, there is a feeling that stars are compared to a bright moon.

“Where is this sword-shaped mountain, and how can there be such a terrifying kendo power?”

Jiang Chen was uncertain and moved on.

Not long.

Jiang Chen stepped into the area of ​​the sword-shaped mountain.

He carefully sensed the kendo gods around him, and after a while, a system prompt sounded directly in Jiang Chen’s mind.

“Ding! You have a sense of immeasurable kendo, the law of kendo will gain 100,000*100 experience!”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment.

Immeasurable Kendo?

Although he didn’t know what power this immeasurable kendo was, it was obviously the same as the world power of the Heavenly God Realm powerhouse in Manor 166, and he could understand the laws of Ascension own kendo.

“It turns out that the special terrain surrounding the space domain actually has such an effect. No wonder there are not many testers on the central plain.”

Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

If he guessed correctly, apart from this sword-shaped mountain, the glaciers and volcanoes waiting for the terrain around the space domain probably contain different powers.

Fortunately, he came to this sword-shaped mountain after receiving the message from Yi Qingyin.


If he has been wandering around the Central Plains, I am afraid that he will never want to catch up with the ranking of the Dragon Ranking.

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