Chapter 1504 Return to the Dragon City, into the realm of God!

Jiang Chen squeezed the palm of his hand violently and crushed it without hesitation.

In an instant…

Countless dreamlike rays of light condensed in Jiang Chen’s body, and finally turned into a strange light cocoon, enveloping Jiang Chen’s entire body.

“Mother, I’m going to God’s Domain first to find my father. Take care of Qingxue and the others for me, and we will meet again in God’s Domain in the future…”

Jiang Chen spoke to Ji Wushuang below, and immediately the whole person was wrapped in the strange light cocoon and escaped into the endless void.

at the same time.

The power of the world of the blood heavy innocent god Minor World is also surging, quickly obliterating the space where Jiang Chen is located…

“Jiang Chen…”

The expressions of Meng Qingxue and Gu Feng’er suddenly changed, and they were about to rush away into the annihilated space in the void.

“Don’t worry, Chen’er is fine, just went to God’s Domain ahead of time.”

“After the matter in the Profound Spirit Continent is over, I will take you to God’s Domain to find him.”

Seeing this, Ji Wushuang couldn’t help hurriedly stopping.

“Good! What a Jiang Chen!”

“My blood is heavy, and I am waiting for you in God’s Domain!”

In the void, Xue Zhongtian looked at the place where Jiang Chen’s figure disappeared, his illusory figure also disappeared abruptly, leaving only an angry voice, slowly echoing between the heaven and the earth.

“The projection of the true god of blood has disappeared!”

Many strong human races looked at this scene, and finally couldn’t help showing an expression of excitement in their eyes.

The blood spirit clan powerhouse on the opposite side looked desperate, like a concubine.

“How could it be that the previous generation of the blood emperor true god projection of my blood spirit race descended, how could it just disappear like this?”

“Impossible! This is impossible! This must be an illusion, an illusion!”

“It’s over, our Blood Spirit Race, it’s over…”

“Flee, run away!”


Many powerful blood spirit tribes looked horrified and fled frantically.

“Everyone, my human race and the blood spirit race have been stalemate for hundreds of thousands of years, and now the blood spirit race is destroyed, just before my eyes, kill with me!”

A cold light flashed in Ji Wushuang’s beautiful eyes, and he immediately took the lead and killed the strong blood spirit clan.

While Ji Wushuang led the human race to destroy the blood spirit race.

After Jiang Chen experienced a round of spinning, his figure finally broke out of the endless void.

The next moment.

A city that made Jiang Chen quite familiar also appeared in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

“Hualongcheng, finally came back.”

Jiang Chen looked up at the huge plaque above the city gate, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

This time he used the Jade Slip given to him by Pang Qingyuan, and finally there was no error, and he came to Hualongcheng smoothly.

“Who would dare to break into the Dragon City without authorization!”

Just as Jiang Chen looked up at Hualong City, a cold stern shout at the gate of the city suddenly rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen followed the voice and watched the two golden armor guards slowly approaching him at the gate of Hualong City.

Both of them looked at Jiang Chen with extremely vigilant expressions.


He crushed the Jade Slip that Pang Qingyuan gave him, and directly sent it back to the door of the Dragon City, causing a misunderstanding between the two guards.

“You two don’t need to panic. Please also inform Elder of Pang Qingyuan, Thang Long Pagoda, that Jiang Chen is back for the appointment.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help explaining with a smile.

Hearing Jiang Chen’s words, the two guards couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

Pang Qingyuan is the well-known Elder in the Shenglong Tower. The two guards have naturally heard of Pang Qingyuan’s name.

“Wait a minute, I will report to Pang Elder.”

One of the guards finished speaking, and immediately turned around and walked into the Dragon City.

Not long.

Jiang Chen saw a very familiar old man with a green robe, who quickly flashed out of Hualongcheng, it was Elder Pang Qingyuan in the Dragon Tower.

“Jiang Chen, you are here.”

Pang Qingyuan looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in his sight, and there was a look of joy in his old eyes.

“I, Jiang Chen, are not an unbelieving person. The affairs of the lower realm have already been dealt with, so naturally I have to come to the appointment.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

The blood spirit clan of the Profound Spirit Continent, now the power of the impeccable god realm powerhouse, the power of the projection of the blood heavy innocent true god has been exhausted by him.

With his mother, Ji Wushuang, and the Human Race resting on Wu You, he can also go to God’s Domain with peace of mind.

When Jiang Chen spoke, his gaze swept across Pang Qingyuan’s body, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

When he came to Hualong City last time, Cultivation Base was still in the Divine Soul Realm, and he never knew Pang Qingyuan’s Cultivation Base.

He originally thought.

Pang Qingyuan is a pill refining teacher of the seventh rank, and Cultivation Base is at best in the divine birth state.

But Jiang Chen only realized now that even if he is now in the late stage Cultivation Base forever, he still can’t see Pang Qingyuan’s details!

“The identity of this old guy is not simple.”

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

With the status of this old fellow, how could he stay in this little Dragon City?

“Okay, kid.”

“The situation of the old man is a bit special now. When you go to God’s Domain, you will have a chance to know in the future.”

Pang Qingyuan seemed to have guessed what Jiang Chen was thinking, and couldn’t help but smile faintly.

His eyes swept over Chen, and his mouth couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Little guy, you really surprised me. You can cultivate divine power outside the lower realm in such a short period of time, and become a virtual god’s arrogance!”

He wanted Jiang Chen to go to God’s Domain as soon as possible, but he didn’t want Jiang Chen to waste time in the lower realm.

Who knows that the speed of this guy’s cultivation in the lower realm is no worse than some of the gods’ realm geniuses with top-level resources.

How long has passed since then.

This kid unexpectedly crossed the Divine Embryo Realm and Returning to the Market Realm all the way, and became the Void God Tianjiao!

Pang Qingyuan took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement.

With the existence of this kid, maybe Pang Qingyuan could really change his life heaven-defying and return to the top.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly: “It’s a fluke.”

If he were not fortunate enough to have a hundredfold cultivation system, how could he reach a level comparable to the Void God Realm in less than ten years?

“Let’s go, I’ll take you into the realm of God. The old man hasn’t stepped into the realm of God for decades, so it’s time to go back and take a look.”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head, his old eyes couldn’t help passing a complicated look, and then he led Jiang Chen towards the inside of Dragon Huancheng.

Not long.

Pang Qingyuan and Jiang Chen went directly to the ninth floor of the Shenglong Tower.

The ninth floor of the Shenglong Tower is an altar exuding ancient aura, and countless array runes are carved on the top of the altar.

The complexity of these formations runes is even worse than that of the formation from the legend of Shenwu Continent to Hualongcheng.

“let’s go!”

Pang Qingyuan took Jiang Chen into the formation and directly started the teleportation formation.

Standing in the center of the formation, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but an expression of excitement appeared in his eyes.

God’s Domain, the only main plane of the universe!

I’m Jiang Chen, here it is!

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