Chapter 1505 Ancient Dragon Realm, Ancient Dragon Race!

In the endless dark space.

Jiang Chen and Pang Qingyuan stood in the same passage, as if they had sneaked for infinite distance, and they didn’t seem to move at all.

I don’t know how long it took.

The dark and eternal space channel suddenly trembled.

The next moment…

Jiang Chen found himself in the center of a huge formation.

In the void, boundless pressure came in an instant.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, Rao felt his body sank slightly in the face of this sudden oppression.

“What a powerful oppressive force!”

Jiang Chen was suddenly surprised.

“God’s Domain, this is the main plane of the universe, which naturally has a deeper suppression of power.”

“Only the strong above the true god level can completely get rid of the shackles of the power of heaven and earth and fly in the air.”

“With your current strength, at most you can volley for ten breaths of time.”

Pang Qingyuan explained with a smile.

Only the real gods can fly in the air!

Jiang Chen’s heart shuddered, this God Realm is worthy of being the main plane of the universe.

Slightly calming his mood, Jiang Chen began to look up at the surroundings.

His eyes swept slightly, and soon landed on a city in front of him.

This is a huge city.

Even if it was compared to the human imperial city of the Profound Spirit Continent Human Race, it was many times larger and magnificent.

On the top of the city gate, which is thousands of meters high, there are still three large characters inlaid with golden light: Earth Dragon City.

“Earth Dragon City?”

Jiang Chen was stunned for a moment, and then couldn’t help but tilt his head to look at Pang Qingyuan and said, “Pang senior, what is this place?”

“Here, one of the three thousand realms of God’s Domain, the center of the Ancient Dragon Realm, is also the location of the Ancient Dragon Clan.”

“The ancient dragon tribe is mainly composed of three cities. This dragon city is one of them. It is a gathering place for endless geniuses of thousands of universes.”

“Sky Dragon City, located above the Earth Dragon City, is the residence of the official disciple of the Ancient Dragon tribe.”

“Above the Heavenly Dragon City, there is also a Shenlong City, where the people living there are all the great figures of the ancient dragon clan’s powerful side, at least they are all strong people above the Heavenly God Realm.”

Naturally, Pang Qingyuan didn’t hide it, and introduced Jiang Chen to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked up, and he found that there was a vaguely looming huge outline above the sky of Earth Dragon City. It must be the Sky Dragon City that Pang Qingyuan had said.

“Gulong tribe, what kind of power is in God’s Domain?”

Jiang Chen asked curiously.

This ancient dragon tribe can occupy the center of the ancient dragon world and build such a magnificent three cities. The Shenlong City at the top is actually at least the strongest of the gods!

Such strength can be described as unfathomable.

Pang Qingyuan smiled faintly: “This ancient dragon world is named after the ancient dragon clan and is under the control of the ancient dragon clan. What kind of power do you think the ancient dragon clan is?”


Take charge of a region!

Doesn’t this mean that the ancient dragon clan is a realm god-level power with strong realm gods?

Jiang Chen was amazed: “Unexpectedly, the ancient dragon clan is so strong, it turned out to be the top power next to the power of the gods.”

He obviously didn’t expect it.

As soon as he entered God’s Domain, he actually joined such a huge force as Ancient Dragon City?

“Top-level power? You can’t help but value the Ancient Dragons too much.”

“The Three Thousand Realms of God’s Realm does not mean that there are 3,000 realms, but it is said that there are so many realms like a thousand times a thousand times a thousand times a thousand times.”

“In every realm, there is almost a realm god sitting on the ground, what is the realm god’s potential?”

Pang Qingyuan shook his head and said, “The situation in God’s Domain is far more terrifying than you think. You will understand it later.”

Jiang Chen was stunned when he heard this.

Listening to Pang Qingyuan’s words, how do you feel that the realm god-level forces are like the one- and two-star forces on the Shenwu Continent, almost everywhere.

“Little guy, don’t think about it so much. These things seem to be far away to you.”

“The only thing you need to do now is to keep cultivating and getting stronger here.”

“When you are qualified to step into Shenlong City, you are truly qualified to go outside and see the world of God’s Domain.”

Pang Qingyuan dusted his clothes and walked forward: “Let’s go, I will take you to the door. You will need to go on the road after that.”


Jiang Chen took a deep breath and hurriedly followed.

Gate of Earth Dragon City.

A middle-aged man in a loose purple-gold robe sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

The entire doorway was coldly clear, surrounded by black walls, and underneath was a light arched door with white light.

“Old man Pang, you have spent so many years in the trial land of the lower realms, and now you are finally willing to come back.”

Suddenly, the middle-aged man with his eyes shut tightly opened his eyes suddenly.

He glanced at Jiang Chen slightly, and then looked at Pang Qingyuan with a smile: “This is the little guy you brought. It’s really not bad.”

“This middle-aged man in front of me is so strong,”

Jiang Chen was terrified.

Although the middle-aged man just glanced at him casually.

But with just such a glance, Jiang Chen only felt that he had been seen through his whole body, and he even had a feeling of difficulty in breathing.

True God Realm, it is very likely that it is even the Heaven God Realm above the True God Realm!

Pang Qingyuan said indifferently: “The old man has waited for decades before waiting for such a little guy. Naturally, he won’t be much worse.”

“Unfortunately, the time you brought him here was a bit wrong. There are only less than two years left before the Tianlong Trial held every ten years in Tianlong City. He wants to break through the realm of the true gods, it’s difficult!”

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed slightly.

Pang Qingyuan smiled and said, “It doesn’t matter, he can wait until the next Tianlong Trial before participating.”

“That’s true. With your recommendation, he can indeed have one more chance.”

The middle-aged man nodded, and immediately moved his palm, and threw a golden dragon token directly at Jiang Chen.

“Boy, go to town.”

“With the recommendation of Old Man Pang, you can participate in the Heavenly Dragon Trials twice in Earth Dragon City. If you fail the two Heavenly Dragon Trials, you can only leave Earth Dragon City.”

“Old man Pang placed great expectations on you, and I hope you don’t let him down.”

Pang Qingyuan patted Jiang Chen on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Go, your talent, even in this genius, Earth Dragon City, is one of the few. I believe you can stand out from the crowd.”

“Thank you senior.”

Jiang Chen bowed slightly and bowed to Pang Qingyuan, then walked straight to the golden light gate and stepped in like a meteor.

Although he vaguely felt that Pang Qingyuan should have a certain purpose in bringing him into the realm of God.


Jiang Chen didn’t ask much now.

In two years, it is not difficult for him to break through the realm of true spirit!

When he passed the Tianlong trial and became an official disciple of the Gulong tribe, Pang Qingyuan would naturally look for him.


Stepping into the golden light door, Jiang Chen only felt his body tremble slightly.

The next moment.

Jiang Chen felt the golden light dissipate in front of him, and a huge bluestone square appeared in his sight.

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