Chapter 1503 I will come to you to settle this account!

The law condenses soldiers, superb sword!

The light in Jiang Chen’s eyes skyrocketed, and the seven laws of power once again condensed the Hunyuan Sword, and then slashed out with a sword against the Hengtian Blood Finger on the top of his head!

One sword and one finger crashed in the void, and an invisible storm of destruction surged out.

Ten miles of the void is like the sky and the earth cracking, turning into a huge space crack in pitch black.

When the two touched each other, Jiang Chen’s body was shocked again by the terrifying aura and flew over a distance of thousands of meters.

“True God Realm powerhouse is really terrifying.”

“Although His Majesty Human Sovereign is powerful, I am afraid that he is not the opponent of the projection of the Bloody Innocent True God.”


Seeing that Jiang Chen, who had a shocking power to the sky, was not at all an opponent of the projection of the Bloody Innocent True God, many powerful human races couldn’t help showing a panic expression.

“Why panic, if Chen’er loses, I will break through the barriers of the two worlds, please come to the true god of human race!”

Ji Wushuang sternly shouted expressionlessly.

Jiang Chen is her only son. She hasn’t done anything because of trust in her son.

If Jiang Chen is really in danger, she will naturally sacrifice herself without hesitation.

“Tsk tsk…”

“Seven laws of condensing soldiers, of which the law of kendo has reached the Second Stage.”

“Boy, your talent is really maddeningly enviable.”

Looking at Jiang Chen, who used the seven laws to consolidate his troops and once again blocked his own blow, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of Bloody Chongtian.

Standing proud of his sword, Jiang Chen coldly said: “The real god realm powerhouse is indeed very strong. It’s a pity…you are just a true god projection.”

“A projection is more than enough to kill you, a mortal ant!”

The voice of Xue Zhongtian fell, and a monstrous killing intent also spread from his body in an instant.

This kid Martial Dao’s talent is not inferior to the peerless Tianjiao of God’s Realm, and even the powerhouse of the Void God Realm on the lower realm plane can hardly suppress it.

If you don’t get rid of this today, the blood spirit race of the Xuanling Continent will really be destroyed in the hands of this child.

“Blood Rain Town World!”

The blood screamed coldly from the sky, and the blood glow between the palms soared.

In just the blink of an eye, under the traction of his palms, a thick cloud of blood condensed in the sky for ten miles, rendering the whole world a fascinating red.

The blood cloud was surging, and the big bloody raindrops suddenly fell from the blood cloud.

Every drop of blood rain seemed to have enough power to break through the space, causing a violent spatial ripple in the void.

Jiang Chen dissipated the Hunyuan Sword, taking the law of space as the leading factor, fusing the power of the seven laws, and condensing a bright space enchantment above his head.


A rain of blood in the sky dripped continuously on Jiang Chen’s space barrier.

Every drop of blood left a mysterious blood hole in the space barrier.

very quickly.

The space barrier was turned into a sieve by the raindrops of blood in the sky, and it became riddled with holes.

To the end.

The entire space barrier was a powerful force that could not bear the blood rain, and it burst into the void with a bang.

The space barrier shattered, but the blood rain in the void continued to drip down.


Seeing that Jiang Chen was about to be enveloped in the rain of blood, Ji Wushuang’s complexion changed.

Just as she was about to take a shot, there was a crash like Hong Zhongda Lu, but it swayed hurriedly in the void.

Ji Wushuang was taken aback.

When she looked again, she discovered that Jiang Chen was no longer in the void, and only a huge bronze cauldron several feet high was suspended where Jiang Chen had been before.

The rain of blood in the sky continuously dripped on the giant bronze cauldron, and the sound of metal crashing from the sky resounded continuously through the world.

This situation continued until the rain of blood in the void dissipated.

I saw Jiang Chen flying out of the giant bronze cauldron, and stood proudly on top of the giant bronze cauldron unscathed.

He looked up at the blood in the void, and said lightly: “Blood in the sky, I said, relying on your true god projection, but I can’t help it!”

“This is… a real artifact?”

Ji Wushuang stared at the giant bronze cauldron at Jiang Chen’s feet with a look of surprise, and couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

It seems that Jiang Chen really has some trump cards in his hand that can compete with the projection of the Void God.

“A real artifact?”

“Boy, I didn’t expect you to be in the Lower Realm, and you could get such a treasure.”

“It’s a pity… you are not the master of this true artifact, and you don’t even know how to activate it. Otherwise, with my projection, maybe you can’t do anything about it.”

Seeing that Jiang Chen once again offered a real artifact to block Own’s blow, the bloody sky narrowed his eyes slightly.

Can’t delay with this kid anymore.

This kid not only has a talent for evildoers, but also has an endless stream of cards.

The true god projection that he descended on the plane of the lower realm had limited power, and one point would be reduced by one point.

Once the delay continues, I am afraid that his true god projection will really be exhausted by Jiang Chen like this.

“Blood is heavy, you don’t want to bluff in front of me.”

“You just performed three moves in a row. I am afraid that the power of this true god projection has already been consumed a lot, right?”

Jiang Chen smiled coldly: “Even if I can’t control this god transformation cauldron, with your remaining power, what can I do?”

“There is not much power, but it is still more than enough to kill you with one move!”

The faint voice of Xuezhongtian fell, and the monstrous divine power and blood law surging from his body, and then converged in the void.


These laws and divine powers directly condensed into a blood-colored Minor World of heaven and earth, covering a ten-mile radius of the void.

And at the moment when Scarlet Minor World was formed.

The projection of the true god of the bloody heaven also became extremely illusory in an instant.

“Jiang Chen, I will gather the true god Minor World with all the power of this projection.”

“Now in this world, I am the true god!”

“Even if you escape into the giant bronze cauldron, you are destined to die!”

Xue Zhongtian indifferently looked down at Jiang Chen below, exuding an icy chill.

“Blood Heaven, after your move, this true god projection should also dissipate, right?”

Jiang Chen looked at the increasingly illusory bloody sky, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a ghostly smile: “Even if you kill me, with my mother, your blood spirit race will still cease to exist!”

“Even if this emperor can’t prevent the destruction of the blood spirit race, he will destroy you today!”

The bloody voice fell, and the whole Minor World was surging.

The next moment.

The power of the blood-colored world, with the aura of suppressing everything, came surging towards Jiang Chen from all sides of Minor World.

“Ha ha……”

“Blood in the sky, you can’t kill me with your half-hearted true god Minor World.”

“You wait for me in God’s Domain, and I will come to you to settle the account today!”

Jiang Chen’s faint laughter fell, and immediately with a thought, a mysterious Jade Slip appeared out of thin air directly in his palm.

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