Chapter 1502 Mortals are ants to me!

this moment.

The blood glows in the sky, and the power is overwhelming.

Under the pressure of the terrifying divine might, all the powerful people in the Ruins Realm below couldn’t help trembling, and felt like they wanted to worship.

“The last blood emperor of the blood spirit tribe, the blood is heavy!”

Ji Wushuang looked at the true god projection condensed in the void, his eyes condensed in vain.

This True God Projection had just fought Jiang Wuya not long ago, and then at the same time Transcends Tribulation soared to the heavens in the realm of God!

Not only Ji Wushuang recognized the True God Projection in front of him, but the many powerful humans in the human race were naturally no stranger to the previous blood emperor of this blood spirit race.

Their expressions turned pale in an instant.

True God, even if it’s just a projection, it’s an extraordinary person.

I am afraid that their human race can only ask the true god to come before they can face the blood in front of them.

“Oh… Soon after the emperor ascended to God’s Domain, did the blood spirit race have fallen to this point?”

Xue Zhongtian’s eyes swept from below, and he couldn’t help but let out a slight sigh.

“Old Blood Emperor, it is the Old Blood Emperor who has come!”

“Blood Spirit Race, welcome the arrival of Lord Blood Sovereign. Human Race wants to destroy my Blood Spirit Race, and ask Master Blood Sovereign to help me.”


A strong blood spirit clan knelt down with excitement.

The Blood Emperor and the Weeping Blood King sacrificed themselves to heaven, causing the Old Blood Emperor to descend from the Gods’ Domain. Their blood spirit race is finally saved.

“Don’t worry, since the emperor has arrived, he naturally smooths out the human race for you.”

Xue Zhongtian’s faint voice fell, and immediately his eyes fell directly on Ji Wushuang and Jiang Chen.

“Ji Wushuang, you are a good method. The emperor and Jiang Wuya have only soared to the Divine Realm for a few days. I didn’t expect you to push my Blood Spirit Race to this point.”

The vast Tianyin, at this moment, shakes the world.

The sky and the earth a hundred li in a radius were all shaken by this sound, revealing a series of pitch-black spatial cracks.

Ji Wushuang and Jiang Chen’s complexion changed, and their entire bodies exploded with all their strength.

But even so.

The two of them still groaned under the impact of the vast sky, and then stepped on the void to withdraw from the distance of thousands of meters.


“There is actually a Void God Tianjiao who returned to the market late stage and cultivated his divine power. No wonder your human race can force my blood spirit race to such a degree.”

Xue Zhongtian looked at Jiang Chen below, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Guixu late stage cultivation has supernatural power, which is already a very rare existence in God’s Domain.

Bloody Heaven obviously didn’t expect it.

Soon after he ascended to God’s Realm, such an amazing figure of the arrogance appeared in the human race of the Profound Spirit Continent.

“Chen’er, the true god projection, mortals are invincible.”

Ji Wushuang took a deep breath and said directly to Jiang Chen, “You go back, I will open the passage between the two realms, and invite the true god of human race to come.”

“Mother, leave it to me to deal with it.”

Jiang Chen’s face changed slightly, and he quickly stopped.

From the situation where the blood spirit clan opened the two-world channel just now, Jiang Chen has already seen that it will cost a great price to invite the True God to descend.

How could Jiang Chen let Ji Wushuang sacrifice himself and invite the true god of the human race to come.

“Can you deal with the True God Projection?”

Ji Wushuang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said with a serious expression: “Chen’er, this is the projection of the true god, don’t be foolish.”

“Mother don’t worry, although this True God Projection is very powerful, it is only a piece of energy projected by the True God Realm powerhouse onto the lower realm plane.”

“Every time he uses a bit of power, the energy will dissipate. Just delay it for a while.”

“And… I still have the means to save my life, even if I lose, I can leave by myself.”

Jiang Chen smiled confidently.

Ji Wushuang was silent for a while, just as he was about to speak, the bloody voice rang in their ears.

“Are you two discussing who will offer sacrifices to the sky and open the interface channel?”

“After the negotiation, let’s get started quickly.”

“At the beginning, the emperor and Jiang Wuya fought, and the winner has not yet been determined. Today I will wait for the projection of his true god to come to a showdown with him.”

When Jiang Chen heard the words, Qianzhang Emperor’s body stepped up into the air, directly leveling with the blood in the sky.

He looked at the blood in front of him, and said lightly: “Blood in the sky, to deal with you a true god projection, I, Jiang Chen, is enough, why invite my father to come?”


“You are actually Jiang Wuya’s son. No wonder you have such a wicked talent.”

“It’s a pity… you will never know the gap between mortals and gods.”

Xue Zhongtian shook his head and smiled contemptuously: “Even if your talent is good, the end is a mortal. Even if I’m just a true god projection, mortals are ants to me!”


Jiang Chen said indifferently: “Then you can keep your eyes open today, and see how a mortal like me can destroy your true god projection!”

“Presumptuous! The mere mortals and ants dare to violate my supernatural power! Since you have to seek death, this emperor will fulfill you!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, Xue Zhongtian’s eyes suddenly showed anger.

He is the true god who sheds the world and breaks the calamity, a little boy from the lower realm, dare to despise him?

Immediately, the blood moved.

With a move of his palm, a huge bloody palm that shattered ten miles of the void, with great power, suddenly suppressed from the top of Jiang Chen’s head.

“Soul Soul Seal!”

With the movement of Jiang Chen’s palm, the first seal of the human emperor’s seal was directly turned into a thousand-zhang black square seal, colliding with the blood-colored giant palm.


The shocking energy shook Baili Void.

I saw Jiang Chen’s Soul Destruction Imprint stalemate with the blood-colored giant palm for a moment, and then crashed to pieces directly under the suppression of the blood-colored giant palm.

Jiang Chen’s complexion remained unchanged.

The palm of his hand was turned over, the bright golden light shining across the world, and the second seal of the God Seal was also condensed again, and once again collided with the blood-colored giant palm in mid-air.

In the void, a loud explosion resounded throughout the world.

The void in a radius of a hundred miles was filled with a storm of destruction in gold and red.

Jiang Chen stepped on the void and retreated a distance of thousands of feet after kicking the ground.

He suppressed the tumbling aura in his heart, and looked up at the bloody heaven standing motionless on the opposite side, his expression also looked very solemn.

The real god realm powerhouse is really an extraordinary person.

Even if this bloody heaven is only a projection of a true god descending, he has also displayed two seals of the human emperor’s seal one after another, only to barely block a blow.

If faced with the body of a true god realm powerhouse, he might not have any resistance at all.

“The seal of the human divine warrior is indeed very strong.”

“With your Cultivation Base, it is not bad to be able to block my blow with the first two seals of the Emperor’s seal.”

“If you can master the third seal of the human emperor’s seal, you might be able to block my blow. Otherwise… then that’s it.”

Xue Zhongtian glanced at Jiang Chen indifferently, and reached out to point at Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

A huge bloody finger that pierced through ten miles of heaven and earth suddenly emerged from the top of Jiang Chen’s head…

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