Chapter 1454 This can prove my identity!

Guard the gate with the strongest emperor!

Seeing this scene before him, Jiang Chen was also amazed.

It’s worthy of being an imperial city, the holy city of the human race, this handwriting is really not so huge.

Enter the imperial city.

Jiang Chen found that the prosperous level of the imperial city was completely beyond his imagination.

There are many palaces and palaces here, and there are also Tiangong and Baoque rising and falling in the sky. There are also various tall buildings standing tall and towering into the clouds.

“General Ye, the Ye Clan is located in the area to the left of the emperor of the central man. You quickly return to the Ye Clan to report to the Ye Family about the return of your Highness. I will bring your Highness back to the Jiang Clan to confirm the identity of the heir to the Royal Highness.”

Walking into the Imperial City, Yun Yue said directly to Ye Chengjun.


Ye Chengjun nodded, and then left alone in the direction where the Ye Clan was.

And Yunyue took Jiang Chen and walked towards the center of Human Imperial City.

In the center of the human imperial city, that is a heavenly palace that sinks and floats above the sky, covering the sky and the sun, magnificent and extremely majestic.

This heavenly palace is where the Jiang Clan, the supreme royal family of Human Race, is located.

Yun Yue took Jiang Chen to the center of Human Imperial City, and then directly stepped up into the sky, and came to the door of Tiangong.

“Royal Sacred Land, people who are not royals are not allowed to enter without permission!”

At this moment, the two golden armor guards at the gate of Tiangong looked at the two Jiang Chen who had stepped into the air, and couldn’t help shouting sternly.

Yunyue said to the cupped fist of the two golden armor guards: “The commander-in-chief of Yunzhou, Yunyue, will return to the Jiang clan with the son of the emperor. I also hope that the two will report quickly.”

“Son of the Emperor?”

“Commander Yun, he would have guarded the Jiang Clan for thousands of years, but he has never heard of his majesty having heirs.”

“At this time, you brought people here to pretend to be the son of the emperor, what crime should you be guilty of?”

One of the golden armored guards narrowed his eyes and sternly shouted directly at Yun Yue.

A few months ago, in a battle, His Majesty the Human Emperor ascended to the Divine Realm, and the three heirs of the Jiang Clan were fighting for the right of inheritance.

Now that the fight has become fierce, one of the heirs they support has great hopes of heir to the throne.

But now Yunyue brought an unfamiliar young man to the Jiang clan and called him the son of the emperor.

Although they also knew that with Yunyue’s identity, they shouldn’t lie about this matter, but they didn’t want to admit Jiang Chen’s identity.

after all.

Once Jiang Chen returns to the Jiang clan, as the son of another emperor, many variables will inevitably occur.

They naturally don’t allow this to happen!

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen was not born in the Profound Spirit Continent, and it is excusable if you don’t know it.”

“As for whether I will take someone to pretend to be the son of His Majesty the Emperor, once I met the Elders of the Jiang clan, they have their own decision!”

Yun Yue coldly snorted: “If you two don’t want to cause trouble to your upper body, then you can report it as soon as possible.”

“Commander Yun, it’s an eventful time now. With such a trivial matter, I won’t bother you Elder.”

“Since you say that he is the son of the emperor, please show evidence.”

“As long as you can show evidence that he is the son of His Majesty the Emperor, I will kneel to welcome you into the Jiang Clan!”

The golden armor guard cast a glance at Jiang Chen and sneered in a real way.

A guy born in another world plane, even if this kid is really the son of a human emperor, how can he show evidence to prove his own identity?


Yun Yue heard the Golden Armored Guard’s words, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

These two guys had obviously taken refuge in the other heirs of the Jiang Clan, and they clearly didn’t want Jiang Chen to return to the Jiang Clan smoothly.

Yun Yue took a deep breath. Just as he was about to speak, Jiang Chen’s faint voice came from him.

“Do you want evidence?”

Yun Yue was taken aback for a moment, and a look of hope flashed across his eyes.

Could it be… His Majesty the Emperor really left Jiang Chen with no proof of his identity?

The golden armor guard said indifferently: “Yes, Jiang Clan Sacred Land, we will never allow outsiders to enter it. Since you are the son of His Majesty the Emperor, please show evidence to prove your identity.”

“Okay, as you wish!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell, and immediately with a move of his palm, a strange black square seal instantly condensed in the palm of his palm.

“This is……”

Looking at the black square seal in Jiang Chen’s hand, the pupils of Yunyue and the two golden armor guards couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

And at this moment.

Jiang Chen directly flipped his hand neatly and pressed down against one of the golden armored guards.


In the void, a black square seal with the size of a thousand meters was like a dark mountain, suppressing the golden armor guard.

The golden guard suddenly ran out of souls, and quickly shot with all his strength to resist the black square seal on the top of his head.


The golden armor guard was no more than the quasi-emperor’s strength, and under the seal of Jiang Chen, there was no resistance at all.

In just the blink of an eye, the Soul Destruction Seal shattered all the defensive power of his body.


The whole body of the golden armor guard was smashed into a distance of a hundred feet in an instant, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirted out wildly.

With Jiang Chen’s current strength, even if he returned to the early stage of the emperor realm, it would be difficult to easily block his seal.

Had it not been for him to recover more than 50% of his power at the last moment, this seal would have already wiped out the golden armor guard.

“you you……”

The golden armor guard looked at Jiang Chen with a pale face, and an unprecedented panic appeared in his eyes.

Human Emperor Seal!

He did not expect that Jiang Chen had already mastered the imperial seal of the human divine warrior!

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in hand, and glanced at the golden armored guard lightly: “In this way, I should be able to prove my own identity, right?”

“Tsk tsk… I didn’t expect that His Majesty Human Emperor had already passed the Human Emperor Seal to His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness had already cultivated it.”

After Yun Yue was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Now that Jiang Chen has the Seal of the Emperor, he is even more hopeful to succeed him as the Emperor.

He took a deep breath and sternly shouted directly at the two golden armor guards: “Two, your Royal Highness has already displayed the Human Emperor Seal, which is enough to prove his identity. Do you want to stop it?”

The two golden armored guards heard Yun Yue’s words, and they fell silent.

Renhuangyin is a human martial arts, and only human emperor and human emperor successors are qualified to cultivate.

Jiang Chen has already displayed the Human Emperor Seal, how dare they try to stop Jiang Chen?

“Who is strayed in my Jiang Tiangong?”

Just when the two guards were about to let Jiang Chen and Jiang Chen enter the palace, a faint voice suddenly rang in the void.


I saw a man with a fierce and domineering golden armor, who also flashed out of thin air directly at the gate of the heavenly palace.

One of the golden armored guards looked at the incoming person and couldn’t help but quickly said: “Given the commander, the commander-in-chief of Yunzhou and the son of His Majesty the Emperor will return to the Jiang Clan. Please also the commander to decide!”

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