Chapter 1453 Go to the imperial city!

King City of the Blood River Region, the Great Hall.

Jiang Chen walked into the Great Hall and saw a familiar figure in the Great Hall. It was Ye Chengjun who came to the Profound Spirit Continent before him.

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen, finally found you.”

Ye Chengjun looked at Jiang Chen who appeared in his sight, and an expression of excitement appeared on his face.

Jiang Chen smiled and said, “Hall Master Ye, I didn’t expect to meet you so soon.”

“His Royal Highness Jiang Chen, we have been waiting for you since we returned to the Profound Spirit Continent.”

“This time when I heard that the Palace of the Human Emperor had destroyed the Blood River Region, I guessed it must be you, so I couldn’t wait to rush over.”

“His Royal Highness, please return to the human race as soon as possible and succeed him to the throne of the emperor!”

Ye Chengjun didn’t talk nonsense, and said directly to Jiang Chen with a solemn expression.

“The successor to the emperor?”

Jiang Chen’s expression changed slightly: “Hall Master Ye, what do you mean by this, what about my father?”

Human race has his father Jiang Wuya sitting in town, how could he establish a new emperor at this time?

Could it be…what accident happened to his father?

“His Majesty Human Emperor fought with the Blood Emperor a few months ago. Both of them broke the realm and became true gods. They were not embraced by the lower realms, and they have ascended into the realm of God…”

Ye Chengjun quickly explained to Jiang Chen.

A few months ago.

A decisive battle broke out between the Human Race and the Blood Spirit Race.

The blood emperor of the blood spirit race broke the realm and became a true god, intending to use the short time from breakthrough to ascend to the gods to kill the emperor Jiang Wuya and the many powerful human races, creating an opportunity for the blood spirit race to destroy the human race.


At the critical moment, Emperor Jiang Wuya also broke through the realm of true spirit.


Both of them succeeded in ascending to God’s Domain, and no one had any choice.

Now the human race and the blood spirit race are grouped dragons without a leader, looking for a successor to the new emperor.

Ye Chengjun and the others knew about Jiang Chen’s existence, so they naturally hoped that Jiang Chen would inherit the throne of the emperor.

This time.

Ye Chengjun and the others have been waiting for Jiang Chen’s arrival.

If it hadn’t been for Meng Qingxue who had come to the Profound Spirit Continent not long ago, I am afraid they would have sent someone directly to the Shenwu Continent to meet Jiang Chen.

Hearing Ye Chengjun’s words, Jiang Chen was also stunned.

He originally thought that when he came to Xuanling Continent this time, he should be able to see his father who had been gone for a long time. Who knew that his father would ascend to the realm of God first!

“His Royal Highness, several Human Sovereign candidates of the Human Race are already vying for the position of Human Sovereign, and the entire Human Race situation is in chaos.”

“His Royal Highness, as the son of the Emperor, will surely be able to receive the strong support of many of His Majesty’s cronies.”

“I also hope that your Royal Highness will immediately follow me back to the Human Emperor City, succeeding the Human Emperor, and controlling the overall situation of the Human Race.”

After Ye Chengjun introduced the situation of the human race, he couldn’t help directly speaking to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen pondered slightly: “If I leave, will the Blood Spirit Race take the opportunity to attack the Blood River Region?”

Since his father has ascended to the realm of God, Jiang Chen still intends to fight for the position of this man’s emperor.

after all.

His next purpose in the Profound Spirit Continent is to suppress the blood spirit race and let the blood spirit race surrender to the human race.

If you can become the emperor of the human race, take charge of the entire human race, and want to suppress the blood spirit race, it will undoubtedly be much easier.

Ye Chengjun smiled and said: “Your Highness can rest assured that the situation of the Blood Spirit Race will not be better than that of the Human Race. Their fight for the position of the Blood Emperor is more intense than that of the Human Race. They will not act rashly before the new Blood Emperor takes the throne. .”

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “In that case, let’s go back to the imperial city.”

Jiang Chen summoned the Cangyun Dragon, made a simple arrangement, and then left the Blood River Region with Ye Chengjun and headed north.

Not long.

Jiang Chen followed Ye Chengjun to Yunzhou Commander’s Mansion and met Yunzhou Commander Yunyue.

“The commander-in-chief of Yunzhou Yunyue, congratulations on the return of His Royal Highness Jiang Chen!”

Yun Yue respectfully saluted Jiang Chen.

As a confidant cultivated by the emperor Jiang Wuya, Yunyue naturally looked extremely respectful to Jiang Chen, the son of the emperor.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Commander Yun doesn’t need to be polite. Father has ascended to God’s Realm. Now that I have just arrived, I hope you can support me a lot.”

Yun Yue said firmly with a face: “Your Highness can rest assured, I will do my best to help His Highness succeed to the throne of the emperor.”

Because the situation in the imperial city was changing rapidly, Jiang Chen and the others did not stay too much in Yunzhou.

After a simple deployment, Yun Yue, together with Jiang Chen, embarked on the journey of returning to the imperial city.

Human Imperial City is located in the central area of ​​the northern part of the Xuanling Continent.

Here are several majestic forces of heaven and earth, and there are huge dragon veins in the depths of the earth. They are rooted here and nourish the land, making the entire area where the imperial city is located. On the air machine.

After half a month.

The three Jiang Chen finally came to the area where the imperial city was located.

Looking from a distance, an indescribably majestic giant city directly emerged in Jiang Chen’s line of sight.

The majesty of the imperial city has completely surpassed Jiang Chen’s imagination.

It can be said.

Almost any city Jiang Chen had seen was far from being comparable.

The imperial city in front of him was pitch black as ink, with an immortal eternal texture. The city gate had already risen above the clouds, and the entire city was exuding a divine power from the ancient and wild.

Even with Jiang Chen’s current Cultivation Base, standing in front of this imperial city, he couldn’t help feeling insignificant.

“Is this the Human Imperial City, the Holy City of Human Race? It’s too shocking.”

Ye Chengjun looked at the giant city in front of him with a shocked face, and it took him a while to recover from the shock.

“It’s shocking, isn’t it.”

“The human imperial city of our human race has different origins. It is said that it is part of a certain god city in God’s Domain, and it was cut down to the Profound Spirit Continent by a certain strong god.”

“The ancestors of the human race of the Profound Spirit Continent used this god city as the foundation to build a human imperial city.”

At this moment, Yun Yue on the side smiled.

Such a legend has to be said to be very shocking.

But after witnessing the imperial city with their own eyes, Jiang Chen and the others couldn’t doubt this legend in their hearts.

The imperial city in front of him was indeed not something that could be created by manpower alone.

I am afraid that only the gods in the realm of Gods can build such a majestic city.

After a brief shock, the three of them quickly moved towards the place where the imperial city was located.

The gate of the imperial city is wide open, and it is also huge, reaching a height of a thousand feet.

The gate of the city.

Streams of light flashed, and countless powerful human Practitioners continued to flow.

On both sides of the city gate, more than a dozen people looked solemn and heavily armored, and there were guards guarding the imperial city, and each of them had at least reached the pinnacle of the divine birth.

Especially the leader of the guard, he is a real powerhouse in the emperor realm!

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