Chapter 1455 Domineering mother Ji Wushuang!

The son of the emperor?

Hearing the words of the guard, the leader of the golden armor was also taken aback.

Now that Emperor Jiang Wuya has ascended to the realm of God, the city of Human Emperor has also become undercurrents due to the struggle for the throne of Human Emperor.

Now that there is one more son of the emperor, I am afraid that the situation will become more intense.

The Jin Jia leader took a deep breath, and immediately looked at Yun Yue with a solemn expression: “Commander Yun, this is not a trivial matter. Are you sure this is really the son of His Majesty the Emperor?”

Commander Yun said indifferently: “His Royal Highness has shown the Human Emperor Seal to the two guards just now. Isn’t this enough to prove His Highness’s identity?”

Human Emperor Seal!

The Jinjia leader’s face changed slightly.

He glanced at the expressions of the two guards and knew that what Yunyue said was true. He did not hesitate at the moment, and directly saluted Jiang Chen: “Jiang Li doesn’t know the identity of His Highness, and I hope that His Highness will not be offended.”

As the commander of the Jiang Clan’s Heavenly Palace, Jiang Li is also a well-known strongman of the Jiang Clan’s return to the market, but he did not participate in the battle between the emperors and he has always remained neutral.

Since this is the son of His Majesty Human Emperor, he should respect Jiang Chen as he deserves.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly and said: “The person who doesn’t know is not guilty, Jiang commander is welcome.”

“His Royal Highness, please follow me, and I will take you to see Elder.”

Jiang Li made a please gesture to the two Jiang Chen, and then walked into the Tiangong first.

“The son of the human emperor returns to the Jiang clan, and the next fight for the human emperor’s position is afraid that there will be many more variables.”

Seeing the fading back of the three Jiang Chen, one of the golden armored guards couldn’t help but murmured.

“This matter is not something we can control. Report the matter to Young Master Jun as soon as possible.”

Another golden armored guard shook his head and sighed, then quickly cast his magic tricks and sent a message out.

The news that Jiang Chen and the others entered the heavenly palace, and that the son of the emperor had returned to the Jiang clan, spread quickly among the Jiang clan as if they had grown wings.

Not long.

The Jiang family discussion Great Hall, more than a dozen Jiang family Elders all gathered here one after another.

Jiang Chen’s gaze swept over these Jiang Clan, and his heart couldn’t help but stunned slightly.

The Jiang Clan is worthy of being the most powerful supreme royal clan of the Xuanling Continent Human Clan, and the strength is indeed extremely powerful.

In front of these ginger Elders, each of them exudes an extremely powerful aura.

According to Jiang Chen’s estimation, these Elder-level figures of the Jiang clan are at least strong men who have reached the late stage of Guixu!

There are even a few unfathomable elders, I am afraid that they are already the supreme emperor of the peak of the ruins!

When Jiang Chen looked at these ginger Elders, the eyes of many ginger Elders also focused on Jiang Chen.

“Yun Yue, this son is the blood of His Majesty Human Emperor?”

After a while, the first white-robed old man with a childlike face broke the silence of the Great Hall and said lightly to Yun Yue.

Yun Yue nodded quickly and said: “Yes, His Royal Highness Jiang Chen is exactly the bloodline left by His Majesty the Emperor and Empress Ji when they shed other planes.”

“Huh! His Majesty Human Emperor left blood on other planes, why have we never heard him mention it?”

Another Jin Pao Jiang Clan Elder heard Yun Yue’s words and couldn’t help snorting coldly.

“Jiang Yangshuo, does His Majesty the Emperor have any heirs? Does he have to tell you?”

“What’s more… Empress Ji is still in the Profound Spirit Continent. Whether Jiang Chen is of the blood of His Majesty the Emperor, you will know if you ask.”

And just after the golden robe Elder’s voice fell, another black-clothed Elder could not help but retorted with a sneer on his face.

“Everyone, Elder, His Royal Highness Jiang Chen has already mastered the seal of the human divine warrior, and there is no doubt about his identity.”

“With the identity and talent of your Highness, he is fully qualified to be the heir of the Emperor.”

“Yun has brought His Royal Highness Jiang Chen back this time, and I hope you Elder will give His Royal Highness a chance to participate in the trial of the Emperor!”

Yun Yue said neither humble nor arrogant.

“Huh! The Human Emperor Seal is a human sacred martial art. Only people who succeed to the Human Emperor are qualified to cultivate, how can the Human Emperor easily teach it to others?”

“According to my Jiang family, His Royal Highness Jiang Chen will be on the list of candidates for the successor to the Emperor from birth. It seems that it is reasonable for His Majesty to impart the Seal of the Emperor to His Royal Highness.”

“That said, Jiang Chen was not born in the Profound Spirit Continent. From birth, heirs to the Emperor will go through many levels of assessment. If Jiang Chen becomes one of the successors of the Emperor, it would be a bit unfair to others.”


Many ginger Elders expressed their opinions one after another, and began to argue endlessly!

“Enough, all of you are Elders of the Jiang clan, so noisy and noisy!”

At this moment, the white-robed old man in the lead screamed, and then said indifferently: “This matter is of great importance, immediately call the Yeji clan and the commander of the eight states to come and discuss it.”


Just as the white-robed old man’s voice just fell, a cold domineering voice suddenly came from outside the Great Hall.

“No need to negotiate!”

“The son of this palace is the first in line to the Emperor of Humanity, and he is naturally eligible to participate in the Trial of Emperor Human!”

“I want to see it. Who of you dare not accept it?”

Following the sound of the cold words, everyone couldn’t help but looked towards the door of the Great Hall.

I saw at the entrance of Great Hall, a majestic and peerless woman walked in slowly towards the Great Hall.

She has a beautiful and peerless face, with long blue silk hair spreading over her shoulders like a waterfall, wearing a phoenix crown and hazel, exuding a breath of grace and luxury all over her body.

Jiang Chen saw this figure connected with his own blood, and an expression of excitement flashed across his eyes.

The graceful and noble peerless woman in front of him was the figure under the influence of Shenwu Jietian Formation, his mother, Ji Wushuang, whom he had never met before.

“I have seen Empress Ji.”

Many ginger Elders all saluted when they saw the visitors.

“Everyone, Elder, don’t have to be polite.”

Ji Wushuang waved his hand, and immediately said with a domineering expression: “Jiang Chen is the son of this palace, and should be one of the heirs of the Emperor. Elder, if you have any opinions, this palace will take him away from the Profound Spirit Continent and stop interfering. The Xuanling Continent matter!”


After hearing Ji Wushuang’s words, the complexion of many Jiang Elders suddenly changed.

“Don’t worry about the empress Ji, I didn’t even say that His Royal Highness Jiang Chen could not be one of the heirs of the Emperor.”

White Robe Elder gave a wry smile.

The other ginger Elder is silent.


Facing the extremely domineering Ji Wushuang, these Jiang Elders all compromised.

Ji Wushuang is now the only virtual god realm powerhouse in the Xuanling Continent, and is the backbone of their human race to contend with the blood spirit race.

Many ginger Elders are also very clear about Ji Wushuang’s character.

If they really angered this one, maybe she might really leave with Jiang Chen.

Once Ji Wushuang really didn’t care about the affairs of the Profound Spirit Continent, then their human race would be really dangerous.

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