Chapter 1447 The battle of the imperial realm, one enemy three!

“It’s worthy of being a descendant of Li Jiuyou’s bloodline. When you first enter the emperor realm, you can master the two laws of blood and ice. It is also a rare genius.”

“It’s a pity…With your strength, you are far from qualified to do it with me!”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and when he raised his hand, he gently pointed out.


Hearing a loud noise, Li Han’s figure soaring into the sky suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards.

His body was lightly beaten by Jiang Chen with a finger and flew thousands of meters away, hitting a Great Hall in the Royal City.

In an instant…

The Great Hall collapsed.

After Li Han’s body destroyed the Great Hall, he directly smashed a huge pit on the ground. The whole person was buried alive in the huge pit by the collapse of the Great Hall.

This scene immediately caused countless blood spirit clan powerhouses below to take a breath.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen all showed amazement.

Li Han, the son of the royal family of the Blood River Territory, has already broken through into the existence of the Ruins Emperor Realm. Although he has only recently made breakthrough, he is also a real powerhouse in the imperial realm.

A dignified emperor realm powerhouse was killed by the human youth in front of him!

This… how is this possible.

“Ah… bastard, I’m going to kill you!”

Just when everyone was shocked, a terrifying roar suddenly came from the huge pit.


The mysterious blood glow rose from the huge pit to the sky, and finally turned into a blood-colored giant with a thousand feet tall standing proudly in the sky.

The emperor body of the strong emperor realm!

As Emperor Li Han’s body condensed, in this blood river region king city, countless people of the blood spirit race knelt to the ground, shivering.

Even those who are strong in the Divine Fetal Stage have a feeling of heart palpitations.

“Compared to your ancestor Li Jiuyou, you are still too weak, please kill me.”

In the void, Jiang Chen looked indifferently and stretched out his palm, a giant palm containing the power of endless wind and thunder, falling like a giant pillar, directly on Li Han’s Qianzhang Emperor’s body.


Li Han let out a scream, Qianzhang Emperor’s body instantly collapsed, and the whole person crashed to the ground again.

“Boy, Dare to hurt my new king of the Blood River Region!”

Seeing that Li Han condensed the emperor’s body, it was still easily defeated by Jiang Chen with one move, Li Xueyang yelled, and his figure instantly turned into a bloody light and rose into the sky.


A blood mist exuding a terrifying aura instantly rushed out from behind Li Xueyang, turned into a long bloody dragon with teeth and claws, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

Li Xueyang cultivates the blood path and the killing path, this long bloody dragon, is the method of killing the path formed by killing countless creatures and condensing the path of killing and proving.

His law of killing is not only powerful, but also contains thousands of grievances.

Even if the quasi-emperor is strong, once infected, he will suffer damage and fall to Samsara forever.


Jiang Chen flipped the palm of his hand, and the Soul Extinguishing Seal came from the sky like a dark mountain, slamming it on the long scarlet dragon.


A scream of ghost crying wolf howling screamed suddenly from the long scarlet dragon.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw the long scarlet dragon, which was quickly annihilated into nothingness under the black square seal.

“Human Divine Warrior Emperor Seal, how… how is it possible?”

Li Xueyang burst out of a distance of hundreds of feet in embarrassment. He looked up at Jiang Chen in the void, and finally showed a look of horror in his old eyes.

As an old monster of the Blood Spirit Race who lived for more than 10,000 years, how could Li Xueyang not recognize the Emperor Seal of the Human Divine Warrior?


The seal of the Emperor of the Human Race has always been only qualified to hold the Emperor and the successor of the Emperor.

Is this kid in front of him the heir to the emperor cultivated secretly by the human race?

Thinking of this, Li Xueyang was also furious.

The human race sends all the heirs of the human emperor to attack the blood river region. Is it because they want to open a gap through the blood river region and launch a war against the blood spirit race?

“Li Zhen, Li You, kill this kid with me!”

Li Xueyang suppressed the horror in his heart and shouted directly at the other two Emperor Elders.

Regardless of whether the human race really wants to start a war, today he will kill the heir to the Emperor at all costs!


The other two imperial Elders burst into shape, and the monstrous Blood Qi spread from them.

“The sword is coming!”

Jiang Chen looked at the two emperor Elders who had killed with the monstrous Blood Qi, with his palm facing the void, a red sword light with a length of five feet appeared out of thin air.

The sword light turns into two, two into four, and four into eight…

In the blink of an eye, thousands of red sword lights appeared in the void.

One sword makes a million!

Each of these tens of thousands of sword lights descended from the sky with the power of Shattering Void.

In an instant…

Tens of thousands of pitch-black cracks emerged from the sky out of thin air, as if the entire sky had been pierced by tens of thousands of holes by the red sword glow.

On the left, Li Zhen’s face changed, his figure resembling a bloody ghost, bringing up bursts of bloody phantoms, and finally turned into hundreds of bloody shadows and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

At the same time that Li Zhen shot, Li You on the other side also shot.

As soon as he shot, Blood Qi filled the world, as if the void of a thousand feet was about to burst.

Obviously, this reason is a Nine-Star Blood General who must be stronger than Li Wei.

“Blood Demon Fist!”

Li You punched out, the space of thousands of meters collapsed suddenly, and the terrifying blood-colored power directly punched a huge black hole in the void.

Countless red sword lights fell on that black hole, and finally annihilated along with this black hole.

At the same time when these two Emperor Elders took action, Li Xueyang, who had been repelled by Jiang Chen, also stepped up into the air again and killed Jiang Chen.

“Boom boom boom…”

The three powerful emperors used their own methods to finally resist Jiang Chen’s tens of thousands of terrifying sword lights.

“Jiang Chen, although you are very strong, if you want to destroy my blood river region with the power of one person, I am afraid that you still have all the skills.”

Li Xueyang looked up at Jiang Chen and said with a sneer.

“Really? Then pick me up again.”

Jiang Chen smiled contemptuously, and immediately flipped his palm, a huge golden seal engraved with punish oneself, with unmatched terrifying power, covering the sky and the sun and suppressing it.

“Be careful, this is the seal of the human divine warrior!”

Li Xueyang’s complexion changed, countless blood and black glows intertwined and rose from behind him, turning into a strange blood-colored space. Countless evil spirits roared constantly in the blood-colored space, and the golden gold standing above his head was suppressed. The giant seal collided again.


The huge golden seal smashed on the Scarlet Space, immediately causing the Scarlet Space to tremble.

Immediately afterwards.

The screams of sorrowful screams reverberated continuously in the sky, and I saw that the bloody space and countless souls and ghosts were completely transformed into nothingness under the divine power of the Divine Seal…

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