Chapter 1446 Today, I am here to destroy the Blood River Region!

Blood River Region, the most prosperous central area.

Here, there are thousands of miles of fertile soil, and a series of spiritual veins, like giant dragons, converge from all directions, guarding a magnificent city.

This city is exactly the royal city of the Blood River Region.

At this time, the royal city of the blood river region is holding the ceremony of the new king of the blood river region.

Ten thousand years ago.

The previous generation of Blood Spirit King Li Jiuyou led the army of the Blood River Region and attacked an inferior plane of the Human Race, but was suppressed on that plane, and the Throne of the Blood River Region remained in the air.

these years.

The descendants of the royal family left by Li Jiuyou in the royal city did not show any outstanding genius, and no descendants of the royal family have reached the emperor realm.


There has never been a new king to succeed in the Blood River Region.

Some time ago, the Blood River Region sent four quasi-emperor powerhouses to rescue Li Jiuyou on that plane, but they also ended in failure.


Half a month ago, there was finally a descendant of the royal family in the Blood River region who successfully broke through to the market.

After a round of discussions, the senior officials of the royal city decided to make the descendant of the royal family the new king of the blood river region, to command the blood river region!

“The attack on the human plane from the king never returns, and the blood river region has no leader for thousands of years. The descendant of the royal family, Li Han, has returned to the market realm and can be the new king of the blood river region…”

In a huge square in the center of the royal city, there are officials of etiquette who read the sacrificial texts on the stage.

In front of him, a young man wearing a blood-colored dragon-print robe, accompanied by Elder, the three major emperors of the Blood River Region, stood with a solemn expression on his face.

And around the square, there are heavyweights from all parts of the Blood River Region.

Almost all the city lords of many cities and the patriarchs of major families in the blood river area gathered here.

After the ceremonial officer read a long section of the sacrificial essay, he shouted: “Now I announce that the ceremony of the new king’s enthronement has officially begun, and I would like to invite Master Li Han to the throne!”

“Young Master Han, it’s almost time, please ascend to the throne.”

As the ceremonial officer’s voice fell, the three emperor Elder couldn’t help but said to the blood-robed youth named Li Han.

Li Han said lightly: “The Scarlet Pass Commander General Li Wei hasn’t arrived yet, so let’s wait.”

Hearing Li Han’s words, the three emperor Elders couldn’t help frowning.

Li Wei is one of the few imperial powers in the Royal City of the Blood River Region, and the commander in command of the Red Blood Pass. His prestige and status in the Blood River Region are second to none.

This new king enthroned in the Great Hall. Naturally, Li Wei was able to proceed smoothly.

“What the hell is going on with Li Wei, the old man has sent someone to the Red Blood Pass to pass on the news, why hasn’t there been any movement?”

A white-haired old man with a slightly rickety figure could not help but reveal an unpleasant look in his muddy old eyes.

Although the old man looked very old, as if he was about to die, his whole body was exuding an imperial power that made people dare not look at him.

This old man is Elder Li Xueyang, the city of Blood River, and the most respected veteran in the City of Blood River.

Ten thousand years ago.

Li Jiuyou led the army of the Blood River Region to invade the human plane, and Li Xueyang was one of the few emperor realm powerhouses who stayed behind to guard the Blood River Region.

Over the past ten thousand years, the several powerful emperors left by Li Jiuyou that year have all fallen one after another in the long river of time.

And Li Xueyang is the only emperor realm powerhouse in the Blood River Region who has lived from ten thousand years ago to the present!

Listening to Deli Xueyang’s words, the expressions of the other two Elders in the emperor realm became extremely serious.

The new king of the Blood River Region ascended the throne, but Li Wei did not come back after being ordered.

If Li Wei does not support the new king’s enthronement, this is not good news for them in the Blood River Region.

“Li Zhen, you go to the Scarlet Blood Pass by yourself, the old man wants to see what he wants to do, Li Wei.”

Li Xueyang snorted coldly, and said directly to one of the black-robed emperor realm Elder.

“Yes, Elder.”

That called Li Zhen’s black robe, Elder responded, and he was about to flash away from the city.

But at this moment, the distant sky outside the king’s city suddenly shot a sword rainbow that penetrated the sky and the earth.

Jian Hong was about to reach its extreme, directly piercing through the heavily defended royal city formation, and flashing out above the royal city like a remnant cloud.

At the same time, a faint chuckle instantly resounded through the world.

“Haha… the new king’s enthronement ceremony? You blood river region, there is no need to establish a new king.”

As this faint voice reverberated above the Blood River Region King City, countless gazes below suddenly raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

There, a black-haired and black-eyed human race youth stood proudly, just like a banished immortal.

“Bold, a little human kid, dare to break into my Blood River Domain King City?”

On the square below, the four blood spirit quasi-emperors wearing blood-colored battle armors suddenly became furious, and immediately rushed to Jiang Chen in the sky at the same time.

Today is the grand ceremony of the new king of the blood river region. The four of them are the leaders who guard the king’s city, and their duty is to ensure the smooth progress of the grand ceremony.

Now a human youth suddenly broke into the royal city and disrupted the enthronement ceremony. How could this make the four not angry?

“An ant-like existence, dare to take action against this emperor, knowing nothing about life and death!”

Jiang Chen flicked his fingers lightly, and the Void Sword shook the sky.

A giant sword of a thousand feet smashed down from above Nine Heavens, and the six quasi-emperor leaders had no resistance at all, and they were already reduced to ashes under Jiang Chen’s sword.

“What a human sword emperor, dare to come to my blood river region king city to go wild, you are looking for death!”

Li Xueyang stared at Jiang Chen sternly, and an overwhelming killing intent also spread from him in an instant.

In the Blood River Territory, there is the Jiuxing Blood Commander Li Wei sitting in the Border Red Blood Pass, and it is impossible for a human imperial realm powerhouse to easily enter the Blood River Territory.

And the Human Sword Emperor in front of him was extremely strange, and he was not the strong Human Emperor Realm who commanded Yunzhou at all.

This also means.

The young sword emperor in front of him was secretly sent by the human race.

After contacting Li Wei’s delayed return, Li Xueyang is naturally not difficult to guess, the Scarlet Blood Pass might have changed in all likelihood.

I am afraid that even Li Wei has already encountered an accident at the Scarlet Blood Pass.

“Hehe… I didn’t come here to find death.”

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, and looked down at Li Xueyang and others condescendingly, and his proud voice resounded through the audience again.

“Human Jiang Chen, came today to destroy the Blood River Region. Those who dare to resist will kill you without mercy!”

Following Jiang Chen’s words, many blood river domain experts were furious.


“Jiang Chen, don’t be too mad, you alone dare to destroy my Blood River Region without shame, you really treat me as if there is no one in the Blood River Region?”

The royal prince Li Han who was about to become the new king shouted angrily, and immediately turned into a blood red, and rose into the sky at Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

The terrifying bloody cold air filled the entire void.

Pieces of fascinating blood frost condensed from the void, and thousands of meters of space seemed to be frozen by that blood frost at this moment!

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