Chapter 1448 Kill the Three Emperors!

Seeing that the six types of Li’s blood could hardly stop Jiang Chen’s mark of Zhu Shen, Li Zhen’s complexion changed drastically.

With a move of his palm, a monster blood-colored long sword instantly emerged from his palm.

The next moment…

An evil blood-colored light spread from the sword.

“Extreme blood swordsmanship, open it to me!”

Li Zhen held the blood-colored long sword, and the Qianzhang Sword Qi, which was condensed by the laws of blood and kendo, slashed at the giant golden seal above his head.


The golden light of Zhu Shen’s seal is entangled with the bloody Sword Qi.


With Jiang Chen’s current strength, using the Mark of Zhu Shen, his power is much stronger than when he fought with Li Jiuyou, how could Li Zhen in the early stage of the ruins be able to resist it?

His Qianzhang Sword Qi was instantly crushed by the unmatched divine power of Zhu Shen Yin, and his entire body was shaken in vain.

And at the whole time, Zhu Shenyin also suppressed them again.


At this moment, a blood-colored fist with the power of breaking the sky rushed into the air and hit the golden giant seal.

After the golden giant seal broke through the attacks of the two great emperor realm powerhouses one after another, it was finally weak in its successor and was smashed by Li You’s punch.

Seeing this scene, the many Blood Spirit Race people below were all shocked.

They joined forces with the three powerhouses of the three imperial realms of the Blood River Region, but they were not able to escape from the opponent’s hands for the slightest advantage.

The entire Human Race youth in front of them is too terrifying!

“Don’t delay, let’s do our best together and get rid of him as soon as possible.”

Li Xueyang stared at Jiang Chen tightly, and a solemn expression passed across his face.

Li Xueyang suffered an injury ten thousand years ago, and Cultivation Base has not been able to break through the middle stage of Guixu, but in the early stage of Guixu, there are few rivals.

With the addition of Li Zhen and Li You, the three of them work together, and even the strong in the middle stage of the ruins can fight.

The heir to the emperor in front of him, he was able to fight against the three of them with his own power, it was really enchanting.

If the delay continues, and another human emperor realm is killed, their blood river region may be really dangerous today.


Li Xueyang’s voice fell, and the Qianzhang Emperor’s body instantly condensed, and the strong punch that merged the law of blood and the law of killing instantly shook the world and exploded directly at Jiang Chen.

“Boom! Boom!”

Li Zhen and Li You also did not hesitate at all. They also condensed the emperor body instantly, transformed into two blood-colored giants, and slew towards Jiang Chen.

In an instant…

The entire Blood River Region King City was shrouded in three monstrous Blood Qi. In that monstrous Blood Qi, there is endless destructive power, as if the end is coming, and the world is about to collapse.

“Haha…good job!”

Looking at the three great powerhouses in the emperor realm with all their strength, Jiang Chen’s battle intent has skyrocketed, and you will turn into a golden giant like God of War.

The emperor’s body was condensed, and Jiang Chen’s powerful laws and powers also filled the void.

The law of kendo that can smash everything!

Contains the law of Thunder of Nine Heavens!

The law of fire with the power of burning the sky!

Carry the wind tunnel law of ruining the storm!

You can control the empty point rule of space!

Be able to think of the time rule of life and death!

The six emperor realm laws were successively displayed by Jiang Chen, and then merged and gathered in the void, and finally turned into a law space exuding six colors of light.


Jiang Chen used the sword to refer to Li Xueyang, who was the first to kill, to volley a little, a six-color Sword Qi instantly wiped out Li Xueyang’s strong fist and hit Li Xueyang’s fist.


Even if the emperor body was condensed, Li Xueyang’s fist was smashed by a sword under the blow of Jiang Chen’s fusion of the laws of the six emperor realms.

To the end.

I saw his Qianzhang emperor body crashed to pieces under this sword.


Li Xueyang’s emperor body dissipated, but the six-color Sword Qi has not dissipated yet, directly strangling Li Xueyang’s body into powder.

With a sword slaying Li Xueyang, Jiang Chen’s palm made another move, and a group of strange six-color flames emerged from the palm of his palm.

Jiang Chen now masters the six complete laws of power, and the six laws of power merge, and he can use one of the powers of the law as he wants, and merge the other laws to launch an attack.

Previously, he used the law of kendo to fuse the other five law forces, and slashed Li Xueyang with a single sword. Now the attack led by the law of fire is condensed again!

The golden flames condensed in Jiang Chen’s palm. At the beginning, it was about the size of a palm, then burned quickly, and finally turned into a six-color god flame that engulfed Li Zhen and Li You.

The bright six-color divine flames scorched the void, causing the temperature of the entire Blood River Region King City to reach an extremely terrifying level.

Even the many people of the blood spirit race below, separated by thousands of feet in the sky, seemed to have a feeling of being in flames.

Facing the six-colored divine flames around, both Li Zhen and Li You’s faces were hurt, and both could not help showing a look of horror.

Fire power is the nemesis of their blood power.

Jiang Chen’s six-color divine flame, condensed by law, is powerful enough to burn the sky.

Even though they were strong emperors, Li Zhen and Li Zhen felt a shadow of Death enveloping their hearts at this moment.

“Drive me!”

Both of them uttered a roar of exclamation and rage, and the power of destroying the sky and the earth madly attacked the surrounding six-color divine flames.


Jiang Chen is dominated by the law of fire, and the divine flames condensed by the laws of the six emperor realms, even the strongest emperor in the middle stage of the ruins, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake easily.

How could it be possible to easily break through the early stage strength of Li Zhen and the Emperor Realm?

No matter how hard Li Zhen and Li Zhen struggled, they couldn’t shake the six-color god flame in the end.


I saw that Li Zhen and Li Zhen’s Qianzhang emperor body were all burned by the six-color divine flames, and the blood brilliance of the whole body quickly dimmed.

In the end, the Qianzhang Emperor physique of the two had turned into nothingness under the terrifying temperature of Liu Shenyan.

“Do not……”

The emperor body collapsed, and the bodies of Li Zhen and Li Zhen also instantly appeared in the void enveloped by the Six Gods and Divine Flame.

Their eyes were enlarged, full of panic.


At this moment, their emperor body collapsed, and they were no longer able to resist the terrifying power of the Six Gods Divine Flame.

In the blink of an eye, both their bodies and souls were burned clean by Jiang Chen’s six-color divine flames.


Seeing this shocking scene in front of me, the world suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Countless people of the blood spirit race turned pale in an instant.

Their gazes towards Jiang Chen all showed a touch of horror that could not be concealed.

The three quasi-emperors of the Blood River Region were killed by Jiang Chen like this?

This… how is this possible.

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