Chapter 1443 Attacking the Scarlet Blood Pass!

Jiang Chen obviously didn’t expect that the first blood spirit target he faced in the Profound Spirit Continent would actually be the territory of Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou.

He froze for a moment, and then asked again: “How much strength is left in the Blood River Region now?”

As a mid-level plane, the Profound Spirit Continent is indeed far from being comparable to Shenwu Continent in strength.

Ten thousand years ago.

With one of the nine regions of the Blood Spirit Race, Li Jiuyou was able to contend with the hundred emperors of the Shenwu Continent, and from this, one could imagine how strong the entire Profound Spirit Continent was.

Even if Li Jiuyou led the Blood River Region to attack the Shenwu Continent back then, causing the Blood River Region’s strength to be greatly damaged, I am afraid that there are still many emperor realm powerhouses in charge.

Cang Yuanlong obviously understood the situation in the Blood River Region very well, and directly replied: “As far as I know, there should be three or four strong people in the Ruins Realm sitting in the Blood River Region.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but flashed a look of astonishment in his eyes: “Are there actually only a few strong people in the market?”

To know.

Ten thousand years ago, the Blood River Region was able to fight against the Shenwu Continent with the power of a region, and I am afraid that at least hundreds of them returned to the Ruins Emperor Realm.

Even if Li Jiuyou’s attack on the Shenwu Continent caused the blood river region’s vitality to be severely injured, it shouldn’t have been so miserable.

“Today’s Profound Spirit Continent is no longer the grand occasion of the year, and there are not many returning to the emperor realm.”

Cang Yuanlong smiled and said: “Ten thousand years ago, Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou took away 80% of the strong people in the Blood River Region, and the blood river region was seriously injured, and there were not many strong people.”

As a mid-level plane in the universe, the Profound Spirit Continent is extremely powerful in its peak period, and possesses countless imaginary gods.

It is said that in the earliest days, the blood spirit kings of the nine regions of the blood spirit race were all powerhouses who reached the virtual god realm.


With the development of the human race and the blood spirit race, the two sides competed for resources and benefits, and fierce battles broke out.

In successive battles.

The two sides not only lost countless strong men, but also many geniuses were strangled in the cradle, causing the rapid decline of the overall strength of the Profound Spirit Continent!

Ten thousand years ago, every domain of the Blood Spirit Race still had no less than a hundred experts in the ruins realm.

But over the past ten thousand years, there have been several tragic battles between the two clans, and the number of strong men who survived on the Profound Spirit Continent is less than one-third of what they were ten thousand years ago.

Even in other places, there are only two or three out of ten of the Guixu Emperor Realm left. The Blood River Region, which is already severely damaged, can have three or four emperor realm powerhouses sitting, obviously it is already very good.

After listening to Cang Yuanlong’s introduction, Jiang Chen also quickly made a decision in his heart: “Go down and prepare, and follow me to attack the Blood River in three days.”

“Hall Lord, if we want to occupy the Blood River Region, the first thing we must attack is the Scarlet Blood Pass in the Blood River Region.”

Cang Yuanlong hesitated slightly: “It’s just that… this commander guarding the Scarlet Blood Pass is a nine-star blood general named Li Wei in the Blood River Region. He is extremely powerful, and there are many powerful quasi-emperors under his command.”

The Scarlet Wasteland is the most barren land in the Profound Spirit Continent.

At the beginning, Cang Yuanlong and their ancestors came here because of the wars of the mighty Xuan Ling Continent, who knew that they still could not avoid the war with the Blood Spirit Clan in the end.

Ever since Cangyuanlong Cultivation Base reached the peak of the divine fetus, he actually had the desire to leave the Scarlet Wasteland in his heart.

after all.

The Scarlet Wasteland has scarce resources, and it is extremely difficult to break through the quasi-emperor in this place is to return to the ruin emperor realm.

Now that Jiang Chen is dominating the bloody wasteland, if he can follow Jiang Chen to conquer the Blood River Region and obtain more cultivation resources, it will undoubtedly be much easier for him to break through and return to the market.

It’s just that the strength of their Scarlet Wasteland is too weak, not to mention occupying the Blood River Region, even if they capture a Scarlet Blood Pass, it will not be an easy task.

Jiang Chen said lightly: “It’s okay, there is a nine-star blood general, I don’t care about it, you can arrange it quickly.”


Cang Yuanlong responded, and then turned around to prepare.

Three days later.

Jiang Chen took a thousand Practitioners headed by Cang Yuanlong towards the Blood River Region east of the Scarlet Wasteland.

The Scarlet Wasteland is vast, and Jiang Chen and the others are still a million miles away from the Red Blood Pass, the closest to the Blood River Region.

After Jiang Chen and the others kept walking for ten days, they finally walked out of the Scarlet Wasteland.

Out of the Scarlet Wasteland, Jiang Chen traveled a distance of about a thousand miles under the guidance of Cang Yuanlong. A huge and majestic barrier quickly emerged in their sight.

This is a majestic pass with a height of several hundred meters. The entire pass is built of huge red blood rocks, giving people a majestic feeling.

From a distance, the entire level seemed like a predatory behemoth crawling between the heavens and the earth.

Jiang Chen didn’t hide the slightest, directly leading Cang Yuanlong and his party, swaggering towards the Scarlet Blood Pass.

Shuxue closed.

Several Practitioners of the Blood Spirit Race who were in charge of vigilance, their expressions changed drastically when they looked at the thousand-person team that suddenly appeared under the Scarlet Blood Pass.

“The enemy… the enemy attack! The Human Race is coming to attack the Scarlet Blood Pass!”

The few blood spirit practitioners looked at Jiang Chen and the others below, and quickly sounded the alarm bell closed on Scarlet Blood.

“Clang clang…”

As a rush of bells rang through the sky above the Scarlet Blood Pass, only a series of bloody figures exuding a powerful aura flew out of the Scarlet Blood Pass.

In less than a moment, hundreds of Practitioners of the Blood Spirit Race were in the air in front of the Scarlet Blood Pass.

Among the hundreds of Practitioners of the blood spirit race, the weakest ones have reached the Divine Soul Realm. Even the Divine Fetal Realm has nearly a hundred people. Among them, the aura of more than ten people is almost not below the Cangyuan Dragon.

Especially for the first middle-aged man wearing a blood-colored battle armor, the majestic blood pressure swept through the sky, and Cang Yuanlong and the others felt a sense of breathlessness.

“Boy, who are you, dare to bring someone to attack the Scarlet Blood Pass?”

The middle-aged man looked down at Jiang Chen and the others coldly, and there was also a shocked look in his eyes.

The Blood River area is adjacent to Yunzhou, one of the eight human states.

Ten thousand years ago, they broke through Yunzhou in the Blood River Region. It was not until the return of Emperor Jiang Wuya a few years ago that the Terran took Yunzhou back.

Although their blood river area is weak now, Yunzhou is also unable to recover its vitality in a short time, and is unable to attack their blood river area at all.

In the past few years when he guarded the Scarlet Blood Pass, there had never been any war between the Blood Spirit Race and the Human Race.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for Yunzhou to send people to attack the Blood River at this time. Where did the nearly 1,000 celebrity Practitioners emerge from?

“You are the nine-star blood general Li Wei guarding the Scarlet Blood Pass.”

Jiang Chen raised his head and glanced at the middle-aged man. Without talking nonsense, he directly said indifferently: “This Scarlet Blood Pass will belong to me in the future. Give you a chance to kneel and surrender. I will spare you not to die!”

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