Chapter 1444 Nine-star blood general, kill with one seal!

In Jiang Chen’s eyes, the Blood Spirit Race is a hidden danger.

If the Blood Spirit Clan is not completely suppressed, neither the Xuanling Continent Human Clan nor the Shenwu Continent will be peaceful.

In order to prevent people from repeating the mistakes of thousands of years ago, Jiang Chen must completely suppress the blood spirit race, so that the blood spirit race will never dare to be an enemy of the human race.

And this Scarlet Blood Pass was Jiang Chen’s first step to suppress the Blood Spirit Race.

“Ha ha……”

“Where did the Maotou boy dare to be rampant in front of this emperor!”

“Just relying on you and the group of ant-like humans behind you, do you want this emperor to surrender?”

Li Wei heard Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world, and suddenly laughed with disdain.

As a nine-star blood general, even if he is the leader of the human emperor realm in Yunzhou, he may not be able to win him anything.

Unless the human race sends more emperor realm powerhouses to help, no one in this area can pose a threat to him.

What qualifications does the unrecognized hairy boy in front of him have to make him surrender?

“You say I am an ant, then it depends on how my ant killed you!”

Jiang Chen’s voice fell coldly, and he stepped straight up into the air.

“court death!”

Li Wei’s complexion was cold, and a monstrous force of blood and energy also burst out from Li Wei’s body.

The Ninth Stage Blood General, equivalent to the Ninth Stage Heaven of the Human Practitioner, breaks the limit with purely broken power, thus triggering the emperor’s calamity and achieving the power of the emperor realm.

Under the baptism of Emperor Jie, their bodies are far more powerful than the emperor realm powerhouses who cultivate Martial Dao, and almost every part of their bodies is comparable to the imperial artifacts, which can be described as extremely powerful!


Li Wei squeezed his fist suddenly, and the endless vitality instantly condensed on the fist, and finally turned into a bloody fist that was enough to suppress all the bloody fists, and exploded towards Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen’s complexion was indifferent, and the fiery red Sword Ray condensed by the law of kendo whizzed out of the sky.


The flaming Sword Ray slashed on the Scarlet Fist.

I saw Li Wei’s bloody fist that could break the world with one punch, and was instantly smashed by the fire Sword Ray.


Li Wei only felt a sharp Sword Qi slashed directly on his body.

Li Wei’s figure trembled, and he immediately retreated hundreds of feet away in the void.

He lowered his head and glanced at the blood-colored battle armor on his body, and there was an unconcealable horror in his eyes.

Li Wei raised his head and looked at Jiang Chen, his whole person was instantly frightened: “Okay, okay! Boy, I underestimated you. I didn’t expect you to be a human sword emperor!”

He never imagined that this Maotou boy who looked only in his twenties would be a human sword emperor.

If it hadn’t been for this imperial battle armor for self-defense, I am afraid that even with the powerful body of his nine-star blood general, he would be injured by Jiang Chen’s sword.

Li Wei took a deep breath, suppressing the horror in his heart, and his expression became a lot more solemn in an instant.

To the north of the Blood River Region, the Human Race only has Yun Qianyan, the leader of Yunzhou, a powerful man in the Earth Emperor realm. Where did the young sword emperor emerge from?

Could it be…The Human Race secretly sent a strong man to Yunzhou, wanting to do something against them in the Blood River Region?

If this is the case, they might be in trouble for the Blood River Region.

“The strength of the palace master is really not ordinary horror.”

When the blood was shut down, Cang Yuanlong looked at the scene before him in shock, and smiled bitterly in his heart.

Even the nine-star blood generals like Li Wei were repelled by Jiang Chen with a single sword. It is ridiculous that he actually wanted to subdue Jiang Chen.

Fortunately, he didn’t have a head-on conflict with Jiang Chen at the beginning, otherwise I’m afraid I don’t know how he really died.

“Li Wei, the emperor will give you one last chance, either surrender or die, you can choose for yourself.”

Jiang Chen stood with his hands behind and looked at Li Wei lightly.

Now that he attacked the Scarlet Blood Pass, he would soon attract the attention of the Blood River Region and even the Blood Spirit Race.

And beside him, there is no strong man who can handle it.

If he could control the nine-star blood general in front of him, he could barely become a great force by his side.

Li Wei stared at Jiang Chen tightly: “With your talent, even if you look at the entire human race, you are a handful of geniuses. You shouldn’t be an unknown person. Who are you?”

“Who I am, you will know soon.”

Jiang Chen glanced at Li Wei faintly, and said impatiently: “I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you, you should make a decision.”


“You really thought you were a sword emperor, so this emperor was afraid of you!”

“No matter who you dare to attack my bloody territory, this emperor will let you come back and forth!”

A fierce cold glow suddenly burst out of Li Wei’s eyes, and immediately stepped across a thousand feet of void, before punching Jiang Chen again.

His fist is like a dragon traveling through the sky, like a sword flying across the sky, and the terrifying power of qi and blood directly turns into a roaring blood-colored dragon, which is enough to chop everything in the Qianzhang Void into powder.

“Since you choose to die, then I will fulfill you.”

Jiang Chen looked at the oncoming Li Wei indifferently, and with a flick of his hands, two invisible forces instantly enveloped the void.

Under the influence of these two forces.

Li Wei’s figure, which came with the power of the bloody fist, seemed to be greatly hindered, and instantly slowed down ten times.

And his life of vitality, under this invisible force, accelerated its flow.

The law of space and the law of time.

During this period of time, Jiang Chen has almost achieved 90% of the power of these laws, which is only one step away from complete mastery.

Although I can’t control the world, I think of life and death. But even for an emperor like Li Wei, it can cause a lot of trouble.

“Zhu Shen Yin, give me the town!”

Jiang Chen restrained Li Wei with the power of two laws, without any hesitation in the movement of his hand, he turned his palm and pressed it directly.

In an instant…

A bright golden light in the void descended from the sky, and finally turned into a golden square seal with the word “Zhu” engraved on it, suppressing it from the top of Li Wei’s head.

Looking at the golden square seal falling from the sky, Li Wei thought of something in an instant, and finally there was a touch of unconcealed panic in his eyes.

“You… how can you have a human race…”


Li Wei’s words were not halfway through, and the golden square seal suppressed with the supernatural power of destroying everything.

The second seal of the Emperor’s Seal!

When Jiang Chen displayed this seal, even the King of Jiuyou Li Jiuyou was killed by him, let alone Li Wei who was much weaker than Li Jiuyou before him.


The golden square seal instantly shattered the monstrous Blood Qi surrounding Li Wei.

And Li Wei’s whole person was also instantly annihilated in the divine power of Zhu Shen Yin!

Commanded by the dignified Red Blood Pass, the nine-star blood general Li Wei was killed by Jiang Chen Yiyin!

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