Chapter 1442 The Scarlet Wasteland bows his head, and then erects the imperial palace!

“No…impossible, the leader is a quasi-emperor, how could he be defeated like this?”

An Elder from the blood slaughter tribe looked at the scene in horror, and couldn’t help shaking.

The rest of the many blood spirit clan powerhouses are desperate and horrified on their faces.

The leader of the dignified Xuetu tribe, who had already broken through Tu Wanli in the Quasi-Emperor Realm, was trampled to death by Jiang Chen.

This… how is this possible.

“Tu Wanli is dead?”

Cang Yuanlong’s gaze was dull, his whole person was like a ghost, and he couldn’t believe his own eyes.

That’s Tu Wanli, the leader of the Blood Slaughter Tribe.

He became the leader of the Cangyun tribe and fought with Tu Wanli for decades, but he has never been able to get any advantage from Tu Wanli.

This time, after seeing Tu Wanli’s breakthrough in the emperor realm, Cang Yuanlong was even more shocked.

At this point, Cang Yuanlong had no choice.

Human Race wants to survive in the Scarlet Wasteland, his only chance is to join forces with Jiang Chen to deal with Tu Wanli.


Cang Yuanlong never thought of it.

Before he could do it, Jiang Chen trampled Tu Wanli to death with such an understatement!

The quasi-emperor is strong with one foot!

What a horror, what heaven-defying existence is this?

“He killed the leader, everyone fights with him together to avenge the leader!”

More than a dozen of the blood slaughter tribe’s divine birth realm powerhouse returned to their senses, and their mouths were full of furious roars, and they immediately rose to the sky and came to Jiang Chen to besiege.

“act recklessly!”

Jiang Chen’s face was expressionless, his fingers kept moving in the void.

Every time he clicked a finger, a blood slaughter tribe’s divine fetal realm expert burst into the void.

“Shoo, hoo…”

More than a dozen swords pointed out, and the more than a dozen powerhouses of the Divine Embryo Realm who rushed toward Jiang Chen were completely transformed into a blood mist.

More than a dozen powerful men of the blood slaughter tribe were killed by Jiang Chen’s finger. The rest of the many blood spirit tribes trembled, and there was an unprecedented panic in their eyes.

A leader of the blood spirit tribe could no longer bear the fear in his heart, and finally knelt in front of Jiang Chen and begged for mercy.

“Big…sir, I…I surrender, I am willing to lead the tribe to surrender to you!”

Following the surrender of this blood spirit tribe, many powerful blood spirit tribes knelt tremblingly in front of Jiang Chen begging for mercy.

Jiang Chen ignored the blood spirit races who were kneeling on the ground, but looked at Cang Yuanlong and the others thousands of feet away, and the faint voice rang through the heavens and the earth slowly.

“Cang Yuanlong, after today, this Scarlet Wasteland respects me, what do you think?”

Cang Yuanlong’s heart was shocked, and he immediately bowed his head and knelt in front of Jiang Chen, with a respectful expression on his face: “I am honored to be able to follow the adults.”

At this moment, Cang Yuanlong had no desire to resist at all.

Jiang Chen was able to kill Tu Wanli in the breakthrough Quasi-Emperor Realm so easily, and his strength was at least the Quasi-Emperor Realm, and he was even very likely to be a true Emperor Realm powerhouse.

With the strength of the peak of his womb, resisting Jiang Chen is no different from looking for death.

not to mention……

If such a strong human race can lead the Scarlet Wasteland, it is not an unacceptable thing for them.

“very good!”

“From then on, there will be no more tribes in the Scarlet Wasteland, there is only one power, and that is the Human Palace.”

Jiang Chen faintly looked at Cang Yuanlong and said, “I order you to be the chief Elder of the Human Palace, and immediately rectify the many tribes of the Scarlet Wasteland to come here to converge, and build the Human Palace with me.”

“Subordinates obey!”

Cang Yuanlong responded, and immediately led many powerful human races to rectify the many forces in the Scarlet Wasteland.

Two months later.

Cang Yuanlong gathered the forces of hundreds of tribes, large and small, in the Scarlet Wasteland, and they all gathered in the Yanshan tribe.

Jiang Chen’s residence in the center of the Yanshan tribe.

Cang Yuanlong reported with a respectful expression: “Hall Master, his subordinates have rectified all the forces in the Scarlet Wasteland. I wonder if the Yanshan tribe will be used as the basis for the establishment of the Human Emperor Palace?”

Jiang Chen pondered slightly, then raised his head and asked, “Do you know where is the closest to the Blood Spirit Race in the Black Wasteland?”

“As far as I know, the territory of the Blood Spirit Race bordering the Scarlet Wasteland is the Blood River Region. This Blood River Region is also one of the nine regions occupied by the Blood Spirit Race.”

Cang Yuanlong was startled, and quickly eliminated what he knew.

“Blood River Region?”

The corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth raised a slight arc: “Tell me about the situation in the Profound Spirit Continent.”

Although Cang Yuanlong had some doubts in his heart, he still honestly introduced Jiang Chen about the situation in the Profound Spirit Continent.

The Profound Spirit Continent is mainly composed of human races and blood spirit races.

The human race occupies the north of the mainland, and the blood spirit race occupies the south of the mainland.

Over the years, the two major races have fought countless fierce battles in order to compete for territory and resources.

Since tens of thousands of years ago, the human race was seriously injured due to a civil turmoil, and the battle with the blood spirit race has been at a disadvantage.

Especially decades ago, when the human race was at its most dangerous, two-thirds of the territory had even been taken by the blood spirit race.


The human queen Ji Wushuang and the human emperor Jiang Wuya have returned one after another, which made people stabilize the situation.


The Human Race and the Blood Spirit Race each occupy half of the Profound Spirit Continent, almost entering a stalemate again.

The half of the Profound Spirit Continent occupied by the Blood Spirit Race was divided into nine blood domains. In each blood domain, there is a blood spirit king sitting.

The nine blood spirit kings are all emperors who have returned to the pinnacle of the ruins realm, and their subordinates also have countless emperor realm powerhouses and quasi-emperor powerhouses.

In addition to the blood spirit kings who sit in the nine blood domains, the blood spirit clan also has an imperial city, and the blood emperor among them is the peak powerhouse whose strength reaches the virtual god realm.

In the entire Profound Spirit Continent, only the human emperor of the human race can be compared with it.

Hearing Cang Yuanlong’s introduction, Jiang Chen was also shocked.

This Profound Spirit Continent is worthy of a middle level higher than the Shenwu Continent. Not only is there countless emperor realm powerhouses, but it also has a virtual god realm above the emperor realm, and its strength can be described as extremely powerful.

With his current strength, let alone suppressing the blood spirit race, even if one of the nine realms of the blood spirit race is captured, it is probably not an easy task.

“Hall Lord, Li Jiuyou, the blood spirit king of the Blood River Region, is said to have led the powerhouse of the Blood River Region to conquer another world thousands of years ago and has never returned.”

“Blood River Region is also greatly injured by this, and the strength is less than one-tenth of the peak period.”

“If the Lord wants to conquer the Blood River Region, it is not without a chance.”

At this moment, Cang Yuanlong seemed to understand Jiang Chen’s thoughts and couldn’t help but suddenly said.


When Jiang Chen heard Cang Yuanlong’s words, his eyes lit up slightly.

Unexpectedly, the Blood River Region near the Scarlet Wasteland would actually be the site of Li Jiuyou, which was really unexpected.

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