Chapter 1441 Smash the quasi-emperor to death!


This is the Elder of the Blood Slaughter Tribe, the powerful Ninth Stage realm of the powerful Scarlet Wasteland, and the extremely powerful one who truly stands at the top of the Scarlet Wasteland Pyramid.

It can be said.

Looking at the entire Scarlet Wasteland, apart from Tu Wanli and Cang Yuanlong, almost no one can easily defeat him.

But such a powerful Ninth Stage realm of the divine fetus, in Jiang Chen’s hands, failed to support even two moves, and he was completely destroyed!

Such strength is extremely terrifying!

“The strength of this son is really unfathomable. It seems that we all underestimated him.”

It took Cang Yuanlong a long time to recover from the shock.

His gaze towards Jiang Chen also showed an unprecedented solemn color.

Cang Yuanlong was naturally very clear about the strength of the big Elder of the Blood Slaughter Tribe.

Even with his strength, he may not be able to kill him easily with two moves like Jiang Chen!

“The leader really expected things like a god. Fortunately, we didn’t go directly to find Jiang Chen’s trouble. Now Tu Wanli and the others are in trouble.”

A Cangyun tribe Elder couldn’t help taking a breath when he saw the situation in front of him.

Jiang Chen’s power was beyond their imagination, and even the big Elder Tutian Ghost of the Blood Slaughter Tribe was easily killed by him!

Such strength is probably not inferior to their leader.

Even Tu Wanli, the leader of the Blood Slaughter Tribe, might not be able to easily win Jiang Chen.

“Ah…Jiang Chen, you dare to kill my blood slaughter tribe Elder, today I will slaughter you into ten thousand pieces!”

Tu Wanli returned to his senses, and he couldn’t help but let out a screaming roar, and a bloody murderous aura also instantly filled the space of Qianzhang.

“An ant-like existence, dare to speak up in front of me! I have given you a chance. Since you don’t know how to cherish, then you can die for me.”

Jiang Chen stared at Tu Wanli coldly, and immediately stretched out a palm with golden light shining on it, surrounded by thunder and lightning, falling from the sky like the hand of the Thunder God, and pressing towards Tu Wanli.

“call out!”

Facing Jiang Chen’s shocking palm, Tu Wanli didn’t have the slightest fear, his figure turned into a bloody glow, and he slammed Jiang Chen’s palm.

Tu Wanli’s scarlet pupils were shining with mysterious blood, and the palm of his hand containing the monstrous Blood Qi directly slammed against Jiang Chen’s palm.


Thunder palm and blood palm collided in midair.

Tu Wanli’s figure trembled, and immediately stepped back into the void for hundreds of meters.

He suppressed the churning breath in his body, and an incredible horror appeared in his eyes.

“How could this kid’s power be so strong?”

Tu Wanli had reached the peak of his divine fetus many years ago. Not only was his body’s vitality extremely strong, but his body was also tempered to the point where he was not inferior to the ordinary Eight-Star Blood General.

Even the leader of the Cangyun tribe, Cang Yuanlong, can only collide with him head-on with a powerful weapon!

The strength of this son is even better than Cang Yuanlong.

Fortunately, he has now broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, otherwise I am afraid that there is nothing to do with this kid in front of him.

“Jiang Chen, I didn’t expect your strength to be so strong, but I underestimated you.”

“If it were three months ago, I might really have no choice but to take you.”

“It’s a pity… you met me now. No matter how powerful you are, there is only one death today!”

Tu Wanli’s eyes surged with blood, and a fascinating bloody Realm also instantly condensed all over his body, covering all the space of thousands of square meters.

In that bloody Realm, there was an unusually weird bloody power permeating faintly.

Even Cang Yuanlong and the others who were watching the battle, under the influence of the mysterious power of the blood-colored Realm, felt the blood in the body churning, and there was a feeling of uncontrollable.

“This is… the power of the law of blood!”

Cang Yuanlong’s complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he couldn’t help but screamed out: “Tu Wanli has already broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, this…how is this possible?”

Quasi… Quasi-Emperor Realm?

When the people of many human tribes heard Cang Yuanlong’s words, their expressions turned pale in an instant.

The quasi-emperor Realm, although not a real powerhouse in the emperor realm, is far superior to the existence of the divine fetus Realm.

Before Tu Wanli had no breakthrough, their human tribe could barely contend with the blood spirit tribe.

Now that Tu Wanli has broken through the Quasi-Emperor Realm, no one can suppress him in this bloody wasteland.

Their human tribes are afraid that they will be completely finished.

“The leader, the breakthrough quasi-emperor Tu Wanli, will definitely not let go of the opportunity to eradicate our human tribe and dominate the Scarlet Wasteland. What should we do now?”

Cang Yucheng looked at the situation in the sky, and his expression became extremely solemn.

“What else, prepare to do it, and join forces with Jiang Chen to deal with Tu Wanli!”

Cang Yuanlong took a deep breath.

The matter has come to this, Cang Yuanlong naturally can’t continue to stand on the sidelines.

The quasi-emperor is too terrifying. Now that he joins hands with Jiang Chen, he may still have a chance to contend with Tu Wanli.


Once Tu Wanli solved Jiang Chen, he would never be Tu Wanli’s opponent.

At that time, I am afraid that the entire Scarlet Wasteland will no longer have a place for their human tribe.

“Ha ha……”

“It’s just a quasi emperor who just understood the law of blood. Is this the reason why you are rampant in front of me?”

“Like you, a quasi-emperor, I don’t know how many kills!”

Jiang Chen chuckled, directly carrying his hands behind his back, his figure resembling a streamer phantom, rushing toward Tu Wanli violently.

Where he passed, a fierce sword spread overwhelmingly, directly strangling the surrounding Realm containing the laws of blood into nothingness.

Scarlet Realm crumbled.

Jiang Chen’s figure also appeared on top of Jiang Chen’s head out of thin air, and stepped on Tu Wanli’s head.

The dazzling golden brilliance shrouded Jiang Chen’s soles, carrying an Immortal power, like the giant feet of ancient gods, one foot can stom on a hole in the sky.

“Do not!”

Tu Wanli was terrified, and the surging blood could gush out from between his palms, and finally turned into a thick bloody cloud, blocking the top of own head.


Jiang Chen’s kick with the body of the Emperor Realm, could Tu Wanli easily resist it?

The thick clouds above his head, under Jiang Chen’s feet, were like fragile white paper, and were instantly crushed by Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards.

I saw that Tu Wanli’s whole person was stepped into the ground by Jiang Chen from a height of several hundred meters.


The ground shook, and a huge pit measuring a hundred feet long appeared directly on the ground. And Tu Wanli’s body also turned into a pool of blood in that huge pit.

this moment.

There was a dead silence between the world and the earth, and everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a dull expression, it was difficult to recover for a long time.

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