Chapter 1440 Those who refuse to accept, kill without mercy!

The Yanshan tribe is thousands of feet away.

Cang Yuanlong, the leader of the Cangyun tribe, led many powerful human tribes, and came here first.

“Chief, shall we go directly in, or send someone to make a battle?”

An Elder from the Cangyun tribe directly asked for the title.

“No hurry, let Tu Wanli bring the blood spirit tribe to come first.”

“After all, Jiang Chen is from the human race, we don’t need to do it first and let the blood spirit race take advantage of the fisherman.”

“We will wait until the critical moment before we take action. If we can, try our best to use that boy Jiang for our own use.”

Cang Yuanlong’s eyes flickered slightly.

Their human tribe has always been at a disadvantage in the struggle with the blood spirit tribe.

And Jiang Chen can easily defeat the powerhouse of the Eighth Stage of the Divine Fetus, and I am afraid that his strength has already reached the Ninth Stage of the Divine Fetus.

This kind of existence is already one of the few powerhouses in Scarlet Wasteland,

If Jiang Chen can be subdued, they will definitely increase their strength, thus changing the pattern of the weak human tribe.


Even if they can’t conquer Jiang Chen and let the blood spirit tribe touch Jiang Chen first, they can also use Jiang Chen to consume the blood spirit tribe’s strength, which is still a very beneficial thing for them.

With the waiting of Cang Yuanlong and his group, about half a day later, Tu Wanli also brought nearly a hundred powerful blood spirit clan to outside the Yanshan tribe.

“The leader, the strong man from the Cangyuan Dragon Leader Human Race tribe has intervened, what shall we do now?”

An Elder from the Blood Slaughter Tribe looked at Cang Yun and the others on the other side, his expression sinking slightly.

Tu Wanli smiled coldly: “Don’t worry, Cang Yuanlong and the others will not do it for the time being. Don’t pay attention to them, let’s solve the kid named Jiang Chen first.”

With his knowledge of Cang Yuanlong, he naturally knew what idea Cang Yuanlong had in his heart.

If he hadn’t made a breakthrough in his Cultivation Base, he might still be afraid of Cangyunlong and others by three points.

But soon, Tu Wanli succeeded in breaking through the quasi-emperor realm, how could he put Cang Yuanlong and other human tribes in his eyes?

Originally, during this period, Tu Wanli had planned to let the blood spirit tribe begin to attack the human tribe, ready to flatten the human tribe in one fell swoop, and become the only master of this scarlet wasteland!

The Yanshan tribe’s destruction of a human tribe not long ago was the beginning of the Tuwanli Plan.


Tu Wanli didn’t expect that his plan had just begun, but the Scarlet Wasteland suddenly popped out of a strong human like Jiang Chen and directly destroyed the Yanshan tribe.

Even after he dispatched three god-tier fetal powers headed by Tu Li, he ended up with two deaths and one wound in the hands of Jiang Chen.

What made Tu Wanli most angry was.

Jiang Chen even dared to speak wildly, wanting to make the entire Scarlet Wasteland respect him!

As the leader of the Xuetu tribe, Tu Wanli has now made a breakthrough in the Quasi-Emperor Realm.

With his current strength, it is completely enough to destroy the human tribe of the Scarlet Wasteland and become the only king of the Scarlet Wasteland!

Jiang Chen first killed his blood spirit clan powerhouse, and then tried to become an obstacle to his struggle for hegemony in the Scarlet Wasteland. Today, he killed this kid first!

As for the human tribe headed by Cang Yuan.

After Jiang Chen is destroyed, he will let these guys surrender to Own’s feet.

Ignoring Cang Yuanlong and others, Tu Wanli brought dozens of powerful blood spirit tribes directly to the door of the Yanshan tribe.

“Jiang Chen, didn’t you let me lead the blood spirit tribe of Tuwanli to come and surrender to you? I’m here now, why don’t you come out to see you?”

Tu Wanli raised his head to look at the Yanshan tribe, a sharp blood burst into his eyes, and the cold voice slowly echoed over the Yanshan tribe.


As Tu Wanli’s cold voice fell, a violent spatial fluctuation suddenly spread out in a void hundreds of meters away from them.


A ghostly black figure also appeared in front of them out of thin air.

“Are you Jiang Chen?”

Tu Wanli looked at the black-clothed youth who appeared out of thin air in midair, his eyes condensed slightly.

The boy in front of him was really terribly young.

Such a young divine fetus Ninth Stage realm powerhouse, not to mention being in the Scarlet Wasteland, even if you look at the entire Profound Spirit Continent, that is a rare peerless genius.

Jiang Chen stood with his hand in his hand, looking down at Tu Wanli from a high ground, and said indifferently: “Tu Wanli, since you led the blood spirit tribe to surrender to me, don’t you kneel down to see your master?”

“Ha ha……”

“Jiang Chen, you are too whimsical. What are you, what qualifications do you have to make me surrender to you?”

“For your good talent, I also give you a chance to become my servant. Otherwise, this Yanshan tribe will be your burial place today!”

Tu Wanli laughed wildly with disdain.

“It seems that you are not going to kneel down and surrender?”

Jiang Chen glanced at Tu Wanli indifferently, and his proud voice instantly resounded across the world.

“I said, this Scarlet Wasteland respects me from now on.”

“Give you ten breaths, now it’s too late to kneel down and surrender.”

“But if there are dissatisfied, kill without mercy!”

Hearing Jiang Chen’s arrogant words, the many powerful blood spirit races beside Tu Wanli were furious.

Beside Tu Wanli, a ghost-faced old man with silver hair suddenly rose into the sky.

This ghost-faced old man is the big Elder Tutian ghost of the Blood Slaughter Tribe.

He has reached the Ninth Stage in the Cultivation Base, and he is also the number one powerhouse in the Blood Slaughter Tribe besides the leader Tu Wanli!

“Huh! A terrible little guy who dares to run wild in front of my blood slaughter tribe, since you have to die, then I will fulfill you!”

Tu Tiangui stared at Jiang Chen sternly, and a bloody realm mixed with the howling of ghosts and wolves, also instantly filled a thousand meters of void.

The gloomy breath caused the temperature of the surrounding space to drop sharply, giving people a creepy feeling.

With no expression on his face, Jiang Chen squeezed out a sword finger and lightly pointed out a sword at Tu Tiangui.

“call out!”

The invisible Sword Qi penetrates the world and instantly splits Tu Tiangui’s blood path Realm into two halves with a sword.

Sword Qi opened the blood realm, and slashed at Tu Tiangui’s body in the blink of an eye.

Before that Tu Tiangui could react, he was cut in half by the fierce Sword Qi.

The next moment…

A scared bloody phantom also fled out of Tu Tiangui’s severed body.

Jiang Chen’s expression was indifferent, and he stretched out his hand to lightly scratch the place where the bloody phantom was fleeing.


The bloody phantom froze in vain in mid-air, and then exploded with a bang.

One finger cuts the Tutian ghost in two paragraphs, and one claw kills the Tutian ghost!

With just two moves, the blood slaughter tribe Elder had completely fallen into Jiang Chen’s hands.

I saw this shocking scene in front of me.

Whether it is Tu Wanli and other powerful blood spirit tribes, or Cang Yuanlong and others who are watching the battle from afar, it has been a long time hard for them to recover from the horror.

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