Chapter 1428 Scarlet Wasteland!

Jiang Chen looked up and saw a caravan slowly coming from a distance.

This is a caravan of about 100 people.

At the forefront of the caravan, there are a dozen burly men riding horses.

Each of these burly men exudes an astonishing bloody spirit.

“Are you from the Blood Spirit Race!”

Jiang Chen was shocked. Could it be that the place where he is now is the territory of the Blood Spirit Race?

Looking at the dozen or so burly men one by one, Jiang Chen soon discovered that these people were slightly different from the blood spirit races he had seen.

People of the blood spirit race cultivate the blood path, but the cultivation system is almost indistinguishable from the human Practitioner.

But these burly men in front of them didn’t have any vitality fluctuations in their bodies.


With Jiang Chen’s eyesight, it is naturally not difficult to see that the physiques of these burly men are exceptionally strong, and perhaps the weakest are enough to be comparable to the Divine Sea Realm Practitioner of humans.

Especially the head of the red-haired man, the strength is probably not inferior to the Divine Soul Realm King.


In front of these burly men, their cultivation system is very similar to the pure human Practitioner.

“Blood Spirit Clan, is it possible that there is no cultivation of physical cultivation?”

Jiang Chen looked at the more than a dozen burly men in front of him, and a strange expression could not help appearing in his eyes.

After staring at these big men who were suspected of blood spirit race, Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at the caravan behind.

Jiang Chen was surprised to discover that all behind the caravan were all humans.

Dozens of humans, including men and women, are mostly in their prime of life.

The Cultivation Base of these people is not high, most of them are still in the Xiantian realm, and the strongest are no more than the Condensed Pill realm.

They either drove the car or escorted the goods, and they looked extremely embarrassed when they were wearing shabby coarse clothes.

“Huh… Boss, do you think there is a human Practitioner?”

At this moment, one of the burly men also discovered the existence of Jiang Chen, and couldn’t help but point to the place where Jiang Chen was, and said to the headed man with red hair.

The red-haired man was taken aback for a moment, and immediately looked towards Jiang Chen.

“Hehe…it seems to be lucky. I was able to pick up an injured human Practitioner for a while, and I also reached the Xiantian realm. Bringing it back to the tribe should be able to exchange a lot of cultivation resources.”

Jiang Chen was in the space channel this time, the body of the emperor almost collapsed, and the Meridians were also hit hard, leaving almost half their lives.

Even if you understand the Realm of life, you will recover a little bit of physical strength and vitality in a few days, which is equivalent to a general Xiantian Practitioner.

“Boy, give you three breaths of time to consider. Either surrender to my Yanshan tribe or die. Choose for yourself.”

The man with red hair looked down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, and said lightly.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

In his current situation, facing this group of guys comparable to the Divine Sea Realm or even the Divine Sea Realm, there was almost no power to resist.

The only plan for the present is to forbearance temporarily, and when the injury recovers, I will find these guys to settle the account.

Jiang Chen didn’t speak, but walked into the caravan without saying a word.

“Count you acquaintance!”

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn’t dare to resist him at all, the red-haired man nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hand and led the caravan on the road.

“Little brother, come to me.”

Jiang Chen walked into the caravan, and an old man driving a carriage couldn’t help but beckoned to Jiang Chen, letting Jiang Chen sit beside him.

He looked at Jiang Chen and couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

Having reached Xiantian Practitioner at such an age, this is a very rare genius in Scarlet Wasteland.

Such a human genius Practitioner is afraid that it will be destroyed in the hands of the Yanshan tribe again.

“Young man, you should have fled from outside to Scarlet Desolate.”

The old man drove the car while whispering to Jiang Chen.

“Yes, I did come from outside.”

Jiang Chen nodded, and then asked curiously: “Listening to what the old man said, are there often outsiders who fail to escape here?”

“Yes, although this Scarlet Wasteland is barren, people often flee here for refuge.”

The old man sighed lightly, and immediately introduced Jiang Chen to the situation of the bloody wasteland.

Through the introduction of the old man, Jiang Chen quickly got a general understanding of where he is now.

The Scarlet Wasteland is an extremely vast barren land in the westernmost part of the Xuanling Continent.

This place is not only barren in resources, but also beasts are rampant, and the living environment is extremely harsh.


The Scarlet Wasteland has always been an abandoned barren land, and it has not been occupied by either the Human Race or the Blood Spirit Race of the Profound Spirit Continent.

Long, long ago, there was no life in Scarlet Wasteland.


The endless war between humans and the blood spirits caused the Profound Spirit Continent to fall into aquatic heat. Many people chose to flee to the Scarlet Wasteland to take refuge and settle down in this barren wasteland.

Some of the people who fled here were from humans, and some were from the blood spirit race.

Over time.

Countless large and small tribes have formed on the Scarlet Wasteland. There are human tribes and blood spirit tribes.


Where there are people, there is struggle.

In the beginning, these people who came to take refuge in the Scarlet Wasteland were adhering to the principle of peaceful coexistence, and they were able to live in peace with each other.

With the development and growth of the tribe.

These tribes began to fight for resources, territory, etc. in this already barren Scarlet Wasteland.

The Scarlet Wasteland has become extremely chaotic because of this.

Especially the human tribe and the blood spirit tribe, there are often battles.

It can be said.

Today’s Scarlet Wasteland is no longer a pure land for refuge, but has evolved into another battlefield between the human race and the blood spirit race. Even the collapse of the tribe is a very common occurrence.

The old man named Gu An beside Jiang Chen came from a human tribe.

Only not long ago, their tribe was destroyed by the Yanshan tribe of the blood spirit tribe, and they became slaves of the Yanshan tribe.

After understanding the situation of Scarlet Wasteland.

“Old man, how far is this Yanshan tribe from here, and what is their strength?”

Jiang Chen glanced at the red-haired man in front of him and the others, and couldn’t help asking the question he was most concerned about right now.

Gu An lowered his voice and said: “The Yanshan tribe is also a more famous tribe in the Scarlet Wasteland. Although its strength is not top-notch, it is also in the upper middle class. The tribe leader is an eight-star blood general!”

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment: “Eight Star Blood General?”

“Blood general is a name for the cultivators of the blood spirit race. The eight-star blood general is almost comparable to the existence of the emperor of the divine birth realm.”

Gu An explained, and then whispered in Jiang Chen’s ear: “Little brother, this place is still half a month away from the Yanshan tribe. But you must not try to escape, otherwise you will end up miserably. ”

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