Chapter 1427 The true meaning of life, life Realm!

The walls of the dark passageway glowed with dark light.

The figures of Jiang Chen and Meng Qingxue moved swiftly through the dark space passage.

“Is this the plane space channel? It’s really extraordinary!”

Jiang Chen stared at the situation in the space channel, and couldn’t help but reveal an unconcealable exclamation in his eyes!

As a strong person in the Returning Ruins Realm and mastering a space law close to 90%, Jiang Chen can naturally feel that this face channel is extraordinary.

In this space channel, it seems to be condensed by a very high and deep space law.

Even the complete law of space is far from being comparable to the power of the law in this space channel.

Jiang Chen even vaguely felt that this space law contained a power that surpassed the emperor Realm.


This kind of plane Spatial Teleportation channel, and the powerhouse of the virtual god realm above the emperor realm, only had that ability to deploy.

The two of them just walked through the dark space passage.

I don’t know how long it took.

In the space passage ahead, there was a sudden humming sound.

Jiang Chen was shocked, he couldn’t help but suddenly raised his head and looked forward.

I saw a place a hundred meters away from the front, the space suddenly distorted and became extremely unstable.

Immediately afterwards.

A turbulent flow of space suddenly blows out of the void of space cracks, as if a storm is blowing.

“Jiang Chen, be careful, we have encountered a space storm.”

Meng Qingxue looked at the situation ahead, her pretty face suddenly changed.

Jiang Chen couldn’t help but shook his head and smiled bitterly: “It seems… we are a little unlucky.”

“It should be because you have already broken through the emperor realm.”

“In the ancient books of Cangyue Sacred Land, I have seen some records about the passage of plane space. It is said that the stronger the person, the more likely it is to cause the passage of space instability.”

“And the plane channel between the Shenwu Continent and the Xuanling Continent, I am afraid that no one has strengthened it for at least ten thousand years, and it is not that stable, so it is difficult to support the passage of the powerhouse above the emperor realm.”

Meng Qingxue explained.

“I told you not to go to the Profound Spirit Continent with me, you don’t believe it.”

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, and immediately the vitality in his body ran to the extreme, forming a body protection barrier around the two of them, and then rushed towards the turbulent flow of the space with Meng Qingxue.


His body was hit by the spatial turbulence, and Jiang Chen’s figure suddenly shook, and the body protection barrier around his body also instantly became shaky.

this moment.

Jiang Chen only felt as if he was being squeezed together by two mountains.

Even with his breakthrough in the imperial realm, he still couldn’t bear such a heavy pressure, and his internal organs felt a kind of fragmentation.

Just then.

In the dark space passage, suddenly some bright light came.

“Qingxue, it’s coming soon, you go to the Profound Spirit Continent and wait for me!”

Jiang Chen’s eyes lit up slightly, and he burst out with all his strength to smash the surrounding spatial turbulence, and then wrapped Meng Qingxue with the law of space, forcibly sending Jiang Meng Qingxue out of the spatial turbulence.

“Jiang Chen!”

Meng Qingxue exclaimed, and immediately the whole person disappeared in the bright light in front of him.

And at the moment Jiang Chen sent Meng Qingxue away, another terrible storm swept out.

Jiang Chen’s complexion changed, and the power of the realm powerhouse burst out to the extreme in an instant, rushing out toward the front with all his strength.

After abruptly withstood a blow from the space storm, Jiang Chen finally got rid of the spatial turbulence and plunged into a bright light ahead.

Here is a desolate scarlet plain.

On the plain, the whistling of the monster wind whistling, faintly revealing a hint of cold air.

The strong wind blew through a weed on the plain, revealing a young man in black lying flat among the weeds.

The black-clothed youth had long been in tatters, with dried blood stains all over his body.

If it weren’t for the black-clothed youth’s chest still undulating, with a weak breath, I’m afraid anyone would treat this black-clothed youth as a corpse thrown into the wilderness.

I don’t know how long it took.

The blood-stained young man in black, the eyes that had been closed, finally slowly opened a gap.

“It seems…this time it failed to reach the destination again.”

The young man in black looked at the surrounding situation, and a wry smile couldn’t help passing through his heart.

The young man in black was Jiang Chen who came out of the plane space channel.

He finally broke out with all his strength, although he got rid of the spatial turbulence, but because the explosive force was too strong, he changed the position of the space node.

The result is obvious.

This teleportation was almost the same as the first time he had been teleported to a place in the Profound Spirit Continent from the Central State Continent in front of the Northern Wilderness.

Shaking his head, Jiang Chen stopped paying attention to the surrounding situation and began to investigate the situation inside his body.

very quickly.

Jiang Chen found out that under the impact of the last extremely powerful space storm, the Meridians had been damaged by more than half, and his vitality was no longer able to operate smoothly.

The worst thing is.

His internal organs were also greatly damaged.

It can be said.

This is the first time that Jiang Chen has suffered such a heavy blow after crossing into this world.

Even with the body of his imperial realm powerhouse, I am afraid it will take a while to recover.

After checking his physical condition, Jiang Chen suddenly thought of something, and immediately moved the storage ring, and a mysterious bead exuding green brilliance appeared in his palm.

This mysterious bead is exactly the wooden emperor bone relic that Jiang Chen got in the Five Elements Samsara coffin.

The Martial Dao power of wood attributes generally focuses on repairing and healing injuries.

If he swallowed this wooden emperor bone relic at this moment, and comprehended a restorative Martial Dao power, it should help him recover from his injury.

Jiang Chen endured the severe pain from his body and slowly put the emperor bone relic into his mouth.

“Ding! You swallow the wood attribute emperor bone relics and gain 100000000*100 experience!”

“Ding! You swallow the wood attribute emperor bone relics, trigger a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You understand the true meaning of life!”

“Ding! You succeeded in mastering life Realm!”

Sure enough, this wooden emperor bone relic did not disappoint Jiang Chen, not only allowed him to understand the true meaning of life, but also let him directly control life in one breath Realm!

After mastering the life force, Jiang Chen directly stimulated the life force and began to repair the injuries in his body.

In this way, a few days passed in a flash.

Jiang Chen has been using his life force to repair his injuries in the past few days.

this day.

Jiang Chen felt that his injury had recovered a bit, and he should have been able to walk. He planned to find a secluded place to continue Closed Door Training to heal his injuries.

But at this moment, the sound of horseshoes and the rolling of wheels suddenly came from afar.

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