Chapter 1429 God’s Domain’s Strongest Divine Body, Tianfeng Divine Body!

Jiang Chen smiled faintly: “Don’t worry, old man, I won’t run away.”

Now mixed in this caravan, Jiang Chen can take the opportunity to heal his injuries at ease.

In half a month, he used the life Martial Dao power he had mastered, at least enough to recover 50% of his strength.

By the time.

Even in the face of the eight-star blood general of the Yanshan tribe, why is Jiang Chen afraid?

After talking with Gu An for a while, after Jiang Chen got a general understanding of Scarlet Wasteland, he immediately started to mobilize his life force to repair the injuries in his body.

that’s all.

Half a month passed in a flash.

In the past half month, Jiang Chen kept using his life force to repair the injuries in his body, and finally he recovered 60 to 70% of his body that was on the verge of collapse.

“Finally recovered some strength.”

Feeling the condition of his body, Jiang Chen couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

He now has some ability to protect himself in this strange place.

Although at this moment, he is far from recovering to his peak state. Especially the Meridians in the body have not had time to repair

However, Jiang Chen was originally a dual cultivation of physical martial arts. After he was promoted to the emperor realm of the ruins, the emperor body was even stronger than the general emperor realm powerhouse.

Even with this recovery of six to seventy percent of the body, it is enough to kill the ordinary emperor of the Divine Embryo Realm in seconds.

It can be said.

Now as long as he doesn’t encounter a strong person above the Quasi-Emperor Realm, no one should be able to pose a threat to him.

“Little brother, it’s coming.”

“The people of the Yanshan tribe are extremely cruel. After entering the tribe, be careful not to offend the people of the Yanshan tribe, otherwise no one can save you.”

At this moment, Gu An on the side solemnly reminded Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and smiled: “Don’t worry, old man, I have a sense of measure.”

Now that he has the ability to protect himself, how can he put a mere Yanshan tribe to put in one’s eyes?

If this Yanshan tribe is more acquainted, if you really dare to have trouble with him, it will be a big deal!

When the two were talking, the caravan moved forward slowly for a certain distance.

Not long after, a tribe made up of large and small wooden tents emerged in Jiang Chen’s sight.

The tribe has no walls, only fences up to ten feet high outside.

The top of the fence is sharpened, like a sharp sword, facing the sky, extremely hideous.

Entering the Yanshan tribe, the red-haired man ordered the people to move the cargo of the caravan into one of the tents, and then sent away dozens of humans.

As for Jiang Chen, the man with red hair didn’t bother to bother at all.

As one of the few seven-star blood generals in the Yanshan tribe, the red-haired man has a noble status in the Yanshan tribe. How can he care about Jiang Chen, a human Practitioner in the Xiantian realm?

He directly handed Jiang Chen to Gu Shan for handling, and then went to the own tent to be happy and happy.

“Little brother, let’s go. Let’s go to the place where I live and don’t think about it for one night. I will take you to register tomorrow.”

Gu An said, and then led Jiang Chen towards a short and shabby tent on the edge of the tribe.

Just when they had just walked to the door of the tent.

A Shui Ling girl with a ponytail and looking about fourteen or five years old suddenly walked out of the tent with a heavy wooden basin.

The girl rolled up her sleeves, and her clothes were very worn out with many patches. On the immature face, the facial features are very delicate, especially the bright eyes, which exudes a spirit of agility.

What surprised Jiang Chen even more was that he also vaguely felt an extremely powerful blood aura from this young girl.

“Ding! You found the unawakened Tianfeng Divine Body, triggering a hundredfold comprehension!”

“Ding! You comprehend the awakening method of the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Body!”

At this moment, as a reminder sounded in his ears, Jiang Chen also had a lot of Tianfeng divine body in his mind for an instant!

Tianfeng divine body, according to legend, is one of the strongest divine bodies in the realm of God.

Once he grows to the peak, he will be a peerless powerhouse who is capable of dominating one side in God’s Domain!

Jiang Chen never expected that the Heavenly Phoenix Divine Body, one of the most powerful divine bodies in the Gods Realm, would actually appear on this Profound Spirit Continent!

“Grandpa, you are back.”

Just when Jiang Chen’s heart was shocked, the girl looked at Gu An and Jiang Chen at the door, and a look of joy appeared on the delicate little faces of the girl.

“Well, I’m back.”

Gu An nodded, and the eyes that looked at the girl showed a doting smile: “Feng’er, it’s okay these days, has anyone bullied you?”

“I’m fine, grandpa don’t worry.”

The girl named Feng’er said with a smile, and immediately turned her gaze on Jiang Chen, and asked curiously: “Grandpa, this is…”

Gu An smiled slightly and said, “His name is Jiang Chen. He just came to the Yanshan tribe today and will live with us in the future.”

“Jiang Chen Dage, Grandpa, let’s go in first, I’ll cook for you now.”

Feng’er smiled sweetly, then turned around and ran into the tent.

After Gu An’s introduction, this Feng’er’s full name is Gu Feng’er. He was a baby he picked up many years ago. He was smart and smart since he was a child, and he was deeply loved by Gu An.

When the Yanshan tribe attacked their tribe, with the strength of Gu’an condensing the Dan realm, there was a chance to escape from the chaos, but Fenger couldn’t let go, and this was enslaved by the Yanshan tribe.

Walking into the tent, Jiang Chen found that everything inside the tent was empty.

It didn’t take long.

Gu Fenger walked out carrying two bowls of fragrant rice and two side dishes.

Although Jiang Chen made his breakthrough in the imperial realm, he was able to completely break the vulgar, but he still ate some under the warm hospitality of Gu An and his grandsons.


Just as the three of Jiang Chen were eating dinner happily, a loud voice suddenly came from outside the tent.

“Gu Feng’er, I am here to pick you up on the orders of the young master, and I won’t get out of here!”

Hearing a sudden shout outside, Feng’er’s body trembled, and her face turned pale in an instant.

Gu An saw the scene before him, and his expression couldn’t help but sink slightly: “Feng’er, what’s the matter? Did someone bully you after I left?”

Gu Fenger said with a panic: “Grandpa, it’s… it’s Yan Xing, the young master of the Yanshan tribe. I accidentally ran into him today. He asked me to be his maid, but I didn’t agree. I didn’t expect him to send People came to the door.”

Gu An’s complexion also didn’t look good when he heard this.

Gu An has been in the Yanshan tribe for several months, and he naturally knows exactly what Yan Xing, the young master of the Yanshan tribe, is like.

This guy is completely a scum.

I don’t know how many human girls in the Yanshan tribe have been ruined in Yan Xing’s hands.

During this period of time, Gu An also kept Gu Feng’er from staying simple, trying not to show up, but Yan Xing unexpectedly discovered it!

If Yan Xing were to take Gu Feng’er with him, then Gu Feng’er would really be destroyed in Yan Xing’s hands.

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