Chapter 1426 Go to the Profound Spirit Continent!

Killing three blood spirit quasi emperors one after another in Jiang Chen directly caused the last blood-clothed youth to split his liver and gallbladder.

He quickly talked about the situation in the Profound Spirit Continent for Jiang Chen.

The Profound Spirit Continent is a mid-level plane dominated by human races and blood spirit races. The Shenwu Continent is an inferior plane controlled by the Xuanling Continent human race.

For thousands of years, there have been endless battles between the Xuanling Continent Human Race and the Blood Spirit Race.

Originally, the Human Race had always had the upper hand in the confrontation with the Blood Spirit Race.

The area from the Shenwu Continent to the Xuanling Continent has also been controlled by the human race.


Ten thousand years ago, the human emperor of the Xuanling mainland suddenly disappeared mysteriously.

The Blood Spirit Race was also taking the opportunity to launch an attack. The Human Race was retreating under the attack of the Blood Spirit Race, and the area from the Shenwu Continent to the Xuanling Continent was also occupied by the Blood Spirit Race.

After the blood spirit race occupied this area.

Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou led a large army of blood spirit races and descended on the Shenwu Continent, so there was the battle of extinction ten thousand years ago.


Under the resistance of Emperor Vast Sky and others, Li Jiuyou’s plan to attack the Shenwu Continent finally failed!

And the blood spirit race, because of this hurt a lot of vitality, chose to temporarily truce with the human race.

During the truce, a tianjiao named Jiang Wuya of the Human Race, but heaven-defying rises, controls the Human Emperor Seal, and becomes the next generation Human Emperor of the Human Race.

Under the leadership of Emperor Jiang Wuya.

The human race gradually once again had the capital to compete with the blood spirit race, and even had a vague tendency to overwhelm the blood spirit race.

The Blood Spirit Race naturally didn’t want to see such a thing happen, so decades ago, they planned a conspiracy against the Emperor Jiang Wuya.

Under the secret calculation of the Blood Spirit Race, the Emperor Jiang Wuya and his wife Ji Wushuang both disappeared in the Profound Spirit Continent.

The human race that lost the human emperor was once again caught in dire straits.

The Blood Spirit Race took this opportunity to attack the Human Race again, wanting to destroy the Human Race in one fell swoop and rule the entire Profound Spirit Continent.


Ji Wushuang and Human Emperor Jiang Wuya did not disappear for too long, and they returned to the Profound Spirit Continent one after another, defeating the Blood Spirit Clan.

The Blood Spirit Race had to shrink the line of defense, and even this area connecting Shenwu Continent chose to give up strategically.

After learning about the situation in the Xuanling Continent, many doubts in Jiang Chen’s heart were easily resolved.

He finally understood.

When the Shenwu Intercepting Heaven Array dissipated this time, why didn’t the blood spirit tribe’s army arrive, but only sent four blood spirit tribe quasi emperors to respond to Li Jiuyou.

It turned out that after his father returned to the Profound Spirit Continent, he put tremendous pressure on the Blood Spirit Clan, so that they had no time to take care of the Divine Martial Continent.

It seems that the return of his father can be regarded as solving a lot of trouble for Shenwu Continent.

“Big…sir, I have already told you all about the situation in the Profound Spirit Continent, do you think you can let me go?”

Just as Jiang Chen was pondering in his heart, the weak voice of the blood spirit youth also rang in Jiang Chen’s ears.

Jiang Chen glanced at him lightly, and said lightly: “When did I say to let you go?”

“My lord, you just said that as long as I tell you the situation in the Profound Spirit Continent, it will kill me. Don’t you want to turn back?”

The youth of the blood spirit tribe was immediately frightened.

“Don’t worry, I, Jiang Chen, said Nine Cauldrons, saying that if you spare your life, you will definitely spare your life.”

“But… although I let you go, it doesn’t mean they let you go too.”

Jiang Chen pointed to Ye Tianji and the others, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but lifted up a ghostly arc: “Ye senior, it’s handed over to you.”


Ye Tianji nodded, and immediately raised his hand and patted the youth of the Blood Spirit Race who was imprisoned by Jiang Chen.

“Ah… bastard, you dare to yin me, I curse you not to die!”

The Blood Spirit Race youth couldn’t help letting out a miserable roar, and then he was bombarded into powder by Ye Tianji’s attack.

After solving the last blood spirit youth, the group returned to the fortress outside Burial Emperor Yuan to rest.

After several days of Closed Door Training, Jiang Chen finally recovered from the battle with Li Jiuyou.


Xia Zheng and other people from the eight hidden worlds of Sacred Land bid farewell to Jiang Chen and returned to the mainland of Zhongzhou.

And Ye Tianji and Ye Chengjun and others with Ye Family blood also found Jiang Chen and wanted to travel to the Profound Spirit Continent through the plane teleportation array.

“Ye senior, do you really want to go to the Profound Spirit Continent now?”

“Although the blood spirit race has been repelled now, the human race and the blood spirit race are fighting endlessly. I am afraid it is still not safe for you to go at this moment.”

Jiang Chen groaned slightly: “I still have some things to deal with in Shenwu Continent. It’s better to wait for me to finish the things and go to Xuanling Continent together, so that we can take care of each other.”

The Profound Spirit Continent has own father and mother, so he will naturally go to the Profound Spirit Continent to take a trip.

“No need. Although the Xuanling Continent is far from the Shenwu Continent can imagine, but the emperor realm must not be everywhere.”

Ye Tianji smiled faintly: “With my current strength, as long as I don’t encounter a strong emperor, there should be no threat.”

Seeing that Ye Tianji had made up his mind, Jiang Chen didn’t say much, so he had to let them embark on the journey back to the Profound Spirit Continent.

After sending away Ye Tianji and others, Jiang Chen also began to deal with some matters in Shenwu Continent.

He first returned to the Jiang family, asked Jiang Kui and others to rectify Jiang Chen, and moved the Jiang family to the Palace of Human Emperors in the Zhongzhou mainland.

As for the fortress in front of Emperor Burial Abyss, in order to prevent the arrival of blood spirits in the Profound Spirit Continent, Jiang Chen even used the power of the powerful emperor to reinforce it into a strong fortress.

Unless the real imperial realm powerhouse appears, almost no one can cross the fortress and get out of the Burial Emperor Abyss!


Jiang Chen was pill refining in the Palace of Human Emperors again, greatly ascension of the strength of the Palace of Human Emperors.

With the recovery of Shenwu Continent’s original power, the speed of Practitioner breakthrough has been greatly accelerated, and coupled with the Medicine Pill refined by Jiang Chen and others, the strength of the Human Emperor Palace is Ascension at a terrifying speed.

In just two or three months, the number of emperors of the Divine Embryo Realm in the Human Emperor Hall reached a full fifty.

The few people headed by Xiao Duli even reached the Ninth Stage realm directly!


Now that the origins of the Shenwu Continent are restored, many old monsters in the Ninth Stage state of the divine womb have already broken through the Quasi-Emperor state.

And there is no quasi-emperor strong in the Palace of Human Emperor.

Just in case, Jiang Chen handed over the control of the puppet of the emperor’s corpse to Master Xiao Duli.

After dealing with all this.

Jiang Chen took Meng Qingxue to the Emperor Buried Abyss.

Originally, the Profound Spirit Continent was turbulent, Jiang Chen didn’t plan to take Meng Qingxue to the Profound Spirit Continent at this time.

But Meng Qingxue insisted on following him to fulfill the promise of the year.

In desperation, Jiang Chen finally had to take Meng Qingxue and set foot on the teleportation formation to the Profound Spirit Continent…

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