Chapter 1423 The Emperor Body War!

“Blood cloud cracks the sky!”

Li Jiuyou shouted angrily, and his palm looked towards the void in vain.


The blood cloud covering the sky and the sun surged in the sky, turning into a bloody palm with the size of thousands of meters, and it pressed down towards Jiang Chen.

With the suppression of this blood palm, the sky collapsed suddenly.

Cracks in the pitch black space spread above Jiang Chen’s head at a terrifying speed.

“Sword Slash!”

Jiang Chen raised his head and stared at the blood palm on top of his head, his entire body rose into the sky with his sword force, his two fingers also pointed at the void far away!


A golden giant sword from Tathagata pierced through the heavens and the earth, descending from the sky with the terrifying power that opened up the heavens and the earth, and slashed on the palm of the sky.


Above the sky, the golden giant sword and the demon blood palm collided, and huge spatial cracks spread like a spider web.

“The battle of the strong in the emperor realm is really not ordinary horror.”

Looking at the battle in the sky, Ye Tianji and others, who had just come out of Emperor Zangdiyuan, quickly retreated thousands of feet away.

He looked at the terrifying battle in the sky, and Qin Tianzheng’s expression was extremely solemn: “I don’t know, can your Highness be God of War Li Jiuyou?”

“I’m afraid it won’t be easy…”

“Li Jiuyou used to be a great emperor who was not inferior to Emperor Vast Sky. Although he was suppressed for thousands of years and his strength was not at his peak, the use of the power of the emperor realm might not be comparable to Jiang Chen.”

Xia Zheng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Although Xia Zheng was not optimistic about Jiang Chen in his heart, they could not even get involved in the battle against the powerhouses in the emperor realm.

Now, they can only pray that Jiang Chen can block Li Jiuyou.

Ye Tianji said indifferently, “That’s not necessarily. Although Li Jiuyou is very strong, how can His Highness use common sense to describe it?”

How terrifying Jiang Chen’s talent is, Ye Tianji knows better than anyone.

As soon as he entered the quasi emperor, Jiang Chen mastered several laws and powers, killing ordinary quasi emperors like slaughtering chickens and dogs, becoming the most powerful existence among the quasi emperors.

Now that Jiang Chen has broken through the emperor realm, how can he look at it with ordinary eyes?

“Boom boom boom…”

When several people were talking, the sky blasted into the sky continuously, and the mysterious blood and fierce Sword Qi flooded the sky and the earth.

Li Jiuyou looked at Jiang Chen, who did not lose the wind under his attack, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Although his current power level is almost the same as that of the ordinary emperor realm, his use of power is more than that of the boy in front of him.

But the boy in front of him had the strength to enter the emperor realm for the first time, and he was on par with him. This was what Li Jiuyou didn’t expect in any case.

“This son can break through the Emperor Realm in the Shenwu Continent, which has no plane origin. It is really very ordinary.”

The blood glow in Li Jiuyou’s eyes flickered slightly.

It seems that if he wants to solve this kid, he really has to pay some price.

“Boy, don’t think that if you break through the emperor realm, you can really contend with this king.”

“Next, let you see the true power of this king!”

Li Jiuyou’s cold voice fell, and a burst of blood-shaking glow exuding terrifying coercion burst out all over his body.


The shocking blood rushed straight into the sky, and Li Jiuyou’s figure suddenly swelled in this one.

Just blink of an eye.

Seeing Li Jiuyou’s whole person turned into a blood-colored giant with a height of thousands of meters.

“Boy, you can use the power of entering the emperor realm for the first time to force this king to display the emperor’s body, which is enough to be proud.”

The blood-colored giant stood upright in the heavens and the earth, like a blood god, looking down at Jiang Chen condescendingly, exuding an unusually terrifying power. It seems that with a gesture of hands and feet, a huge hole can be blasted from heaven and earth.

“Emperor Body…”

Looking at the scarlet giant in the sky, the expressions of Xia Zheng and others couldn’t help but change slightly.

As the people of the Eight Hidden Sacred Lands, they naturally know that after the baptism of heaven and earth, the powers of the emperor realm have reached a brand new level.

They can use the power of heaven and earth to condense the emperor body.

And the form of condensing the emperor body is also the state of the strongest combat power of the strong in the emperor realm.

Li Jiuyou has now displayed the emperor’s body, obviously he is preparing to fight Jiang Chen to the death.

“Heh… Do you think that only you can condense the emperor’s body?”

In the void, Jiang Chen looked at the scarlet giant in front of him, but he was not afraid of it.

He faintly smiled, and his hands snapped together. Sword Ray burst out of the buried Emperor Yuan below and the sky above his head, and finally poured directly into Jiang Chen’s body.

As these Sword Rays submerged into Jiang Chen’s body, his body also skyrocketed at an extremely terrifying speed.

It takes less than a few breaths.

Jiang Chen’s body is also very tall, and his whole person is like the same divine sword that penetrates the sky and the earth, exuding an unusually terrifying sword power.

“You can use your power to such an extent when you first enter the emperor realm, you really have some ability.”

“But… no matter how evil you are, you are destined to fall into the hands of this king today!”

The blood glow in Li Jiuyou’s eyes skyrocketed, and he directly swiped a blood-colored fist like a hill, and fluttered at Jiang Chen with a fist.

In an instant…

Qianzhang Void collapsed instantly, and the endless Blood Qi headed towards Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen snorted coldly, and also pointed out an understatement of Sword Qi.

Sword Qi and Blood Qi collided in mid-air, and suddenly there was a loud noise that ruined the world.

Both Jiang Chen and Li Jiuyou’s long bodies have stepped back a few steps in the void.

Every next step on their huge soles, they stepped out of a gap in the void with a space of hundreds of meters.


The two of them had just stabilized their figures, before they once again exploded with a strong blow and blasted towards each other.


The two giants are like gods, constantly confronting each other in the void, causing the mountains and rivers to collapse, the sun and the moon hang upside down, and the world trembles.

Ye Tianji and others were all shocked to look at the place where they were fighting.

The space there is constantly collapsing, and constantly being repaired, so that the cycle continues, giving people a sense of creepy.

After fighting like this for a while.

Jiang Chen finally seized an opportunity to use the law of kendo to fuse the four incomplete laws in vain to send a strong blow and press down towards Li Jiuyou’s suppression.


The terrifying power instantly smashed Li Jiuyou’s attack and landed on Li Jiuyou’s Qianzhang Emperor’s body.

I saw that Li Jiuyou’s body was thousands of feet long, and he flew down and counted hundreds of feet away in embarrassment while Jiang Chen was under a single strike.

“Win… won?”

Looking at this scene in the void, Ye Tianji and others below couldn’t help but a look of ecstasy appeared in their eyes.

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