Chapter 1424 I have a seal to punish God!

“This guy… is really a monster that can’t be described by common sense!”

Xia Zheng looked at the situation in the void, and for a long time he could not recover from the shock.

Originally he thought.

Although Jiang Chen broke through the emperor realm, he has only just entered the emperor realm after all.

Even Li Jiuyou has only the power of an ordinary imperial realm powerhouse at this moment, and Jiang Chen should have difficulty contending with Li Jiuyou.


He did not expect that even though Jiang Chen had just broken through the imperial realm, his mastery of power had reached a very terrifying point.

Even Li Jiuyou was suppressed by Jiang Chen!

“Oops, Wang just broke his seal, and his strength is far from being restored to his peak state. I’m afraid he is not the opponent of Shenwu Continent, the emperor realm powerhouse.”

Seeing that Li Jiuyou was at a disadvantage in the emperor body battle with Jiang Chen, the complexion of one of the blood spirit quasi emperors could not help but suddenly changed.

The headed middle-aged man’s eyes flickered slightly: “Look again, even if the Wang’s strength is not at the peak, it should not stop there.”

“Li Jiuyou, you have been suppressed by the Shenwu Heavenly Formation for thousands of years, and your essence, qi and blood are less than one-tenth of your peak. With your current condensed emperor body, it seems that you are not my opponent.”

Jiang Chen looked at Li Jiuyou faintly, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but lifted up a slight arc.

Li Jiuyou’s expression was ugly to the extreme.

Naturally, Li Jiuyou knows better than anyone else about own physical condition.

He was severely injured by the Shenwu Jietian Formation and suppressed him, but he still failed to recover for ten thousand years.

It’s just that in Li Jiuyou’s opinion, even in his current state, it should be easy to suppress a young boy who has just entered the quasi-emperor.


Li Jiuyou only found out now that he underestimated the boy in front of him.

This kid’s bloodline is inherently extraordinary, and it is a dual cultivation of physical martial arts, the condensed emperor body is much stronger than the ordinary emperor realm powerhouse.

Not only that.

In addition to mastering the complete laws of kendo, this guy still mastered more than 70% of the four laws of power.

The power of these laws is added together, and the power that bursts out is difficult to resist even if he is now.

If this continues, I’m afraid he will really lose in the hands of this kid!

“Boy, don’t be too happy!”

“I, Li Jiuyou back then, even in the Shenwu Continent, even the Great Emperor Haotian never looked at it, let alone you, a new-born quasi-emperor!”

Li Jiuyou’s voice fell, and immediately his hands suddenly changed into strange handprints on his chest.


I saw an unusually weird blood cloud, which also condensed from the top of Li Jiuyou’s head in an instant.

When the blood cloud first started, it was only the size of a palm.

With the change of Li Jiuyou’s handprints, the volume of the blood cloud rapidly enlarged in the void.

In the blink of an eye, the blood cloud has filled a hundred miles of void.

Li Jiuyou’s bloodthirsty eyes locked on Jiang Chen tightly, and the cold voice without any emotions resounded in this world instantly.

“Boy, try my strong Martial Skill in the Nine Nether Line.”

“Jiuyou Bloodthirsty Blade, congeal me!”

The icy voice fell, Li Jiuyou stretched out his hand in vain and suddenly shook the blood cloud in the sky!


The blood cloud rolled and surging, and then quickly compressed and condensed in the void, turning into a mysterious blood blade emitting a bloodthirsty light.

The blood blade is extremely strange, and the blood lingers on it, as if it contains a terrifying force that overwhelms the world!

Even with Jiang Chen’s current strength, he felt a trace of danger from the blood blade.

Xia Zheng looked at the terrifying mysterious bloodbirth in the sky, his face suddenly changed: “That’s it! This is… Jiuyou Bloodthirsty Blade!”

“Jiuyou Bloodthirsty Blade, what is this?”

Ye Tianji’s complexion also instantly became extremely solemn.

This trick Li Jiuyou performed was too terrifying, I am afraid that even Jiang Chen might not be able to stop the mysterious blood endurance.

“According to my Haotian Sacred Land record, this is the strongest secret technique of Jiuyou King Li Jiuyou, which has surpassed the semi-divine martial arts of Emperor Martial Skill.”

Xia Zheng took a deep breath, and slowly said, “Our ancestor Vast Sky, the Great, suffered a lot from this trick!”


It turned out to be a semi-divine martial arts superior to imperial martial arts!

Hearing Xia Zheng’s words, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath.

Their gazes looking at Jiang Chen became extremely nervous.

Whether Shenwu Continent can survive this disaster depends on whether Jiang Chen can block Li Jiuyou’s strong blow.

“Boy, it’s over!”

Li Jiuyou stretched out his huge palm and directly grabbed the mysterious Xue Ren in his hand. An unusually piercing sound of a knife was also suddenly posted from the mysterious Xue Ren!


The sound of knives resounded throughout the world, and many of the Divine Embryo Realm powerhouses below only felt their bodies tremble, and a mouthful of blood couldn’t help but squirt out wildly.

Even Ye Tianji and others couldn’t help but show a pale look on their faces.

“Li Jiuyou, you are right, this battle should indeed be over.”

“But… if you want to defeat me with this demigod Martial Skill, it would be too whimsical.”

“In this world, it’s not just you who possess the Martial Skill!”

Jiang Chen’s words fell proudly, and his hands formed a weird handprint on his chest in vain.

And at the moment when the handprints were formed, I saw the gorgeous golden brilliance all over his body soaring into the sky. The entire space with a radius of one hundred li was rendered into a piece of gold by the golden brilliance.


The golden brilliance in the void kept changing and condensing, and finally turned into a mysterious golden seal with the size of a thousand feet.

Below that golden color, a huge “Zhu” exuding dazzling golden brilliance was also slowly condensed.

The Second Seal of the Emperor’s Seal: Zhu Shen’s Seal!

Facing Li Jiuyou’s strongest blow, Jiang Chen finally used the trick he had just understood not long ago.

“This is…”

Li Jiuyou looked at the extremely familiar golden giant seal in the void, and finally there was a touch of horror that could not be concealed in his eyes.

The mark of Zhu Shen in the seal of the emperor!

In front of this young boy who had entered the quasi-emperor, not only had his combat power far surpassed that of ordinary emperor realm powerhouses, he also had the seal of the divine warrior of the Xuanling mainland human race!

This… how is this possible?

To know.

Only the human emperor of the human race is qualified for cultivation!

Li Jiuyou didn’t expect anything at this moment.

This supernatural martial arts, which has made countless powerhouses of their blood spirit clan fearful, would appear on the Shenwu Continent!

“Li Jiuyou, you have the bloodthirsty blade of Jiuyou, but I have a seal, and I can punish the gods. Often I have the power of the pudding god.”

Jiang Chen’s coldly words sounded across the sky, and immediately his palm flipped suddenly, and the huge golden seal in the sky instantly shattered the space of thousands of meters, just like Mount Tai was pressing on the top, and it fell towards Li Jiuyou…

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